The king of the three kingdoms dominates the world

Chapter 143 Discussing the Opinions of Scholars in the World [4 More]

"General!" The young scholar rescued by the Yellow River came to Chen Yaotian's side at some point.

Chen Yaotian and his entourage, with five hundred personal guards, were majestic, and at first glance they were the elite of the army.Therefore, Chen Yaotian didn't hide his identity. All those who were rescued knew that this young and handsome young man was the governor of Youzhou and General Zhenbei who shocked the northern Xinjiang.Of course, it is not ruled out that someone has known Chen Yaotian for a long time.

The scholar's body was a little thin, his clothes were blown wildly by the north wind, and his lips were trembling.Chen Yaotian turned his face and saw that his face was pale and his body was really thin, he couldn't help but sighed, took off the outer robe he was wearing, and then put it on with his own hands.

"It's cold here, let's go to the fire to keep warm. Look at your body, it's not good to be sick from the cold."

The scholar didn't stop Chen Yaotian's movements, nor did he say thanks, but a warm touch flashed in his eyes.

"General, Xiaosheng sees that you are depressed and curious. I wonder if you can say it clearly? Xiaosheng has read some sage books anyway, so maybe he can come up with an idea." The young man tightened his collar and said.

"Oh?" Chen Yaotian heard the words, turned his face to look at the young man, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said, "What's your name?"

"Xiaosheng's surname is Jia, and his name is Guo! His name is Xiaocai!"

"Ga?" Chen Yaotian glanced at him again, and said, "This surname is quite rare."

"Hehe," the scholar smiled lightly, "It's a gift from my parents."

Chen Yaotian smiled lightly and changed the subject.

"Brother Xiaocai, why did you faint by the side of the road?"

Now Chen Yaotian's status is so high that he can be called a brother and brother, because he is a person with a long history.However, Chen Yaotian is from the future, except for formal occasions, he basically treats everyone the same, equal and natural.This young man was not at all embarrassed when Chen Yaotian called him 'Brother Xiaocai', as if Chen Yaotian should call him that.

You know, with Chen Yaotian's current status, even a prefect of a county should be fearful.

"I was studying in the lower reaches of the world, but I was robbed by robbers on the bank of the Yellow River. I was only a scholar, so I had to hand over my money obediently to avoid a catastrophe. I didn't have to worry about it. I fainted by the roadside in the cold and hungry. Thank you again, General, otherwise I would be a dead bone on the side of the road." The young man said flatly, as if this happened to someone else and had nothing to do with him.

"Since brother Xiaocai travels all over the world to study, how about some insights on the people's livelihood in various places, and let me hear it?" Chen Yaotian sat on the ground with his buttocks, and stretched out his hand to signal Jia Guo to sit beside him.

"I can't talk about insights, but I still have some insights." Jia Guo and Chen Yaotian sat opposite each other, and said: "I see that the world of the Han Dynasty is riddled with holes, as if there is no way to save the sky, it will collapse soon!"

"Oh?" A look of interest flashed across Chen Yaotian's face, and he said, "Let's listen carefully."

"Since the great ancestor established the dynasty, after Wang Mang usurped the government, Emperor Guangwu relied on the support of the aristocratic family to restore the Han Dynasty. Until now, there are many aristocratic families and powerful families, and it has become a trend that cannot be lost. Exploitation and oppression have emerged endlessly, making people miserable!" The pale face of the young man suddenly When he regained his energy, his eyes shone brightly, which surprised Chen Yaotian for a while.

"After all, thousands of people are the foundation of the empire. If someone contacts and agitates now, the consequences will be disastrous. This is just one of them."

"Oh?" Chen Yaotian nodded appreciatively, and said with great interest, "Is there another thing?"

"Of course!" The young man rubbed his hands, and continued: "The Han Dynasty was orthodox for 400 years, and the so-called emaciated camel is bigger than a horse. Therefore, no matter how violent the uprising is, it is impossible to destroy the court in one blow."

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