"Hurry up, dispatch 100 people to chase the horses back!" Wang Yue, as the highest officer here, discovered the situation and immediately ordered.

"For the rest of the guards, leave fifty to protect the people. The rest follow me down the mountain to protect the lord!"

Wang Yue is not stupid, in this barren mountains and wild mountains, it is snowing and it is clear at the beginning of the snow. Besides assassins, who else would come to get rid of the horses!

How could the assassin let Wang Yue go down the mountain to rescue after careful preparation.No, as soon as he left the temple, hundreds of men in black were already standing there.

All the guards didn't need to order, they drew their swords out of their sheaths one after another, rushed forward, and got mixed up with the men in black.

Wang Yue took the lead, his long sword was light and fast, and every time he shuttled, an assassin fell down.

Wang Yue killed people, not as violently as Dian Wei.He killed people, as if he was dancing, with the long sword drawn out, bringing a strong wind.His weapons never collided with the enemy. After the enemy made a move, he could always find a flaw, strike first, break through and kill him with one blow.

Within a moment, more than a dozen people had died at the hands of Wang Yue.The number is still increasing rapidly.

Suddenly, a black shadow flashed out from outside the battle circle, and flew towards Wang Yue's back.Under the reflection of the moonlight, the weapon emits a long and cold light.

Sombra's movements are not slow, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is as fast as a thunderbolt.In a blink of an eye, it came to Wang Yue's back, and then sent the long sword straight into Wang Yue's heart.

At this time, Wang Yue had just pierced an assassin's throat cleanly with a sword, and was about to find another target, when suddenly there was a "whoosh" sound from behind as the weapon tore through the air.

It was too late to turn around, and Wang Yue could feel the sting of the sword light on his back.At this critical moment, he leaned back and escaped the fatal blow with an iron bridge.

After failing to succeed in one blow, Sombra quickly withdrew and left the battle circle.

"Hmph! Want to leave?" Wang Yue quickly turned over and found the black shadow flying away from the battlefield. He snorted angrily and chased after him.

Seeing that Wang Yue was catching up, Hei Ying let out a sly smile, speeded up, and ran away to the west.

The two figures, one in front and one behind, chased at high speed, and disappeared from sight within a few seconds.

Here is a jungle, dense with trees, covered with thorns, and covered with snowflakes.Under the soft dim light, it looks peaceful and strange.A black shadow "咻" appeared, stopped for a while, and then plunged into the thorn bushes.

Soon, Wang Yue's figure followed. He arrived at the position where the black shadow was standing just now, and stopped.

"Get out, don't hide!" Wang Yue looked around, but couldn't find any trace of the enemy.Then he shouted loudly.

The sound echoed layer by layer in the snow, and flakes of snow fell from the trembling trees.Immediately afterwards, the echo became smaller and smaller, and finally disappeared, and the entire jungle fell into a strange tranquility again.

Wang Yue yelled several times, but there was still no response.It suddenly occurred to him that only Dian Wei and fifty personal guards were beside the lord, waiting for rescue at the foot of the mountain.

"No, it's a trick to divert the tiger away from the mountain!" Wang Yue slapped his forehead, secretly hating.


Before he knew it, Dian Wei had already fought Feng Feng for thirty rounds.

At this moment, Dian Wei's black face turned red.From the fight to the present, this damn golden masked man has always been fighting, not head-on confrontation.He is like a slippery loach, every time Dian Wei hits the iron halberd, he is dodged.This feeling of hitting the air made Dian Wei almost go crazy.

Seeing that there were fewer and fewer personal guards not far away, they retreated while fighting, and had already retreated to the ice of the river. Even the lord personally raised his sword and joined the battlefield.Dian Wei became even more anxious, he crossed his halberds and swung out, forcing the strong wind away.

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