"Hehe..." Chen Yaotian laughed a few times awkwardly, and found an excuse: "Yide's martial arts are so strong that no one in Youzhou can beat him, so I've naturally heard of your name!!"

After Chen Yaotian finished speaking, he couldn't help rubbing the cold sweat on his head.Although Zhang Fei will shine brightly in the future, that is after all a matter of the future.Now he is only sixteen or seventeen years old, and he doesn't have much reputation at all, so these words are completely fabricated.It’s just nonsense, but I can’t say, I know you from history, right?


Grassland, Tanhan Mountain.The Xianbei royal court in the past, now Kebi can be here and become his royal tent.

At this time, Ke Bi Neng was sitting in the big tent of the Chinese army representing power, and there was a person below him, who was a little resolute and had bright eyes.

"Brother Zhicai, after Xianbei's reshuffle some time ago, the people who secretly have different intentions have basically been eliminated. Next, what should we do?" Ke Bi Neng moved his legs comfortably, then took a drink from the wine bottle, and leaned leisurely On the tiger seat.No wonder he enjoys it so much. In today's prairie, he is the only king. No one dares to say anything.Although there is Chen Yaotian as the lord, but the other party is in Youzhou, the sky is high and the emperor is far away, the real management of the grassland is still in the hands of Ke Bineng.

Xi Zhicai sits upright, not as slack as Ke Bineng.When he heard the other party's question, his eyes shone with wisdom.

"There are two general directions below for the general's reference!"

"Oh? Please explain clearly." Ke Bi Neng changed his posture and acted like he was listening.

Xi Zhicai was silent for a moment, organized his thoughts, and said slowly: "Although most of the people with different intentions were eliminated in this cleaning, those with deep thoughts were not excluded. To borrow the words of the lord, the wild fire can't be burned out, and the spring breeze can be born again. Therefore, The first suggestion is to set up a law enforcement department, patrol around, and strengthen defenses. Once any tribe is found to be rebellious, we will lead our troops to destroy it, and we will never tolerate it."

"As for the second point, it is about development. This can be divided into several small points!"

"The first point is to encourage the development of animal husbandry. The most indispensable thing here is the grassland. The general can formulate a reward system. A family or a tribe can raise more than five horses and more than ten cattle and sheep on average. award."

"Second point, all tribes are not allowed to attack each other, and offenders will be punished heavily. In Xianbei in the past, it was not uncommon for the big fish to eat the small fish. Those weak tribes were worried every day, and they didn't care about their own development. Once this order came out, the weak The tribe will be able to calm down and focus on development. The prosperity of the people will make the country strong, and then all the people in Xianbei will have food every day and live in peace."

"The third point is to hold a tribal competition every six months. All tribes, choose an elite team to compete with other tribes, and the one who ranks first will enjoy the title of Xianbei's first tribe. Those who are in the front, or those who improve their rankings, will have generous rewards."

"Xianbei warriors are all eagles soaring in the sky, full of vigor. The second point is to let them break their wings so that they cannot attack. However, if a powerful eagle has not soared in the sky for too long to hunt its prey, it will gradually Lost the vigor it should have. This point just makes up for the defect."

"The fourth point is to advocate literature and get rid of ignorance. There are very few people in Xianbei who can read and write, and most of their thinking stays at the primitive stage. The improvement of ideological awareness is inseparable from teaching. After a while, I will write a book next , please send your master to each tribe of Xianbei, let all the people of Xianbei participate in the enlightenment. In the long run, the people will definitely gain a lot."

Second update. . . .

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