Jagged Legion

Chapter 188 Asking the Heart. Asking

Li Xian knelt on the ground with tears streaming down his face: "Sir!! Li Xian bows to you again!!" Li Longxiang also burst into tears.He Xiaowang originally wanted to act, but when he saw Li Xian kneeling on the ground, he couldn't help but think of Shaobo and his brothers who followed him through life and death, and couldn't help but sigh for a while.Although Qian Duocai is extremely shameless, in this atmosphere, even a hard-hearted person can't help feeling sad.He Xiaowang looked at Li Xian kneeling on the ground, wanted to speak a few times, but didn't say it out, and the past came to him over and over again: "Zen Master, I, He Xiaowang, am ashamed of my brother."

Before the Eastern Expedition, He Xiaowang paid a special visit to a good friend of his, who was Zen Master Ruyun.

The Zen master is He Xiaowang's good friend for many years. He has an incurable disease. He faces death in meditation, comprehends death, and is about to pass away.On his deathbed, He Xiaowang often visited him and listened to his teachings.Every time He Xiaowang went there, he was always meditating, with a smile on his thin face.

They sat and chatted, and the Zen master said: "I have been deceived by a false name all my life. Although I looked at the scenery outside, published a book, and some people followed me to learn Buddhism, I knew that I was not really enlightened, nor did I have a clear mind. Thinking about it now, cleverness is mistaken by cleverness." The Zen master said very sincerely.

He Xiaowang said: "Didn't the ancient masters also have enlightenment at the end of their lives?" Ruyun said: "That is a great practitioner who puts aside all ties and has a bright spirit. He is not a small root like me who is wise and eloquent. All my life, I have believed that I am smart, talented and affectionate, so there are too many things that I can’t let go of.”

He Xiaowang asked again: "Then how have you worked hard recently? Every time I come here, you are sitting in meditation. I can't bear to disturb you, so I have to chant Buddha outside and pray for you." The Zen man smiled lightly and said: "Thank you I still know the important matters of life and death, when to die, and even where to reincarnate in the next life.”

He Xiaowang said: "This is very remarkable. You know when you will die and where you will be reincarnated. Don't tell me you haven't enlightened yet?" It has nothing to do with seeing one’s nature clearly. When I was three years old, I could remember the cause and condition of reincarnation. When I grew up, I learned Buddhism to prove this cause and condition. I knew very early in this life that I was born. The practice of this life is only for Completed "Where is Death Going?" Now I can know the date of death, but it is just to predict the time. Without the fear of death, this superficial practice is still far from attaining Tao, enlightenment, or seeing one’s nature.”

"Then how have you worked hard recently?" the Zen master said: "Confess those karma with one heart and purify from the heart. I am a dying person, and I want to clean up my heart before I die, so I have been confessing for the past few months— —Repent the karma I have done, the wrong things I have done, the fact that I am not truly filial, the ones who have hurt my friends and relatives, the ones I have told a lot of lies, and in my practice, I have not got what I said, and I have not testified Conceited, conceited and frivolous; Confess that I have been duplicity, said a lot of right and wrong, caused a lot of trouble, and caused a lot of harm to others; Confess the spiritual harm I caused to the woman who loved me; Confess my ignorance to The misleading brought by fellow practitioners..."

The Zen master said so many regrettable things with tears, which moved me. "A person's great confession before he dies is to let go of his burden and travel lightly." Speaking of this, he smiled.Everyone knows what "on the road" means. (Repentance at the end of life, facing death calmly, is commendable. If you can recite the Buddha's name and make a vow to seek rebirth in the Pure Land, you will have a high grade, escape from reincarnation, and quickly become a Buddha. How happy it is! Unfortunately, many people do not believe in the Pure Land, and miss the opportunity. !)

The Zen master asked He Xiaowang to find an iron plate, and asked He Xiaowang to help him move out the bamboo slips he had written in his life, which was a full meter high, and asked He Xiaowang to burn them in front of him.Burn manuscripts?He Xiaowang couldn't bear it, and hurriedly said: "This is the hard work of your life, why do you burn it? Isn't it good to keep it?" He said: "If you don't burn it, then I will burn it myself. These worthless things, What's the use of not burning? I didn't gain the Tao, and what I wrote was only to understand the words of the apostles. In the end, they were all demonic obstacles, and I misunderstood others. Sin. If you don’t really understand your mind and see your nature, what you talk and write is all about wild fox Zen! Do you want me to fall into hell?”

He Xiaowang was silent, and the Zen master said calmly: "I have preached the scriptures all my life, debated right and wrong, and created a lot of karma; because I didn't attain the Tao, I didn't see the nature, and I said a lot of lies and wrong views. Mouth, esophagus, stomach." His face was indeed getting thinner and thinner, because he was still in good spirits while sitting in meditation.

He Xiaowang has been here many times, and the Zen master said that he was repenting of karma and evil. He said to He Xiaowang: "The oral karma is the most difficult to repent. In my life, I have taught scriptures, uttered lies, and told people right and wrong. The oral karma is as big as a mountain." He sighed and said, "Although the oral karma is heavy, I still have to repent and purify before I die. It seems that I died one month later than expected, and this month is dedicated to confessing the oral karma. People who learn Buddhism, the mantra is also creating karma, not to mention that I have unclean speech karma, talk about right and wrong, argue, and talk about wrong views. I don’t know if I can purify my repentance in this month. When I purify my repentance, it will be the day I will leave. "

Looking at this Zen master who has been both a teacher and a friend for many years, He Xiaowang was very sad, and asked him: "You are leaving, what is your last advice to us?" The Zen master said: "I know your future path, But you can’t tell the truth, because it will harm you. The future is in your heart, and if you can sit quietly at night and meditate, you will know it. What I can tell you from my life experience is: if you don’t get the Tao, you don’t Before you get enlightened and see your nature, never be a teacher. To be a teacher is to harm others. Misleading people’s children means misleading people’s wisdom. The retribution is the most serious. My retribution is right in front of your eyes.

"Secondly, even if you are enlightened and see your nature, it does not mean that you have passed through life and death, and you have left the three realms, let alone becoming a Buddha! Enlightenment is only the starting point of practice, not the end, so the ancestors of all dynasties have emphasized that you must practice after enlightenment. Mind, sharpen your habits, cut off your confusion, and you will have a bright future. After enlightenment, you must persist in practicing, and then come out to promote Buddhism even if you have disciples. Remember, don’t accept offerings from others, never Exploitation of disciples! I have seen a lot of things in Jianghu. Many masters treat disciples like servants. That is a very serious crime.

"Third, don't underestimate anyone who doesn't understand Buddhism. Even if their views are naive and wrong, you can't laugh at them. I have laughed at many people with wrong views in my life, and I have suffered retribution. Everyone who is not enlightened They are all future Buddhas. Once they are enlightened, they will be masters. How can you laugh at masters? Although I understand this truth, my habit and arrogance have brought me many troubles. What I regret in the past month is that I once despised others ;

"Fourth, when you go to visit other people in the future, even if they are masters of heretics, don't visit them with prejudice, and don't compare who is superior and who is inferior. There are countless bodhisattvas teaching in the world. Why is there no bodhisattva teaching in heretics? Don't be discriminatory. Mind and prejudice, you listen with all your heart, meditate, and your inner wisdom is self-generated, and you can’t live without it. I used to be prone to debate, fight, verbal criticism, and I ended up with throat cancer and esophageal cancer. The sin is heinous!"

As the Zen master said, tears flowed down. They were tears of repentance, tears of enlightenment, and tears of enlightenment.He looked at me with tears in his eyes: "Remember?" Never had an apprentice.When someone kowtows to me, I quickly kneel down and kowtow in return.These are the teachings of Zen masters.

One month later, the Zen master said: "I have to leave. Let me be reborn in the Northwest. The Northwest is poorer, but people are kind, and the roots of Buddhism and Taoism are deep... I will be reborn in the Northwest. Our brothers are destined. After 30 years, we can still be born in the Northwest." Goodbye, at that time you were the big brother and I was the little brother, you have to help me." We all laughed.I said, "I didn't make any progress when learning Zen from you. You kicked me, so I should kick you at that time." He said, "Kick harder, and try to be kicked by you, and I will become enlightened on the spot." ( Woohoo, another Zen master who foretells reincarnation, another tragedy of reincarnation with karma, and another koan of three life stones, so similar to Zen Master Yuanze in the Tang Dynasty! Why don’t you break away from reincarnation? Why don’t you seek rebirth in the Buddha’s land? Amitabha’s vow is boundless, The benefits of the Pure Land method are vast, sinners of the five rebellions will be reborn in ten thoughts, and ordinary people in the thin land will become Buddhas in one lifetime.

He really sat down and cremated his body on the scheduled day.He Xiaowang took some of his ashes and brought them with him when he came to Xianyang.He Xiaowang discovered that the begonia growing outside the window turned out to be a begonia, begonia, and then he remembered his dying poem:

Begonia wind blows the cicada soul fragrance, and the bare blue sky is the hometown.

Come again to pray for peace?Corning's longevity is not what I hope.

In his last ecstasy, he prophesied my future abode, and his ashes would seep into the crabapple branches.He said that these are all impermanent, and they are still far away from the great way and seeing.As far as his practice is concerned, he still has no escape from life and death, no enlightenment, and no insight.

Since then, He Xiaowang was no longer burdened by his own fame, and just started to focus on making contributions and leaving his name in history, but He Xiaowang became more and more confused and disappointed in this battle.The bones of the dead are exposed in the wild, and there is no rooster crowing for thousands of miles.One will succeed and ten thousand bones will dry up! !He Xiaowang is ashamed of heaven and earth! !

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