Jagged Legion

Chapter 192 Mind

For simple and ordinary practice

When chatting with a friend last year, he talked about his newborn child, which brought up the topic of next-generation education.He talked about wanting his children to be ordinary and happy people.It occurred to me then that "simple and happy" was by no means an easy wish.Since the founding of the liberal practice, there are many people who have troubles and impetuous thoughts when they encounter problems. The article is a little longer and they have no patience to read it. When they hear the word "practice", they shake their heads and say: I don't want to do such a complicated thing. I just want to live a simple life.Is that so?What a high-sounding rhetoric.

What is the purpose of practicing?The sage said that the road is as simple as possible.Not only are the themes of practice of all sects extremely simple, but the content and process of practice are also extremely simple.From birth to adulthood, until death, people are passively accepting the ideas and behaviors radiated from the environment.It is precisely this passive, non-selective acceptance that makes human consciousness and thinking a big dumping ground.The result is to bring endless troubles to oneself.

Practice is to affect the consciousness and thinking mode through a single behavior mode.This kind of internal and external practice will help people establish a set of choices.This selection model will help people sort out the garbage in their consciousness, and choose a unified set of values ​​as the only standard for behavior.In this way his life becomes simple, and it is easier to be happy because of simplicity.Extreme simplicity is bliss.

If this is the case, don't the above people and their so-called longing for a simple life and the essence of practice contradict each other?Yes, this just reflects the complexity, confusion and contradictions of people's thinking and values.The so-called "I don't want to do such complicated things, I just want to live a simple life." From this sentence, we can see that this person has several thoughts: one is laziness, and the other is fear.Lazy to change and afraid of change, yearning for simplicity but ignorant of the essence of simplicity and how to achieve it.It showed his inner conflict.Due to his inner conflicts, he made excuses and disguises for himself. He described the current state as simple, but framed the practice as complicated. In fact, it means that no change is simple. Even if troubles occur at any time, I don’t bother to work hard change the status quo.Make excuses for laziness and fear, and frame the matter of practice by the way.It fully embodies the contradiction between his language and psychology.

The cornerstone of creating the practice of liberalism is to learn knowledge and learn to think, as a way to eliminate the false and preserve the truth, and simplify the complexity.Liberal practitioners should see through the self-deceiving words, psychology and motives of the world, penetrate the illusions and disguises of the world, and achieve the simplification and unity of body, mind, speech and deeds.

The universe is my heart, and my heart is the universe.As small as the tip of the hair, as grand as the world.The world, the universe and even all things are driven by the power of thinking and heart.Looking at the past and the present, you know that the reason why human beings are the primates of all things in the world is that they are the ones who are most committed to evolution in the world.Husband, the ancient country of China, the ancestor of humanities, the reason why he is the initiator of justice and morality in all civilizations, is actually the one who is most committed to the mutual cultivation and shaping of human beings and the spirit of the universe among the world.The reason why China is the birthplace of earth civilization is that it is the most dedicated of all races to the way of public morality, conscience interdependence and republic between human beings, society, and heaven and earth.The ancient Chinese sages followed the natural way of Taoism, possessed both civil and military skills, and planned the world. How freely they are, what a hero.However, the sky is jealous of Yingjie, and ignorance abounds. The people of the country are infiltrated and attacked by evil spirits and robbers, and gradually lose their memory.The virtuous are hard-pressed, the virtuous hold the world power endowed by the people as their own power, use the magic weapon for private use, corrupt the country and thieves make their families rich and noble, and all the people are looted.The decline of national power will lead to the failure of the heart of the country and the nation. Internally, it can induce military disasters, dynasty changes, and bureaucrats, merchants, farmers, workers, and scholars will inevitably perish; externally, it can lure robbers to invade. The families of soldiers, soldiers and civilians, and students were all ruined.In recent years, the Sino-Japanese War, the Eight-Power Allied Forces...

All kinds of unequal treaties lure wolves into the house and capitalize on the enemy's invasion, which is actually an act of calling and encouraging many barbarians and robbers to share the food of China.Traders with the barbarians flooded the country with foreign goods, and the people of the country were exploited. The great China was unable to produce the daily necessities of the people.Over the years, the world's bandits have made many gains in China, so the evil enemy covets them to live forever, and their selflessness will never die.Too many national humiliations have yet to be revealed, barbarians, wolves, and fierce monsters come one after another, and the people are in danger because of the endless debts owed to foreigners by corrupt traitors, warlords, and compradors.The national debt is deep, prices are soaring, people are struggling to find food and accommodation, and disasters continue. When will it end?Although the Manchu and Qing Tartars were defeated today, it is a shame that the country, government, and economy are controlled by ignorant and independent husbands and foreign slaves.If you want to save the people and govern the country, although a lot of waste is waiting for prosperity, the only way to strengthen the people's mental strength is the first plan, but the people's thinking and mental strength are changed and strengthened is the most important shortcut!

Those who have a new and strong mind should first break the ignorance and evil ways of feudalism and bureaucracy, punish traitors, traitors, foreign slaves and foolish people of foreign compradors, and clearly abstain from unrighteousness and floating wealth.Create a new study of benevolence, morality, bravery and civilization in the world with the new heart and ambition of the nation. The new study is the cornerstone and pillar of ideology and theory.The enemies of ancient China are all the evil robbers and traitors of the West, so don't confuse them.He strongly advocates Westernization and learns from the way of "learning from the strengths of the barbarians to control the barbarians", fully aware of the ancestor's precept that "people who are not of our race will have different hearts, and those who are not of our race will have evil nature".Compatriots studying abroad in the big powers must be alert to the misleading and intrusion of evil spirits and robbers on our righteous soul, then all kinds of foreign slaves and traitors will have nowhere to stay, and the Chinese pillars will also have the wisdom of self-reliance and self-improvement.Establish a preventive national policy against barbarian bandits and killings, promote the self-improvement of the Chinese people, enrich the country and the army, sympathize with agriculture and business, and nourish industries.

In order to fight against the treacherous scheme of the western barbarian powers to destroy the sacred inheritance of China, and fulfill the mission of righteous moral education and peace of the goal of the great unity of all nations.Husband heard that "the three armies can take away their commander, but a man cannot take away his ambition".Those with ambition are also those with hard work.The will of the people first recommends the natural and strong personality of the people of the whole country, so the pillars of the country will emerge in endlessly.During hundreds of years of foreign aggression and internal strife, the people's personality has been repeatedly mutilated by the monarchy and bureaucrats. Anyone who suppresses individuals and violates the national personality in the whole country is a heinous crime!Therefore, the three cardinal principles of our country must be removed, and the foolish people and foolish rule will be eradicated, so that the people can have the hope of being strong and prosperous.Since the opening of China, feudalism and Westernization have harmed the country and the people. The reason is that the church, capitalists, monarchs, and traitors are all demons and robbers in the world.Among the four thieves, the bureaucrats in power are the most important!The sacred weapon of the country is to put the people first, and we must not encourage evil selfishness and greed to steal for our own use!If there are ignorant, superficial and petty people who steal and live in the center of the country, foreign demons will invade and the people will perish.

Since the Tartar Westernization Movement in the Manchu and Qing Dynasties, corrupt and corrupt families all used the trick of stealing and exploiting people's fat and people's anointing to escape overseas for family enjoyment.In time, the flesh, bone marrow, and even the well-being of hundreds of millions of people in China will be deprived and sent to the Western evil thieves!The people of the country fall into the abyss again in the cold winter, and the people of the country with backward agriculture will surely become slaves to the subjugated country.Today, no one investigates, prosecutes and punishes crimes at home, and counts and intercepts them overseas, so the thieves of the old country are flocking to them.If our generation cannot be punished, how is it any different from national thieves and beasts?The eternal sage, enlightened as the root.Our generation happens to be in this chaotic world, people are obsessed with material desires, obsessed with the truth, indulge in entertainment and despise national aspirations, seek small personal gains, regard barbarians as fathers, worship devils and robbers as teachers, and destroy civilization Yu shameless.Why do you and I have to live on and turn a blind eye?Aspiring people have difficulty breathing, and should take the world as their own responsibility.

Fools today forget their roots and fall into the abyss, rushing to dig their own graves first, but don't think of danger.Live in the present, lose the sacred mission, and forget the important responsibility of the nation; deviate from the truth, violate the root of human wisdom, and slander the morality of the ancestors; Self, disregarding the perilous dangers, and trusting the slander of the devil!Therefore, Western bandits can wantonly invade, kill and enslave China.Looking at today, the world pattern is in turmoil, the future of human civilization is uncertain, and the happiness of the common people in the world is at stake.Although technology has brought material abundance, it is still difficult to satisfy the huge abyss of human desires. All factions are competing for self-interest, and everyone is drawn into the torrent.

Robbers and hooligans formulate laws to rule the world, and evil devils openly become the leaders of the world. All nations do not want to be teachers of morality, but they all worship devils and robbers as their teachers.Although there are wise men and brave men who are willing to be the mainstay of the mainstream, they are like the words of people in the downtown area and the crowing of fish under the waterfall.May I ask how many people around you are still clinging to the truth?How many people are still searching for the source?If you say that you are happy, you will be willing to go with the crowd; if you say that you have nothing to do with yourself, you will be a fool in the world;Does anyone know that everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world?May I ask how to establish a heart for heaven and earth?How can we establish a life for the people?How can we continue to learn for the sake of the past?

Why open peace for all generations?If people of my generation have no such heart, China will soon perish!If China dies, mankind must die!The power of the sky is nothing greater than the sun, the power of the earth is nothing greater than electricity, and the power of man is nothing greater than the heart.Where the yang qi emanates, metal and stone are also penetrated. Once the spirit arrives, what can be done?How difficult is it to change the dynasty, seek happiness for the people, and punish the corrupt and traitors!Gou Qigong is loyal to the country and will never return in spite of setbacks. Although he is a commoner and corporal, he has no ability to transfer the fortune of the world from the beginning.People with lofty ideals are not encouraged!Life is born between heaven and earth, and what is physical is called true nature.Flesh and flesh are formed by matter, and mind and nature are born innately.Therefore, there is a theory of materialism and idealism.

Human beings live in the world, flesh and blood are utensils, mind and nature are the masters, and mind is the way of heaven.Flesh and blood show the appearance of birth and death, and the nature of mind remains unchanged. All spiritual life is not contrary to this principle.The truth of all civilizations, ancient and modern, originates from the mind and emerges from matter.Virtuous government, literature, art, utensils, and even personal actions are all driven by wishes, desires, and emotions.Therefore, what kind of mind an individual has is his appearance, which is his life, what kind of mind a group has, his appearance is his career, what kind of mind a country is, his appearance is his civilization, and what his mind is, his appearance is his karmic retribution.Therefore, the heart is the original force that forms the utensils in the world. The Buddha said: The heart produces all kinds of dharmas, and the heart destroys all kinds of dharmas.Western bandit religions also have the evil violence of the Lord God in the Old Testament who abused the people, and later have the improvement of Jesus' love for the people in the New Testament.The mind and nature of gods and demons change like this, so most people in the world are fascinated by Jesus.

The reason why Jesus taught repentance is to understand shame and not to be evil; the reason why Confucius taught is to cultivate the mind and know how to stop but not to be lazy;The heart is the foundation of all forces, and from the inside out it can produce good, evil, creation, and destruction.From the outside to the inside, it can be polluted, pulled, submissive, and violated.

Cultivating it with righteousness can bring good fortune to all living beings, and cultivating it with evil can abolish all living beings.The mighty power of the heart is so strong that the national scholars must observe it.All the heroes and heroines go on their own, establish their ambitions, develop their motivation, work hard to overcome the experience, clear up the traps, and move forward indomitably.It is as powerful as a strong wind blowing in Changhe, like the sexual desire of a lecherous Zhu who seeks his lover, there is absolutely nothing that can stop it, and absolutely nothing can stop it.If you still prevent it from returning, the power will disappear.I have seen that the brave generals who come to the battlefield are invincible. The power of a violent person is extremely fierce, all because of his lack of scruples, and his power is a straight line. There is no hindrance and no disappearance. Rigid and strong.The nature of all living beings is basically the same, so is the spirit of a hero and the spirit of a sage.Therefore, the responsibility of young people today is to inherit the past and inherit the strengths of the ancient sages, open their minds and integrate the essence of Eastern and Western civilizations, refine the ingenious technology and win the industry of the great powers, keep pace with the changes in the current situation, and emancipate the mind to create a new generation. Spiritual civilization.

Break the shackles of sects, gather the essence of science, and set a model for a strong country.Clear the source, spread the truth and the world!I would like to join hands with like-minded people who pursue the truth of helping the world and saving the world. With this great ambition, I will continue to contribute my body and mind to uphold justice and morality.Therefore, our generation has a long way to go. If we can set up such a big heart and gather love to make it happen, then this luminous light will light up the sky, and a single spark will become a prairie fire, turning the world upside down and turning the world around.To abstain from corrupt national thieves at home, and to punish the offspring of overseas traitors; to raise the well-being of all people in agriculture and forestry, to rejuvenate the pattern of industry in a big country; Blessings; prosper the prosperity of all generations in Shenzhou, and open the eternal peace of the world!It is not impossible.

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