Jagged Legion

Chapter 20 Iron Armored Soldier

He Xiaowang has already implemented the policy of burning books. After reporting to the emperor, he stayed at home and organized a group of literati to sort out books in order to inherit the Chinese civilization for thousands of years.He Xiaowang wasn't worried that something would happen to Fusu. With Li Longxiang and his 4000 cavalry troops there, nothing major would happen.It's just that my situation is very difficult now.Zhao Gao sent someone to assassinate the prince but failed, so he came to report.Zhao Gao knew that the matter had been leaked, only because Fusu hadn't found evidence for the time being. Once evidence was found, Zhao Gao would be wiped out.Now Zhao Gao has stewed the cake Hu Hai and reported the situation.Hu Hai asked: "What did you do! What did you order when you left? One hit must hit! What did you say? What's the situation now!" Hu Hai dropped the wine glass to the ground.Zhao Gao said: "My lord, the reason why I missed this time is because of the existence of one person! As long as we get rid of this person, Fusu's limbs can be cut off, and we can easily get rid of Fusu." Hu Hai: "En? Who is this person? Who has such a great ability!?" Zhao Gao: "He Xiaowang. This person is the largest family in Xianyang, and he is proficient in the rhythm of poetry and books. The reason why he failed this time is because he secretly trained a An iron cavalry army, this iron cavalry army is invulnerable to swords and guns, it is extremely powerful! I sent [-] people to fight, and most of the casualties were unsuccessful, but the [-] iron cavalry army did not have the slightest damage, so we just need to find a way to give He Xiaowang to He Xiaowang in Xianyang. Get rid of it, so..." He Xiaowang had long expected that Zhao Gao would definitely kill him if he failed to assassinate the prince.Now they still have a chance to find something, so they must not let them catch something.

After all the calculations, He Xiaowang still didn't expect that he would still be recruited.It turned out that Zhao Gao revealed that it was not good for him to burn books, so he left an astonishing number of books privately, and sent someone to revise them.Qin Shihuang was furious when he heard this, and expressed that he would punish He Xiaowang strictly.He Xiaowang put the books in a secret place and did not hand them over.Qin Shihuang sent people to surround the He Mansion and put them under house arrest, but He Xiaowang is not in danger of life now. After all, Zhao Gao still has to consider the impact of killing a court official at the foot of the emperor, so He Xiaowang is not afraid. Every day Just like a person who has nothing to do, drinking, writing poetry, and having fun.

In the northwest desert, the wind and sand are terrified. Since ancient times, the army will die, the man is buried, the wind is miserable, and the horse leather shroud is hard to survive.Fusu successfully arrived in the northwest region under the escort of eight hundred cavalry troops. Seeing the yellow sand all over the fields, he felt a sense of pride and desolation.When Fusu came to the camp, the two generals Meng Tian and Meng Yi had already greeted him in front of the camp.Seeing Fusu's arrival, Meng Tian and Meng Yi hurriedly bowed down: "Meng Tian, ​​Meng Yi, see you son!" Fu Su stepped forward and said, "Two generals please get up quickly! Let me introduce you, this is Li Longxiang, Shaobo, and Zhao Guang are all heroes in He Xiaowang's residence. This time I was able to come here smoothly thanks to the 4000 cavalry troops of the three of them, who repelled more than [-] rebels." Meng Tian and Meng Tian Seeing Fusu praise Li Longxiang and the others so much, Yi felt something was wrong. After all, they were both soldiers. Meng Tian and Meng Yi were top-notch both in terms of seniority and military exploits, but these young men wanted to use hundreds of people to repel them. [-] people, this is unbelievable, but for the prince's face, let's go first.Meng Tian and Meng Yi bowed their hands to them, and Li Longxiang returned a salute with a smile.Where is Zhao Guang, but he was furious, and immediately wanted to fight Meng Tian and Meng Yi!Shaobo held Zhao Guang back and winked hastily.

Su didn't see this, Meng Tian Meng Yi said: "Young Master, please rest in the camp. The clothes you guys wear are weird. Are they not heavy? And even the horses are covered with iron sheets. Why? Ahaha ,,, can't be fear." Zhao Guang was so angry.However, Li Longxiang was calm and calm, he smiled and said nothing.Fusu said: "Let's go, let's go in and have a good rest. I really have to work for a few strong men these days. Let's all have a rest." One day, Fusu was reading in the tent, when suddenly someone came to report that there was a letter from He Xiaowang. Fusu was overjoyed. There was no news of He Xiaowang for many days, and Fusu was also very worried. Besides, Fusu was still very conflicted. Yes, although there are two generals Meng Tian and Meng Yi who are leading troops to fight, but he is a dignified prince who can't deal with the Xiongnu at all. Fusu opened He Xiaowang's letter and saw that it said: "His Royal Highness, Your Majesty: He Xiaowang Wang has fulfilled the emperor's will to burn the books, but Zhao Gao still catches some handles.Gu Li Longxiang sent someone to report that you were ambushed. I guess it must be Zhao Gao.Now Zhao Gao wants to punish me for the purpose of dealing with the prince.But don't worry, the prince, now I am carefree in the house, no one dares to do anything to me.The emperor just put me under house arrest.Everything else is fine.There is only one way to get me out of here, and that is to build military merits, take the opportunity to send me to the northwest to the emperor, and that's it.Li Longxiang, Zhao Guang, and Shaobo are all heroes of the time, so the young master can use them more.The eight hundred iron cavalry can be used as a mobile force to go straight to the back of the place.Others are still up to the prince to arrange.Crane Xiaowang worships. "After reading He Xiaowang's letter, Fu Su was very happy, but he was still a little worried about He Xiaowang's safety, but since He Xiaowang had already stated that only winning the battle can he win the battle, so the only way is to send troops.

The next day, Fusu summoned Mengtian Mengyi, Li Longxiang, Zhao Guang, Shaobo and the generals under his tent to discuss how to deal with the Xiongnu.Fusu: "Generals, what is the situation of the Xiongnu?" Meng Tian: "Your Highness, the Xiongnu have been driven out of the Hexi Corridor by our army and returned to their grasslands. But because our army has 30 people, we cannot defend separately. , was taken advantage of by the Xiongnu, and they still robbed our Daqin finances and killed our Daqin people." Meng Yi: "Our army has built the Great Wall along the Hexi Corridor in order to stop the Xiongnu's cavalry. The Huns are good at riding and shooting. This is the weakness of our army, so for a long time we have been defending more than attacking. We have also suffered from the madness of the Huns! I have long wanted to fight them!" Fusu said: "Don't be reckless. But what General Meng Yi said is true, we should take the initiative to attack!" Meng Yi said: "His Royal Highness, I will send someone to find out in the next few days that the Xiongnu's war horses are thin now, so it is not suitable to send troops. They often ride some The skinny horses are practicing riding and archery there, so why don’t I lead 1 people to arrest them, it’s a congratulatory gift for the prince’s arrival.” Fusu said: “It’s better to be careful.” Meng Yi resolutely asked Zhan: “Please allow the prince.” Fusu Su said: "Okay then, General Meng Yi obeys the order. You should lead 1 people to ambush the enemy without any mistakes!" It's been a few days, so there shouldn't be any conspiracy when they appear frequently these days.Fusu was not sure, and said to the generals: "You all go down, and we will talk about tactics later."

Fusu was still worried, remembering He Xiaowang's letter, and immediately sent someone to tell Li Longxiang.Li Longxiang said outside the tent: "The last general is here, please order the prince!" Fusu said: "Why didn't you go back to rest?" He ordered us not to retreat, and besides, the situation here is complicated, and the subordinates dare not leave without permission." Fusu hurried up to help him up: "He is really a loyal minister of our Great Qin! It is also his blessing that He Xiaowang can make friends like you. !" Li Longxiang: "I dare not! I was born for Master He Xiaowang all my life. Master He is afraid of being kind to me, and if he treats me with kindness, I dare not compare with Master He." Fu Su patted Li Longxiang on the shoulder: "This He Xiaowang is really a great blessing! I am so envious of helping Su! Well, I need you to do one thing now." Li Longxiang: "Sir, please tell me." Fusu : "Although General Meng Yi has rich experience in many battles, I am worried that General Meng will be fooled by the Huns this time because of his eagerness for quick success. Therefore, I want your iron cavalry to help. If there is no ambush, there is no need to send troops. If General Meng is ambushed, please be sure to rescue General Meng. General Meng’s family has been loyal to our Daqin Sheji for generations. It seems that he has some opinions on the Iron Cavalry Army, and this time he can also see how powerful the He Xiaowang Iron Cavalry Army is." Li Longxiang knelt down: "The last general obeys the order! Take people there immediately!"

Meng Yi took people to kill the past, and saw that there were more than 1000 Hun cavalry contacting to practice swords, Meng Yi shouted: "Kill! The soldiers of the Qin army killed the past!" To kill a horse, but to ride a horse is to run away.Normally, Meng Yi would have noticed something was wrong, but on the one hand, he wanted to ask for a head start in front of the prince, and on the other hand, because of the large number of people he led, he didn't think too much about it at all.Immediately lead someone to kill him.But when he came to a valley on horseback, he suddenly saw a lot of Xiongnu in front of him. He saw Wushu, the general of the Xiongnu, standing there and said with a smile, "Hahaha! The majestic Qin general fell for me? Look at me. Has the war horse lost weight? Haha,,,," Meng Yi suddenly realized that he had been fooled, and had been surrounded by about 3 Huns. It is estimated that he would not be able to get out alive today.However, General Meng Yi is also a good man, and he is not flustered at all. "I, Meng Yi, was fooled by your kid today. Don't you know that that old thief of your father was killed by my gun?" Wu Shu was furious: "I just want to avenge my father! Kill him!" You old man! Not only will I kill you, but I will also kill your brother!" Meng Yi slapped his horse and said, "Come on! Kill!" Although there are 1 people, they are not weak at all. The siege is still extremely powerful.Meng Yi rode his horse to fight in front of Wu Shu, and the two of them came and went, killing non-stop.Wu Shu thought of a plan to get away, turned over and walked away, and then commanded his subordinates to keep killing Meng Yi. Standing on a high ground, Meng Yi saw the soldiers falling around him, and said sadly: "I will die if the sky dies." I, Meng Yi, have fought in the battlefield all my life, and I have known for a long time that I have to return the body shrouded in horse leather!" Meng Yi fought hard, and gradually more Hun soldiers came up, and hills piled up under Meng Yi's feet.The more Wu Shu watched, the more frightened he became. This Meng Yi had already killed more than 3 people.Commanding the sergeants to keep rushing up, Meng Yi felt more and more that his strength was exhausted, and he just swung by feeling.

Meng Yi said loudly: "Qin soldiers! Kill me! You are all good men on the battlefield! Ah! Kill!" Meng Yi's spirit was shocked again.The soldiers under him fell one by one.Li Longxiang and his 800 cavalry troops were galloping up the hillside. When they heard the sound of killing, they rushed over immediately, but they only saw the banners of the Huns all over the mountains and plains.Li Longxiang was very anxious, if he didn't leave General Meng Yi, he wouldn't have to go back.Li Longxiang said: "Let us call General Meng Yi together!" "Yes" "General Meng Yi! General Meng Yi! We are here to save you! Where are you!" Meng Yi was about to die in this battle when he suddenly heard someone shout My own name, it turned out that the prince sent someone to rescue the Meng family army!Meng Yi was overjoyed: "All officers and men listen to the order! We are saved, the prince sent someone to rescue us, remember, I shouted one, two, three and we shouted: Here! Do you understand? One, two, three!" "Here Here!" Li Longxiang found out that he was surrounded by the Huns. Li Longxiang was furious: "The cavalry army obeys the order! Everyone tie some tree trunks behind the horses, and we charge over! This is where our cavalry army should come ! This is our battlefield! Do you understand! Kill it!!" "Understood!!" lined up, rushed over, the momentum directly opened a hole for the Xiongnu, like cutting a cake, Li Longxiang and the others were like a sharp sword piercing directly into the heart of the Huns.Everyone is crazy!With [-] people against tens of thousands of people, this is a crazy era!It is not rationally understandable.Wu Shu was shocked when he saw it: "Stop it immediately! Stop it for me!" Meng Yi saw that it was the iron cavalry!Originally, Meng Yi didn't think much of the Iron Cavalry Army. Today, he didn't expect that the Iron Cavalry Army dared to enter with a small army of [-]!Meng Yi is also excited!kill! ! !

Li Longxiang carried the long sword on his back and replaced it with a hatchet. This hatchet was "strong enough" in his words.Li Longxiang just kept hacking with a hatchet, so he didn't care so much.Besides, don't say that people are crazy now, even horses are crazy. The atmosphere of this battlefield has fully burst out the wildness of horses.All I know is to move forward.Flying all the way is bloody.Many Huns were not killed, but were trampled to death by their own people, or trampled to death by horses.Zhao Guangna was really crazy, shaking his head and thinking, it was like an evil star falling to the ground, killing people off their feet.

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