Jagged Legion

Chapter 7 Recruiting Soldiers

Because of Gentleman's Liquor, He Xiaowang earned a fortune. He bought land and real estate, and handed over all the affairs to Cuicui.He Xiaowang and Cui Cui also consummated their marriage, but Cui Cui has never been named.Cuicui took care of everything up and down in an orderly manner.He Xiaowang collects books every day. Many classics from the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period have been collected by He Xiaowang. He spent a lot of money to buy a lot of medicine and divination, and compiled them into volumes.It is a goal of He Xiaowang to pass on the Chinese culture, which will be the goal that He Xiaowang pursues for life.When I am free, I just play chess, tasting wine and playing chess with Sifang Yelao.Although He Xiaowang has so much money, he never shows it off, and everyone in the family lives a simple life without any luxury.So everyone thought that He Xiaowang didn't have much money, and that's what He Xiaowang wanted, and he didn't want to attract attention.In modern society, he does not have the conditions to do these things, but now that he has the capital to do these things in the Qin Dynasty, he should do it well.Inheriting the culture, you have the conditions to cultivate yourself, cultivate your character, and do what you want, and you can be satisfied.

That year, there was a severe drought in the Central Plains, and many victims fled to Xianyang to seek survival.He Xiaowang was sorting out books one day, when Cui Cui came here: "Xiaowang, there are many victims outside, and I heard that there is a drought in the south." He Xiaowang: "What? There is a severe drought, follow me out to have a look Look." He Xiaowang went outside and saw victims everywhere.He Xiaowang said: "Cui Cui, I think it was because you took me in that year that He Xiaowang is what I am today. We can't just sit idly by. In this way, I ordered my servants to cook porridge and distribute it to the victims every day. Those who have labor are willing to work here. Those who have special skills will stay, and those who have special skills will also stay. We can do as much as we can. I will immediately call the big households in Xianyang City and ask everyone to donate for disaster relief!"

He Xiaowang ran around, all the big households in Xianyang City gave some money, and all the rice shops sold grain at a reduced price.It can be seen that He Xiaowang's prestige is so great.

On the day of distributing the relief food, He Xiaowang said: "Folks! All those in Xianyang City who are able to provide relief have provided some savings. I, He Xiaowang, used to be one of them, and I relied on the relief of the people. I am what I am today. Now that there is a catastrophe, I, He Xiaowang, have nothing to repay. Those who are willing to stay with me, He Xiaowang, I will take them in one by one. For the rest of the staff, we distribute food every day and set up a porridge factory. Not one victim of the disaster will die of hunger. But our ability is limited, so we can only do our best to obey the fate!" The victims below all knelt down and thanked He Xiaowang for his relief.Seeing this scene, He Xiaowang burst into tears. The tyranny of the Qin Dynasty made the people miserable, and he immediately knelt down: "I, He Xiaowang, can't stand everyone's big gift. Everyone get up. We live together in one world, and we are all sons of the Qin Dynasty." People, I can't just watch my family starve to death, this is what I should do! Everyone get up." He Xiaowang left the work in hand, and every day is disaster relief.However, He Xiaowang also made friends with many heroes because of this disaster relief.They all stayed by He Xiaowang's side, and they could be said to be He Xiaowang's die-hard fighters in the future.

Too many emotions touched He Xiaowang's heart, and his heart that had been dry in the previous life was once again shocked by this heroic and miserable scene.He Xiaowang wrote down: Chinese culture originated from the theory of pre-Qin philosophers.Rise in Asia and shock the world for thousands of years; lead the world and influence mankind for centuries.Confucianism, Taoism, Mohism, each has its own way.Unlock the primacy of the ignorant nation and create a precedent for Chinese thought.Confucianism talks about benevolence and filial piety, respecting teachers and respecting the way, and sticking to the good way.To benefit the people from the world, and to benefit the world from the country.Confucius had no great ambitions, preaching and teaching made the common people rise up and disintegrated the dictatorship of the nobility.Educating the people, regardless of high or low, is a teacher for all ages.Taoism Li Er, the best kindness is like water, and the elephant has no form.Seeing life and death for no reason, looking down on the vicissitudes of life.With the momentum of doing nothing, watch the people of the world quietly.The wise man is silent and lives in seclusion in the mountains.The changes of the world, the wind and the cloud are changing;The theory of Mohist originates from common people.Ingenious skills demonstrate the wisdom of the ancestors; simplicity and simplicity do not forget the original people.Straw mats and Gelu, wrapped in rags.War is the first of the nation, and retreat is for peace.There is also Zongheng Guigu, with sharp words, swaying horizontally and horizontally, planning the affairs of the world,,,,,,,,, gold and iron horses, Yishui Xiaoxiao, bowing to the world.Looking at the yellow and thin faces, He Xiaowang felt sad: "I am a dignified Chinese nation, which has been passed down for thousands of years. It was created by these ordinary people with yellow and thin faces. We can proudly speak loudly in the world. It has a long history, ancient civilization, and brilliant achievements, but these are all based on the lives of the people at the bottom!"

He Xiaowang just doesn't want to see that the dignified Huaxia people will face the situation of "changing children and eating and breaking bones" once a disaster occurs.Hungry and dying everywhere, thousands of miles of bare land, this is also a page in the history of Chinese culture!That night, He Xiaowang didn't sleep, but kept drinking, reflecting on everything that happened.It turned out that he had never encountered such a situation. In modern society, he had only seen these in books and on TV, one by one without emotion.But today, he saw streaks of blood and helpless eyes.

He Xiaowang thought about it for a long time, and now we are in troubled times and the society is unstable.If I don't build up my own strength, I'm afraid that when I encounter some situations that I can't control, not only my current everything can't be maintained, but even my own life will be at stake when the time comes.Some changes must be made to cultivate one's own strength.He Xiaowang decided to recruit able-bodied and insightful people, so he couldn't just play chess and chat nonsense here.Doing what he said, He Xiaowang thought of this and immediately prepared to implement it.He Xiaowang personally wrote a notice.

At night, He Xiaowang said to Cui Cui: "Tomorrow, we will post this in front of our door. We need to recruit some scholars and strong people. Only in this way can we feel at ease. There is no way, we will be born in troubled times. Do it according to this rule." Cui Cui: "Well, I will post it tomorrow." He Xiaowang hugged Cui Cui: "You have worked hard, and I have wronged you, and you will not regret it after following me?" Cui Cui: "Say What are you talking about?! I hate it!" He Xiaowang laughed and picked up Cui Cui and walked into the room, where they started a hand-to-hand fight.

The next day, Cui Cui posted the notice written by He Xiaowang: "I would like to warn all heroes and people of insight that He Xiaowang is not a wealthy party in Xianyang, and he has quite some land. Disasters and social instability, I hope that heroes from all walks of life will seek common development with me. I, He Xiaowang, will definitely regard him as a brother, treat him like a brother, and never leave him. He Xiaowang learned from himself."

Now is the year of the catastrophe, and many young laborers come here to apply.He Xiaowang made selections one by one, and recruited more than 100 people on the first day.One day He Xiaowang was in the study, and Cui Cui came in and said, "There is a scholar who asked to see you, saying that he would only participate if you saw him. Why do you want to see him in person because of such a pretentiousness?" He Xiaowang said He said: "It's okay, since you have such a big shelf, there must be something special, please hurry up." After a while, a scholar came, and I saw that he was a young man with a handsome appearance and extraordinary appearance.He Xiaowang asked him to sit down: "May I ask your name?" The visitor replied: "I Li Longxiang, who has read poetry and books since he was a child, came from a poor background. When he saw that he had put aside his great charity and donated to the victims, he felt that he was not an ordinary person. So I come here to seek refuge. But what I want to do is to be the number one counselor of my husband." He Xiaowang smiled slightly: "Well, okay. I don't know what your husband thinks of the current situation?" Li Longxiang replied: "Mr. Recruiting troops, recruiting celebrities, I think you already have some opinions on the situation. Qinhuang tyranny, heroes from all walks of life are ready to move, now only Qinhuang is still alive, everyone dare not make any big moves because of Qinhuang's lust. Even though Emperor Qin was tyrannical, he still managed to rule with all his might. It is only a matter of time before the world changes once Emperor Qin dies. Moreover, although the son Fusu is generous and benevolent, he does not please Emperor Qin at present. Does the world belong to Young Master Fusu or someone else is still undecided! Therefore, I am here to do my best for my husband and pray for the common people in the world!" He Xiaowang felt that Li Longxiang's analysis was very accurate, He Xiaowang asked again: "Although there is a catastrophe now, my Great Qin Dynasty still has a deep foundation, and the son Fusu is deeply loved by the people, how can there be turmoil?" Li Longxiang: "Mr. You are joking, if you can't even see this , then it is meaningless for me to come here. How can you recruit heroes to come here?" He Xiaowang laughed: "Okay! You are my number one guest, and you will be responsible for recruiting heroes from now on " Li Longxiang: "I didn't expect you to be so open-minded. I thank you here in advance. I still want to recommend a few people to help you together." He Xiaowang: "Speak." "Shaobo, Zhao Guang, Li Xian These three people all have extraordinary martial arts and courage, and having them to help Mr. He will definitely make the Crane Mansion flourish." He Xiaowang said: "Since I have already made you my first guest, it is the most important thing. Brother, what matters is up to you." "Thank you, Long Xiang!"

Li Longxiang invited Shaobo, Zhao Guang, and Li Xian to be He Xiaowang's guests.He Xiaowang was very happy, and had a drink with them: "Please take care of everything in the future. My He Xiaowang is not only for these family businesses, if it is only for this reason, I can completely live in seclusion in the mountains from now on. It is for the common people!" Li Longxiang: "Please rest assured, we will do our best." He Xiaowang took a sip of wine: "I don't want you to do your best, I want you to go all out. Time waits for no one. Train a team that can win the battle in the fastest time. Of course, these must be done in secret. Otherwise, you will lose your head." Li Longxiang and the others nodded in agreement.

In the following time, Li Longxiang, Shaobo, Zhao Guang, and Li Xian all began to recruit warriors on a large scale. A total of 500 people were recruited, and only 800 people remained in the end.He Xiaowang was very happy to see these strong warriors.One day, He Xiaowang, Li Longxiang and the others drank and said, "Although there are 800 soldiers recruited now, all of them are strong and strong, but I think it is not enough. We need to increase training. I want each of them to be able to count as ten. In this way , I will allocate enough supplies for the four of you, Long Xiang, Shaobo, Zhao Guang, the three of you will go deep into the deep mountains and old forests to train dead soldiers there. We can't show it, it's easy to cause trouble like that, and the world will change if you dare , you come here immediately. How about making a long-term plan at that time? Li Xian will stay with me." Li Longxiang said: "Mr. There is no intention of opposing the Qin Dynasty, so it is inevitable to leave an excuse." He Xiaowang said: "In this case, the three of you will set off tomorrow night and station at a place not far from Xianyang. But you must set off at night and divide into three groups , you each lead a team. Concentrate on training, and I will give you enough daily necessities every month." He Xiaowang said again: "Speaking of supplies, I have to say one more thing, now we have so many people in our hands to eat. It will definitely not work to rely on restaurants for supply. You also need to sort out the land locally and grow some food so that it will last for a long time. Also, I plan to open a road to transport fur and wine to the west and north. In this way, we will have Sufficient supplies, and a certain amount of supplies can be accumulated." Long Xiang: "Just do as the master said, we will go to reorganize the warriors now, rest during the day tomorrow, and set off tomorrow night." "Well, that's good, you all Watch out on the road!"

He Xiaowang finally breathed a sigh of relief after getting everything ready.The next step is to do business well, so that there will be enough supplies.

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