Jagged Legion

Chapter 79 Stealing the Longevity Pill

Zhao Guang said with a bitter face: "Okay, that's it." After discussing with Zhao Guang, Li Longxiang came under the city wall of the Chimu Clan.Li Longxiang looked around and said: "Mr. really has a clever plan. You see, although the defense here is still very strict, it is not as good as before. The harassment for many days has made them slack." Zhao Guang said in a low voice: "Brother Li , I'll go and finish those boys, let's go there." Zhao Guang quietly approached the sentries, who were dozed here after days of exhaustion.Zhao Guang took out his dagger and silently killed several sentries.With a wave of Zhao Guang's hand, Li Longxiang and Zhao Guang sneaked into the Chimu clan.

Li Longxiang asked: "Zhao Guang, last time you came, where is Tiemu's barracks? You must know Tielihua's barracks, we go separately, you go and lead them away first." Zhao Guang: "Okay, The biggest tent over there is Tiemu's barracks, and Tielihua is far away from Tiemu's barracks, so I'll go first." Zhao Guang avoided the patrolling soldiers and came to Tielihua's barracks.Tie Lihua hadn't gone to bed yet, and was working as a red sleeve with the maid there.Zhao Guang thought to himself: "This Tie Lihua is really a strange woman. She got on a war horse and became a red sleeve. I, Zhao Guang, will recognize her in this life!" Only to hear Tie Lihua say: "Girl, I feel that these days are a little bit It's not normal, why did He Xiaowang send Zhao Guang to our camp last time? It wasn't to steal anything, we didn't lose anything. But Zhao Guang didn't come to scold and fight today? Don't you think it's strange? Sigh , Forget it, let me tell you that you don’t understand either.”

The maid covered her mouth with a smile and said: "Miss, do you miss that Zhao Guang? It's just been a day since he didn't show up. Besides, I heard that the Qin army's food and grass are in an emergency, so I just stay here all day long, and now I don't think there is any danger." " Tie Lihua scolded with a smile: "Are you crazy about men, you girl? Arrange me here, dead girl, and find someone to marry tomorrow. How do you know the military situation? The law of war says: 'Xu False and real, who knows what kind of medicine is sold in Qin Jun’s gourd.” The girl hurriedly said: “Miss, please don’t! I hate those stinky men, anyway, I will follow the lady for the rest of my life.”

Zhao Guang showed a mean smile on the corner of his mouth: "This Tie Lihua has been in love with me for a long time, come on! Take all their masters and servants!" Zhao Guang looked at the sky and hurriedly calmed down, almost ruining a major event, the time is not early I guess Li Longxiang was waiting there anxiously.Zhao Guang took out his dagger, broke open the tent, and rushed in.Tie Lihua stood there blankly, staring blankly at Zhao Guang, Zhao Guang felt ashamed, forget it, the task is important.Gritting her teeth, she went up and put the knife on Tie Lihua's neck: "Pear Blossom, I am Zhao Guang, I am the Zhao Guang from the Qin Army, I have no choice but to do this today!" The servant girl turned pale with fright, At a loss, the tent was extremely quiet.Suddenly a sharp howling sound pierced the quiet night sky: "Come quickly!! There are assassins, the lady has been captured!!!" Chaos, chaos, the Chimu clan is in complete chaos.Tie Lihua calmed down: "You are Qin Jun's Zhao Guang!!? What are you doing here? Did you kill Miss Ben? Or use Miss Ben as a threat to force my father to surrender? Let me tell you!! We Chimu clan Everyone is a warrior! What's more, I am the daughter of the leader of the Chimu tribe!"

Although Zhao Guang grabbed Tie Lihua, he was at a loss as to what to do, with one hand scratching around.Accidentally touched Tie Lihua's chest, Tie Lihua blushed and spat.Zhao Guang hurriedly said: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Miss, I'm really sorry, I Zhao Guang is a rough person, I didn't do it on purpose!! I also came here on the order of our husband! Don't worry, don't worry, I will never Hurt you!! How can I have the heart to hurt you!" Tie Lihua felt sweet in her heart, and her face softened: "Then what are you doing? Last time you stole our chicken and fish, and you were still in my tent. Your name is written on it? What do you mean?" Tie Lihua seemed to be eloquent, Zhao Guang couldn't match her, and after a while, Zhao Guang's face flushed.Zhao Guang said: "Miss, although I, Zhao Guang, is a rough person, but thanks to my husband, I have made great contributions to following my husband in the South and North, and I am also a general. How can I do something shameful?" What's the matter? Miss, please forgive me." Then there was a strange scene, the hostage was calm and calm, and kept questioning the hostage with the knife. On the contrary, the black-faced man with the knife was caught His face was flushed, his head was sweating profusely, and he looked at a loss.The maid was not afraid anymore, seeing this strange scene, it was clear that the husband had made a mistake, and the wife was here to blame her.

The dramatic scene inside the house did not relax the heavy soldiers outside, and more and more people gathered around the battalion commander of Tie Lihua.Tiemu was shocked and angry when he heard the assassin: "What?!! This He Xiaowang is really insidious and cunning!! He touched my daughter with a finger, and I will fight him hard!!! Go away." Tiemu has been killed by Tiemu Lihua was caught and dazzled, never thinking that there would not be only one person intruding into the camp.Li Longxiang has been waiting there for a long time: "This Zhao Guang must be fascinated by a woman! Go back and beat him up!" Hearing a scream, Li Longxiang laughed, knowing that Zhao Guang had made a move : "This Zhao Guang, finally has a little concentration." Li Longxiang saw Tiemu leave, and immediately sneaked into Tiemu's barracks, searching for longevity pills.Unfortunately, I searched almost every possible place, even the inside of Ironwood's shoes, but I still couldn't find it.

Li Longxiang thought that Zhao Guang was very tough, and he was in the gentle village, how could he know that Zhao Guang was suffering now!Tie Lihua also knew Zhao Guang's embarrassment now, so Tie Lihua said: "You can't have come here by yourself, right? What should I do? You can't get out now. If my father catches you, you will feel better." Zhao Guang asked: "Then what should we do?! Alas! Forget it, I'll rush out." He took the knife down as he spoke.Tie Lihua gave him a white look: "You are stupid! You let me go now, are you alive? I guarantee that you will be chopped into meat if you go out of this barracks." Tie Mu shouted outside: "Little He Wang! I don’t care who you are! As long as you dare to touch one of my girls’ fingers, I, Tiemu, will fight to the death for you!! No matter how bad my army of [-] is, even if my front teeth pop out! I will chew you off! Hearing Tiemu's voice, Zhao Guang became excited, and said, "Tiemu, don't get me wrong!! I didn't do anything to Miss!! I just came here to ask you to do something." Tiemu scolded: "Fucking You guys, what are you capable of? If you can’t call me, use these dirty methods, tell me, what’s the matter.” Zhao Guang: “Longevity Pill! Tiemu, our husband has no intention of being your enemy, but Emperor Qin We need longevity pills, and there is nothing we can do if we can't find them!"

Tiemu said: "Hmph! I knew you were not that simple. Longevity Pill is the treasure of our Chimu clan, how could you give it to others so easily? Let me tell you, go back and tell your husband, I, Tiemu, too A dignified man, if he has the ability to let him come and get it himself! If you want to exchange my daughter for the longevity pill, hehe!! You are wrong! I, Tiemu, will never use our longevity pill in exchange for my daughter’s life! If you If you don’t come out, I’ll give the order to shoot arrows!!!” Tie Lihua hurriedly said, “Zhao Guang, hurry up! Put the knife on my neck! Get out! I know my father’s temper, he really knows how to shoot arrows!” Zhao Guang Just listening to Tiemu's words, I admire Tiemu very much. How could it not be admirable to have such courage!

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