Jagged Legion

Chapter 94

He Xiaowang was a college student before crossing over. At that time, he studied in the United States and deeply realized how difficult it is to be a foreigner. Therefore, He Xiaowang has been working hard to restore his identity as a big country in China. Rebellion is so hard.Culture is the soul of a nation, and this is what He Xiaowang understands the most.

He Xiaowang came back to his senses, seeing the surprise on Zhao Qian's face, He Xiaowang laughed by himself, how could Zhao Qian understand this.He Xiaowang put down the bamboo slips in his hand, picked up a thick brush, and asked Zhao Qian to rub the ink beside him.He Xiaowang thought of all the past, and everything disappeared without a trace in this quiet environment.He Xiaowang took up a pen and wrote: "Economical and economical" four big characters, written in one stroke, flamboyant and magnificent.He Xiaowang suddenly felt tired, which is a feeling unique to thinkers.He Xiaowang said to Zhao Qian: "Sister Qian, go out to bask in the sun first, or let the servant girl push you around, Xianggong is like a quiet person now."

Zhao Qian saw that He Xiaowang had a strange expression on his face, so she reached out and stroked He Xiaowang's forehead. She thought He Xiaowang was ill.Seeing that there was nothing to do, Zhao Qian said, "Okay, you can take a good rest here." He Xiaowang called the maid, and the maid pushed Zhao Qian out for a walk.He Xiaowang looked at the four characters Jingshijimin, and the long-lost pride burst out in his heart.He Xiaowang looked at the vigorous font, and said to himself: "I used to take the world as my own responsibility, so why not wait for me, now I will take this opportunity to realize my ideal! He Xiaowang, have you ever forgotten the oath you once made. "

He Xiaowang has an unusual love for Chinese culture, like a lover, like a child, like a parent.Looking at this splendid culture, He Xiaowang sighed deeply when he thought of the cultural dispute after 2000!

He Xiaowang picked up a pen and wrote on the silk with a beautiful and handsome font as a person who was 160 years ago: Since the Opium War, the Chinese nation has always had a cultural dispute between the East and the West.During the May 160th Movement, national thought went through two extremes: extreme conceit, clinging to culture; extreme inferiority, total Westernization.How should we view Chinese and Western cultures?The benevolent see benevolence, the wise see wisdom.On this issue, I cannot agree with eclecticism, that is, the theory of "Chinese learning for the body and Western learning for application".Why?This kind of theory seems to be both Chinese and Western, and it is comprehensive and stable.In fact, there are great disadvantages, and the actual operability is not strong.Learning from the West while emphasizing our own culture, what is the result?A lose-lose situation.insist on what?How to persist?How to do middle school as a body?What is the standard for Western learning to be used?No.Therefore, this theory is not acceptable.Broadly speaking, this theory is "utilitarianism" and I will use whatever works for me.You can abandon Western learning at any time, and you can trample on middle school at will. amp;#160;;;amp;#160;;;amp;#[-];;;amp;#[-];; Furthermore, traditional culture is wealth, not a burden.The accumulation of any culture is gradually formed by its nation's lifestyle and way of thinking.In other words, this is the most suitable for the nation, without a doubt.Many people criticize Chinese people for being stubborn and not open enough due to the influence of traditional culture. This mentality itself is a wrong positioning of traditional culture.Traditional culture is a way of thinking, a cultural belief, and a sense of national identity.Traditional culture is good medicine and cannot cure all diseases.If you try to find out from the traditional culture how to solve your company's difficulties, how to increase the value of the stock, and how to increase the efficiency of the investment. . . . . . .Sorry, traditional culture is not available.Traditional culture is a way of thinking, and you can burst out the spark of thought from traditional culture.Why is it said that traditional culture is a sense of national identity and cultural belief?At any time, any person or any organization must have a backbone.Without a backbone, it will be erratic and difficult to take root.

amp;#160;;;amp;#160;;;amp;#160;;;amp;#160;;Secondly, Western culture cannot adapt to the local conditions and customs of the country.The West is an individual-based society, so it emphasizes independent personality and free will.The West is a contract society, and signing a contract with morality is called belief in God; signing a contract based on the relationship between man and society is called law; signing a contract between man and nature is called science. . . . .China, on the other hand, is a society based on the collective, which is maintained by blood ties.Therefore, you can see that in ancient times, the emperor was the emperor; the people were the people; the provinces were brother provinces; the army was called the soldiers. . . . . . .The differences between Chinese and Western cultures do exist and cannot be messed around with.The transmission of Western culture has deviated from its original appearance.Just like the ancient missionaries in ancient times, why should they preach?Is it evangelism?No, it is to expand the influence of the Pope and to dominate the world ideologically. "Rome conquered Greece, but Greek culture conquered Rome." Prosperity must decline, and the development of Western culture has now declined.Just like, the ancient culture of our country has been ahead of the world for thousands of years, always ups and downs.Pursue the outside world too much, but don't know who you are? "Who am I?", the question is not clear.

The development and formation of culture is not isolated, and has a lot to do with historical origin and geographical environment. It is beneficial to adapt to the local culture, and accept other cultures as unsuitable.Therefore, it makes sense that stones from other mountains can attack jade.As the successors of Chinese oriental civilization, what we need is to be open-minded, to learn from each other's strengths, to integrate Chinese and Western cultures, to learn from others' strengths, to integrate and innovate on the existing basis, and to climb to new heights.

He Xiaowang wrote a thousand-character long essay in one breath, dripping sweat on his head. This is not tiredness, but the attachment to culture in his heart, and the pain that Chinese culture will be abandoned by Chinese people in the future is like a huge rock in his heart.Finally vomited it out today, He Xiaowang let out a long sigh of relief and sat on the chair.Looking at the decline of ancient civilizations with the thinking of a modern person is a torment for a thinking person.

He Xiaowang asked his servants to bring a jar of wine, and He Xiaowang opened the jar to drink.The troubles that had been simmering in my heart were finally solved today. He Xiaowang took another big gulp, then opened the fire book, and wrote the words that were half literate, half military, half crazy, half sober, half humorous and half serious. All burned!He Xiaowang looked at the gradually burning silk, a flame lingered in his eyeballs.A native of Great China, He Xiaowang is half vicissitudes and half desolate.

He Xiaowang tidied up his clothes and pushed the door out, looking at the flowers, plants and trees in the yard under the sunlight, He Xiaowang felt calm.How can the development of culture have its own laws?Can not be forced!Can not be forced!He Xiaowang thought of his behavior just now and felt that he was a little ridiculous, so let him do these things.What He Xiaowang takes care of is brothers, wives, and friendship, that's all.

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