
Chapter 100

Fortunately, looking at the Heixuan Flood Dragon hovering constantly above the lake, Nonsense let out a deep breath. This Heixuan Flood Dragon is only in its infancy, and its strength is at most the middle stage of foundation establishment, the emperor's or the establishment of the emperor. It's just the realm of invincibility in the mid-term.

Hu Shi and Qicai'er looked at each other.

As a girl, Qicai'er doesn't have such a strong heart for absolutes after all.He looked at the nonsense with some hesitation.

Hu Hua was ruthless in his heart, and said to Qicaier: "Do it, give it a try, if you succeed, there will be no obstacles in your cultivation journey from now on! If you fail, you can die with Caier, no regrets Already!"

Qicai'er looked at Hu Shi angrily and said, "What time is it, and you are still so poor, I don't want to die with you, a bad old man!" "Uh! Bad old man!" Hu Shu touched himself helplessly The beard on the chin said: "It's a very good choice to die with such a handsome old man like me!" Qicai'er rolled her eyes and said: "I have seen narcissistic people, but I have never seen such narcissistic ones!" Hu Shuo and Qicai'er were flirting here, as if ignoring the existence of the Heixuan Flood Dragon, and now the Heixuan Flood Dragon was unwilling.

It's unforgivable, unforgivable that I can ignore my own existence when I am so big!

Heixuan Flood Dragon let out a monstrous roar, rolling up waves of water, circling and biting at Hu Hua and Qicai'er.

Nonsense was startled, and the three-colored throne appeared under him: "Cai'er, let me test the strength of this black mysterious dragon first, your strength is stronger than mine, think of any way to defeat this black mysterious dragon!" While speaking, Nonsense collided fiercely with the ten-foot-long black mysterious dragon.

Nonsense controlled the three-colored throne and kept bombarding the body of the Heixuan Flood Dragon, but every time he was blocked by the powerful body of the Heixuan Flood Dragon.

The three-colored throne was trembling incessantly while the light flashed.

Hu Hua was very surprised, the bodies of these monsters were too strong, even the three-colored throne with a middle-grade spiritual weapon could not hurt the black dragon.

Nonsense thought that if his thin body was slapped by the tail of the black dragon, he would definitely be smashed to pieces.

Not daring to take the attack of the black dragon, nonsense drove the three-color throne to walk around the black dragon, sending out a harmless attack from time to time, controlling the three-color throne to collide with the black dragon from time to time.

Nonsense didn't need to fight head-to-head with this black mysterious dragon, it was just delaying time, the question was to let Qicai'er find a way to attack.

Under the fierce attack of the Heixuan Flood Dragon, Hu Hua finally couldn't hold on any longer. After all, the current accumulation of Hu Hua's aura is still too weak. When encountering such a master who is above the middle stage of foundation establishment, besides making a quick decision, delaying the time will only be able to deal with Hu Hua There is no chance of winning at all.


At this time, a burst of bright colorful light erupted from Qicai'er's body, and Qicai'er drove the Qicai'er throne and rushed in front of Hu Shuo's body, blocking the black dragon's blow for him!

Hu Shuo said happily: "Cai'er, you have already thought of a solution to this black mysterious dragon?" Who would have thought that Qi Cai'er shook her head and said, "No, this black mysterious dragon has almost no weaknesses. That's the seven inches of it, as the saying goes, it's seven inches bigger than a snake, that's the truth, so next we have to attack the seven inches of this Black Profound Flood Dragon with all our strength!" Nonsense said speechlessly: "Khan, Cai'er, You thought about it for a long time, and you came up with such a bad idea, I can't even get close to this black dragon, how can I hit it within seven inches?" Qi Cai'er laughed: "Hehe, you can't, but I can. !" With a wave of Qicai'er's right hand, a piece of colorful and exquisite silk and satin roared out, swimming quickly in the sky, really like a colorful snake.

Under Qicai'er's control, the seven-colored exquisite silk wrapped around the black dragon with a whoosh.

But the strength of the Black Profound Flood Dragon is so great, Qicai'er, a weak woman, can't compete with it, only to see Nonsense suddenly hugged Qicaier again.

Hey, how should I put it, nonsense is really a big pervert, he even takes advantage of it in battle.

Hu Shu said very innocently: "I'm saving lives, okay! Don't think of me so wretchedly!" Hu Hua hugged her body, Qicai'er's body trembled slightly, but to Hu Shu's surprise, this time Qicai'er The son didn't resist and struggled out of his arms. Could it be a joke?Forehead.But to Hu Shi's disappointment, Qicai'er just glared at Hu Shi and said, "Don't touch your feet, don't touch your feet, or I'll cut off your third leg, and you won't be able to stand up again.

A trace of cold sweat broke out on nonsense's brow, sure enough, he still has the hearts of poisonous women!Whether it is a girl or a girl, or even a woman, these are a kind of existence that cannot be provoked.

Nonsense didn't dare to think too much, but just hugged Qicai'er's body tightly to prevent Qicai'er from being pulled over by the black mysterious dragon.

Qicai'er said: "Tighten me up, I'm going to cast a spell!" Before Hu Hua could answer, Qicai'er let go of her hands holding onto the colorful exquisite silk and satin, and gave her life to Hu Hua.

How trustworthy is this?To be able to entrust your life to the other party?

Nonsense doesn't know, but he knows that he must hug Qicai'er tightly, grab the colorful and exquisite silk and satin on her body, and definitely not let Qicai'er be pulled by the black mysterious dragon.

Thinking of this, Hu Shi hugged Qicai'er tightly again, but he was afraid that he would hurt Qicai'er by using too much force.

So Hu Hua tied the seven-colored exquisite silk and satin to his body, and fought against a black mysterious dragon with his own strength.

Qicai'er also felt the movement of talking nonsense, and wanted to say something, but at this time she had reached the last moment of her spellcasting, and could not speak while distracted!

I saw the surging spiritual energy spurting out from Qicai'er's body, a pair of slender arms were shaking rapidly, pinching complicated instructions, and chanting obscure and profound incantations!

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