
Chapter 15 The Alien

On this day, Chen Feng was playing with a group of children in the stream in front of the village!

Suddenly, from a distance, a group of strangely dressed people came towards Chenhu Village.

Chen Aotian stopped playing, put on his clothes and came to the shore, hid aside and watched these people.

I saw that some of these people were wearing Taoist robes and carrying a mahogany sword behind their backs, some were wearing Buddhist robes, and were beating non-stop with wooden fish in their hands, some were bohemian, some were extremely chic, in short It's a bunch of weird people.

"Uncle Mu, you see there is a small village ahead, shall we take a rest there?" A man in a gray Taoist robe said to a middle-aged man who was walking in front.

The middle-aged man whom he called Uncle Mu stopped, looked at everyone, and finally nodded and said: "Okay! I have been on the road for the past few days, and from time to time on the way, I have to kill demons from time to time. I think you are all tired. Let's rest in the small village ahead! Then continue on our way!"

Hearing what the middle-aged man said, smiles appeared on the faces of the others.

Chenhu Village is just a small village on the edge of the endless deep forest. Normally, few people would enter Chenhu Village. Now that such ordinary people with suspicious identities entered Chenhu Village, many people in the village would naturally be They were all startled.The villagers all poked their heads in front of the windows and doors of their homes to watch secretly.

As the head of Chenhu Village, Chen Feng knew the news right away. Hearing other people's descriptions, he knew that these people's identities were definitely unusual, so he didn't dare to neglect, and immediately set off for the entrance of the village.

As soon as he left the house, Chen Feng saw the people mentioned by the villagers not far away, so he walked up in a few quick steps.

Under the leadership of Uncle Namu, this group of people found a small restaurant in the village to sit down and rest.

At this time, Chen Feng came in from the outside and said, "My lords, I am the village head of this village. If you need any help, you can let me know in advance. Our village will definitely help!"

Uncle Mu stood up and said: "I'm really sorry, I didn't expect our arrival to alarm the village head, if there is any offence, I hope you will forgive me!"

"Where, where?" Chen Feng shook his head and said, "So it's a guest. Our small village doesn't have any good food and drinks to entertain you. I hope you can make do with some simple food!" Uncle Mu smiled: "No , We are all monks and cultivators, we are not very particular about these things, we just come here to rest for a while, and then we have to continue on our way!"

"Oh, well, everyone, take a good rest, then I will go to work first, so I won't disturb you!" Chen Feng said goodbye.

"Wait a minute, village head, I have some questions I want to ask you. I wonder if you can spare some time to answer them for us?" Suddenly, Uncle Mu said.

Chen Feng was taken aback, and then said: "My lord, just ask, I will tell you everything I know!"

In a corner of the shop, Chen Aotian hid inside at some point, eavesdropping on everyone's conversation.

Uncle Namu asked: "Has there been any incidents of wild animals hurting people in this village recently?" Chen Feng was taken aback for a moment, not knowing why this person would ask this question, but he didn't think too much about it, and immediately replied: "Speaking of wild animals Hurt people, it happened once not long ago!"

"Oh?" Uncle Mu raised his eyebrows and said, "It seems that the existence in the endless forest has become somewhat irresistible!"

Chen Feng asked carefully: "These beasts are not ordinary beasts, but monsters!" Hearing Chen Feng's words, Uncle Mu projected two sharp rays of light in his eyes, and a powerful aura emanated from his body instantly, oppressing Cold sweat dripped down Chen Feng's back!

Uncle Mu's voice was slightly low: "How do you know that these are not ordinary beasts, but monsters?" Under the strong pressure of Uncle Mu, Chen Feng was trembling all over, and beads of sweat rolled down his forehead , Chen Feng couldn't wipe it off with his hands.

Chen Fengcheng said with great trepidation and difficulty: "I hope my lord will calm down, there is also a real fairy in our village, he told me about it!"

At this juncture of life and death, Chen Feng betrayed the nonsense very unintentionally!

"True Immortal? Interesting, I didn't expect that there would be a True Immortal in this small village!" Uncle Mu withdrew his momentum and smiled kindly.

"Where is a real fairy? It's just the absurd praise of the villagers. How can He De be called a fairy!" At this moment, a voice came from outside the door, and everyone turned their eyes to the door.

A middle-aged man in a golden Taoist robe came in, followed by a four or five-year-old boy.

What is talking is nonsense.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Chen Aotian, who was hiding aside, immediately ran out secretly, hurriedly went to find Hu Shuo, briefly explained the matter, and asked Hu Shuo to go to rescue him.

Hu Shuo paid homage to Master Mu; "Nonsense in Xiachenhu Village, I have seen seniors!" Uncle Mu flicked his sleeves slightly, and an invisible force lifted Hu Shuo up. Uncle Mu nodded and said, "During the Qi training period. The second floor? It must have been self-study and practice hard!" Hu Hua was stunned, then nodded: "Senior guessed right, I am indeed self-study and practice hard for more than [-] years, and finally broke through to the second floor of the Qi training period not long ago!"

Hu Hua didn't dare to neglect or lie in his heart. The cultivation level of this person in front of him was unfathomable. If he offended this person, the consequences would be disastrous.

After hearing what nonsense said, several young people who accompanied Mr. Mu laughed disdainfully, and this laughter spread into nonsense's ears.Bullshit feels so harsh.

"What are you laughing at? You guys have the nerve to laugh. Seeing that you have no teacher to teach you, you don't have any resources for cultivation, and you haven't given up after more than [-] years of hard training. However, you have a famous teacher in the sect, which consumes countless resources. , I am proud and complacent with a little achievement, if Xiao Hu has your qualifications, I am afraid that your current cultivation level is not comparable to yours!" Master Mu immediately cursed angrily when he saw the appearance of those young people.

"Um. Uncle Mu, don't be angry, old man, we know we were wrong, so we won't dare next time!" A beautiful girl next to Uncle Mu acted coquettishly towards Uncle Mu.

"Okay, okay, I really can't stand you, it seems that I usually spoil you!" Uncle Mu shook his head helplessly, facing these little guys, he really loves and hates them!

"No way, we've always been obedient!" the beautiful girl retorted to Master Mu's words.

"Yes, yes, yes, you are very good, hurry up and eat something, we will be on our way later!" Uncle Mu laughed.

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