
Chapter 21 The Seal Is Broken

Seeing that Mengbian refuses to teach her the body-substitution technique, Hanxuan angrily turns around to ignore Mengbian, and secretly says in her heart: "Hmph, damn Mengbian, just learned a body-substitution technique, what's the air?"

Mengbian saw the greetings like this, immediately had a headache, slapped his head and said: "Mengbian, don't be like this, with your talent, sooner or later you will be favored by one of the elders in the door, let alone a substitute You can choose other even more powerful moves!" "Hmph, ignoring you means ignoring you!" Han Xuan still said angrily.

Meng Bian wanted to say something, but Uncle Mu said: "Okay, there is no danger nearby, let's rush to the top of the mountain! Otherwise, something will happen if it is too late!" "Yes!"

Under the leadership of Uncle Mu, the figures of the crowd swept towards the top of the mountain in an instant.


Suddenly, from nowhere, countless giant bats flew out, and the size of these bats was not much smaller than that of giant wolves.

"Ah! What is this?" Seeing these furry things flying towards him, Han Xuan was so frightened that he lost all strength and fell to the ground, not knowing what to do.

"Be careful with HanXuan!" Meng Bian stepped in front of HanXuan, pinching the spell seal quickly with both hands: "Wind Blade! Cut!"

Whoosh, in front of Mengbian's body, several blades emitting blue light instantly slashed at the giant bat flying towards him and others.

Pooh.The cyan blade sank into the body of the giant bat, immediately spattered three feet of blood, fell to the ground, thumped a few times and died.

"Everyone be careful!" Uncle Mu reminded everyone, but the movements in his hands were not slow: "Blazing fire!"

Boom, a sky full of flames soared into the sky, covering the entire sky in an instant.All the countless giant bats were submerged in the sea of ​​flames all over the sky!

"Squeak!" Burned by the raging fire, these giant bats uttered painful cries, but the struggle was futile, and finally turned into a pile of ashes and disappeared with the wind!

"Meng Bian!" Seeing Meng Bian stand up in front of her, some nerves in Han Xuan's heart were slightly touched.

"Is everyone okay?" Master Mu asked.

: "No!" "That's good, everyone should be more careful next time, we have encountered a lot of weird things outside, and we don't know what we will encounter next!" Uncle Mu's expression was stagnant. typical.

Chenhu Village.

At this time, Chenhu Village was attacked by the low-level demon beasts Tiezhen beasts. After the Tiezhen beasts passed, there were only ruins and houses with big holes. The villagers who lived and died through the town beast waited for the eyes that were dying to die in a pool of blood. This scene was staged in every home in Chenhu Village at the same time.

Chen Aotian's body exuded a soaring and fiery red light, and this powerful force exuded a sense of arrogance, which instantly suppressed the killing intent in Chen Aotian's heart.

Chen Aotian stared blankly at the scene in front of him, at a loss, his parents died, his relatives died, everyone in the village died, what should he do?Chen Aotian looked up at the night sky with a big hole, the golden full moon seemed to be dyed with a layer of light red at this time, it was so coquettish and weird!

Boom, boom, boom,

Suddenly, a strange sound came from the door, scaring Chen Aotian to immediately hide under the table!

"What is it?" At this moment, Chen Aotian had no choice but to hide because of such a strange sound. After a round of monster beasts, would there be other monsters coming to raid?With a creak, the door was slowly opened, Chen Aotian nervously clenched his hands into fists, what should he do if it was a monster that came in?

dong dong dong.

This time, Chen Aotian heard clearly, it was the sound of human footsteps, Chen Aotian looked along the table legs, and found a pair of feet walking towards the room.

"Brother Chen Feng!" When the visitor saw Chen Feng lying on the ground in a pool of blood, he immediately exclaimed and squatted down.

Now, Chen Aotian finally saw this person's face clearly, this person is actually talking nonsense!

Chen Aotian didn't expect that Hu Hua survived the attack of the raging beasts last night, and he didn't suffer any damage.

Hu Shi got up and observed the situation in the house, and found that apart from Chen Feng's body, there was also the body of his sister-in-law on the ground, but only Chen Aotian's body was not there.

Hu Shu murmured with joy in his heart: "Could it be that Xiao Aotian hasn't died yet?"

"Aotian, Aotian, where are you?" Hu Shi shouted loudly.There was a slight tremor in the voice because of surprise!

Chen Aotian heard Hu Shuo calling himself, so he got out from under the table, waved at Hu Shuo and said, "Uncle Hu Shuo, I'm here!" "Ah, Aotian, it's great that you're fine!" He came to Chen Aotian's side in two steps, and hugged Chen Aotian.

Chen Aotian cried and said: "Uncle Nonsense, my father is dead, my mother is dead, and many people in the village have died! It's so scary, I'm so scared!" Hu Shuo touched Chen Aotian's head and said: "Don't be afraid, Xiao Aotian, The whole Chenhu Village is still alive, only you and me are left, so from now on, I will be your father, let me take care of you in the future! From now on, the two of us will depend on each other!" Chen Aotian stopped crying and choked up He said: "Uncle Nonsense!" After Chen Hucun experienced this incident, he completely lost his vitality. After Hu Shu buried all the corpses of the people by himself, he found some silver taels in the house, and took Chen Aotian on the road together. up.

This Chenhu Village cannot stay any longer, it is an ominous place.

The mountain behind Zhujia Village.

"What is this?" Meng Bian looked at the scene in front of him in surprise.

Uncle Mu said solemnly: "This is a strong zombie with a golden core stage cultivation that my patriarch sent to seal here more than 1000 years ago!"

"Jin Danqi is a strong Zombie?" Meng Bian and Han Xuan shouted together in surprise.

What a powerful existence the Golden Core Stage is, the existence that I and others have to look up to. In today's world of cultivating immortals, the strong at the Golden Core Stage are already the existence of the strongest enemies. As for the monks above the Golden Core Stage, It has become a legendary existence!These strong men at the Golden Core stage are all ancestors of each sect, and they are generally old monsters who will not appear in front of everyone!

Uncle Mu nodded and said: "Yes, so everyone should not take it lightly. Although this golden core stage zombie was sealed by my patriarch, but now it seems that the seal seems to be incomplete! Sure enough, the leader guessed it is not Wrong, the recent riots in the endless forest are all because of the broken seal!"

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