
Chapter 216

It is said that ten thousand years ago, there were ten suns in the sky, so the time did not distinguish between day and night, and the seasons did not distinguish between autumn and winter.The weather was extremely hot and dry, and the people had very little harvest and suffered unspeakably.At this time, there was a young man named Hou Yi, he was a hunter, handsome and tall, and he was very good at archery.Seeing that the people are suffering, he is determined to save the people from suffering.He first found the best bow maker in the world and made the hardest bow in the world.He also found the best blacksmith and the best arrow maker in the world, and made nine of the sharpest arrows.So he used this bow and these nine arrows to shoot down nine of the suns in the sky, leaving only one of them.Hou Yi ordered him to come out during the day and go down at night.From this time, day and night are divided, and seasons are divided into spring and autumn.The fertile field is thousands of miles away, the water is clear and the tide is flat.The people finally lived a good life with plenty of food and clothing.

Hou Yi became the greatest hero in the world.So the Jade Emperor named him the God of Bow, and the Queen Mother also gave him a pill of immortality.He was also loved by the people all over the world.Many young and beautiful women fell in love with him.After Hou Yi married a woman named Chang'e, there were many women who would never marry for him.

That Chang'e was originally from Yangzhou.Beautiful and dignified, gentle and virtuous.People are diligent and hardworking, women workers are willing to do everything from sewing to lighting fires and cooking.After marrying into Houyi's house, she got along well with her in-laws, uncles and sisters-in-law, and everyone liked her very much.Five years have passed in a flash, but there has never been a man and a woman.Although Hou Yi still loved her, her in-laws never said anything.But Chang'e was very disturbed, and always wanted to give birth to a son for Hou Yi, and let Hou Yi have a queen.So she thought of the fairy medicine that Houyi entrusted her to keep, and she thought that since it was a fairy medicine, she might have a child if she took it.So he took the pill when no one was around.Unexpectedly, men who took the pill would live forever, but women who took it would become immortals.After Chang'e took the pill, she walked out of the door involuntarily, and flew westward until she reached the seaside in the west, where she suddenly soared into the sky and flew towards the Moon Palace.Since then, a stunning woman has been lost in the world, but a well-known fairy has been added to the Heavenly Palace.

Hou Yi went out to hunt and returned home, but Chang'e was not there.No one knows about family members.So he went out to inquire, and heard that the neighbors said that Chang'e was going west, so Hou Yi went to look for Chang'e in the direction pointed by the neighbors.

Hou Yi searched westward for three years, but couldn't find Chang'e's shadow, and finally found the seaside.He stayed by the sea for a long time, and at night, there happened to be an abandoned wooden house nearby, and the palms on the roof had been blown away by the wind.Hou Yi came to rest in the wooden house.Hou Yi missed Chang'e in his heart, and could not fall asleep all the time.In the haze, an old man in white clothes drifted over.I saw the old man with white hair and a childlike face, with long white eyebrows hanging down to both sides.A long beard on his chest is also like snow.Holding a whisk in his right hand, the old man stood in front of Hou Yi and read: "

A jade sword facing Tianluan

ice front snow blade arctic cold

Yi Ruo's bow is here

Exu Jade Emperor personally sent it back


Hou Yi quickly asked: "Old man, do you know where Chang'e is?"

The old man replied: "She has gone to the Heavenly Palace. The Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother adopted her as a foster daughter and now lives in Guanghan Palace."

After hearing this, Hou Yi lowered his head sadly.

Seeing this, the old man said, "Don't worry about it. I have a way to bring Chang'e back to you."

Hou Yi hurriedly asked: "Old man, what magic method do you have?"

The old man replied: "Going to the west three thousand miles away, there is a pillar of one day, and there is a jade sword in the pillar that day. The jade sword was originally refined from the essence of heaven and earth for 5000 million years. You When you get there, a young man named Gonggong will help you take out the jade sword. As long as you get this sword, the Jade Emperor will send Chang'e back."

Hou Yi asked: "Old man, is what you said true?"

"Of course it's true. When you get there, one of my disciples will welcome you. If you arrive early, wait with him for the arrival of Gonggong."

"Going to the west, the vast sea, how to cross?"

The old man replied: "You will know when the time comes. I will send you four verses: boat when you encounter water, sleep when you encounter caves, sleep at night when you wake up, and don't move at seven. Remember, remember."

After the old man finished speaking, he swept the whisk away, turned around and drifted away.Hou Yi still wanted to catch up and ask what happened, but he woke up suddenly.It turned out to be Nankeyimeng.Hou Yi was skeptical about the things in the dream, so he went out to have a look, only to see that the vast sea in front of him had turned into an endless plain.Just because he slept for 5000 years, the world has gone through vicissitudes of change.The old man in the dream was Yuanshi Tianzun Pangu the Great.Because he pitied Houyi for saving the people from fire and water, and also pitied him for missing Chang'e, he intended to help him find Chang'e.After Yuanshi Tianzun arranged everything, he went to travel around the world without asking or mentioning this matter.

Besides, after Chang'e arrived at the Heavenly Court, she found that although the Heavenly Palace was rich in clothing and food, the fairy music was fluttering, and she would live forever.The Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother of the West also liked her very much and treated her like their own daughter.In fact, life is lonely and cold, dry and unbearable.Can not help but have the feeling of missing the family.Although Wu Gang had a crush on Chang'e, he often secretly sent sweet-scented osmanthus wine.But the Heavenly Court Palace is strictly forbidden, and dare not go one step further.So Chang'e often quietly washes her face with tears.The seven fairies sometimes come to comfort her.Chang'e once thought of going home.But later, the younger sister of the Seven Fairies was chased back by the heavenly soldiers sent by the queen mother because of her admiration for Dong Yong.After Chang'e knew about it, she gave up the idea of ​​going home.He had to stay with the Jade Rabbit all day long in Guanghan Palace.When alone, I often cry secretly.When Seventh Sister was in the lower realm, she told people the story of Chang'e. Some people sighed because of this and wrote a poem: "

heaven and earth separated

Osmanthus is not relieved

Bitter rain in the south of the Yangtze River



Let's say that when Hou Yi woke up, in the land of Penglai, Shandong, there was a young stonemason named Gonggong who was handsome and strong.He comes from a family of masons, and he does a good job of masonry.Gonggong is married and has two sons and a daughter.He is filial to his parents, caring for his neighbors, and has a good reputation far and near.His wife is gentle and virtuous, and his children are sensible and obedient.The family is happy and living a stable life.

But one night, shortly after Gonggong fell asleep, an old man in white clothes with white beard and hair suddenly appeared in front of him, holding a dust whisk in his hand.The old man asked Gong Gong: "Do you know Hou Yi?"

Gonggong replied: "Of course I know. He shot down nine suns and is a hero who saves people from fire and water."

The old man asked again: "Now that Hou Yi is in trouble, would you like to help him?"

"What's wrong with him?"

"His wife, Chang'e, is now in the Moon Palace. You can help him find her beloved wife."

Gonggong asked, "How can I help him?"

"Go to the west side of Tufan, there is a pillar of one day, and there is a jade sword in the pillar of that day. If you help him take out the jade sword, you can help him find Chang'e."

"How can I take out the jade sword?"

The old man didn't answer, but said: "If you are willing to help him, after you come back, you, your family and future generations will always enjoy wealth and honor and live a long life."

After the old man finished speaking, he turned and drifted away.Gong Gong was trying to catch up, but he woke up. It turned out to be a dream.Gonggong saw a jade ax and a jade chisel beside the bed.When I got up and opened the door, the mountain in front of the door was gone.We know that the dream is true.It turned out that the old man was the phantom of Yuanshi Tianzun.This dream was pre-determined by Yuanshi Tianzun 5000 years ago, and he used the phantom to wake up Gonggong to help Houyi.

Gong Gong told his family members about this, and they were very supportive when they heard that he was going to help Hou Yi who saved the people from the fire and water.After the villagers heard about this incident, they came to Gong Gong's house one after another, and they all praised him for his greatness.And sent a lot of money for him to take with him on the road.Gonggong repeatedly declined, and the villagers also insisted on expressing their sincerity.Gong Gong also had to stay.

On the day before he left, his family and neighbors sent him ten miles away, and Gong Gong set out on the road alone.The fact that Gong Gong went to Tianzhu to help Hou Yi was also spread to the world.

Let’s talk about Houyi later, and after waiting for the old man in the dream to point out, he went all the way west.But he completely forgot the old man's four sentences.Don't look for a boat when encountering water, just pass by with divine power.There is no rest every seven days.If you encounter a cave, if it is not night, you will not go into the cave to rest.

When he arrived at the Tianzhu of the Tufan, Na Gonggong was still [-] days away.

Hou Yi saw a hut near Tianzhu, so he took a closer look, and there was a little Taoist sleeping inside.Hou Yi shook him awake.That Xiaodao was originally a young apprentice of Yuanshi Tianzun.He opened his eyes and looked at Hou Yi dimly and asked, "Is this Gong Gong here?"

Hou Yi replied: "I am not Gong Gong, but Hou Yi."

Xiaodao rubbed his eyes and said, "Why did you arrive so early?"

Hou Yi asked, "Has Gong Gong arrived?"

Xiaodao said, "Not yet."

"Then how long will it take for him to arrive?"

That Xiaodao was not good at arithmetic when he was a child, and he couldn't figure out the time difference between heaven and earth.He counted with his fingers and said, "Ah, he will have to wait 500 years to get it."

Hou Yi was shocked: "How could this be?"

Xiaodao replied, "Did you follow the master's instructions?"

Only then did Hou Yi recall Yuanshi Tianzun's words, and replied, "I have never done it."

Xiaodao said: "Yes. Don't you know that a day in the cave is a thousand years in the world. Now 500 years is short."

After hearing Xiaodao's words, Hou Yi was like five thunderbolts.He asked Xiaodao: "Where is that sword now?"

"It's in the sky pillar."

"How to get it?"|

"Gonggong must use the jade ax and chisel in his hand, and then use the stonemason's magical skills to take it out."

After hearing Xiaodao's words, Hou Yi turned around and walked out of the shack in despair.That Xiaodao didn't know what Hou Yi was thinking, so he followed him.Hou Yi thought that he would never see Chang'e again in this life, so sad and indignant, he ran towards Tian Tianzhu.The trail didn't look good at first glance, so I hurried to catch up.Hou Yi slammed his head at the Tianzhu.In an instant, the earth trembled and the sky shook, and I saw that the pillar of the day was broken into thousands of pieces of gravel.When the dust settled, the rubble from that day's pillar had turned into mountains of large and small stones within a radius of ten thousand miles.The fertile and wild fields and grasslands with abundant water and grass have all disappeared.The sky also tilted to one side because of the broken pillar.Hou Yi himself was buried to death in a stone mountain near the Tianzhu.The jade sword sank into the ground, only the tip of the sword remained outside the ground, turning into an ice peak, shining brightly.Seeing that he had caused a catastrophe, the little Taoist was afraid that the Jade Emperor would blame him, so he fled to the world to hide.

Since Gonggong left home, he has been traveling westward day and night.When I was extremely tired, I found a shelter by the side of the road and fell asleep.When I was hungry, I took a bite of the dry food I bought along the way with cold water.When he reached the border of Xichuan, he was still five hundred days away from Tiantianzhu.Suddenly, I felt a shaking of the sky and the ground, and then the sky in the west was covered with smoke and dust, which continued to the sky.Gonggong didn't know what happened, but still rushed westward.It took half a month for the smoke to dissipate.However, Gonggong felt more and more desolate as it traveled. The road was full of rocky mountains where not a single blade of grass grew. The population was sparsely populated, and board and lodging were very difficult.He walked for another three years before arriving at the pillar of that day.But he found that the Tianzhu had been broken, leaving only the ice peak transformed from the tip of the jade sword, shining coldly in the sunlight.

When Gonggong was at a loss, he suddenly heard someone singing behind him: "

Chang'e tried the medicine and regretted that time

Yi Lang tilted in anger

Emperor Wa himself should refine the five stones

No fault but negative words


When Gonggong saw it, it turned out to be a monk in a red robe.Then he asked him: "Master, may I ask you if you know what happened here?"

The monk replied: "It's only because Yuanshi Tianzun's apprentice miscalculated the date, Houyi missed you by mistake, and knocked down the Tianzhu on a whim, it's what you are today."

Gong Gong asked again: "Then where is Hou Yi?"

The monk pointed to the foot of the mountain: "He was suppressed by the falling stone from the Tianzhu, and he was buried under that mountain."

Gonggong suffered: "I was late, and I killed him."

The monk said: "Good, good. You have done your best. His death is destiny and has nothing to do with you. You should turn around early and reunite with your family."

Gonggong said: "I am sorry for him, he is too lonely here alone. I want to stay here with him."

The monk said: "This place is desolate and indifferent, and it is miserable. You should go home quickly."

Gonggong replied: "I have made up my mind, I will not go home again."

The monk sighed: "Never mind, never mind. This is also what you were destined for in your previous life. Then Hou Yi knocked down the pillar of heaven, turning the countryside with a radius of thousands of miles into barren hills, killing and injuring countless lives. Since you want it, why don't you take refuge in our sect. You can stay here with him, and secondly, you can save the suffering people nearby, and you can also make atonement for him."

After Gonggong heard this, he fell down and worshiped, and converted to Buddhism.The monk in red said: "As long as you practice with all your heart, the Dharma will keep pace with the times, and you will finally achieve the right result. Don't worry about your family members, they will all get good results. Good, good."

After the monk finished speaking, he slipped his red robe to the ground and rode away on an auspicious cloud.It turned out that it was the Tathagata who came to give Gonggong a hint, so that he could remember the past life.Gong Gong looked at the sky and worshiped again, put on the red robe left by the Buddha, and devoted himself to practicing according to the teachings of the Buddha.

Later, the news that the Tianzhu was knocked down spread to the mainland from time to time.Because no one knew the inside story, and everyone knew that Gong Gong went to Tianzhu to get the sword, it was falsely rumored that Gong Gong touched the pillar and died, knocking down Optimus Prime.Little did he know that Tianzhu was actually knocked down by Hou Yi.However, Gonggong was enlightened by the Tathagata at that time, became a monk, and finally became a Living Buddha, saving all sentient beings.Therefore, the saying that Gonggong knocked down the Tianzhu has been passed down to this day.Although Gong Gong never helped Hou Yi find Chang'e, he took the responsibility of turning countless farmhouses into barren hills and causing countless living beings to suffer a bad reputation, thus preserving Hou Yi's reputation.However, the family members and descendants of Gonggong still, as the old man said, worship their prime ministers, enjoy wealth and honor, and live a long life.

For thousands of years, the Tufan and the mainland have been blocked by traffic, and few people have been able to travel between them, and the broken part of the Tianzhu is even more inaccessible.During this period, after Princess Wencheng entered Tibet, Songtsen Gampo built the Potala Palace.It was not until 2000 years later that the world was overturned, and mortals could reach the broken part of the Tianzhu.At this time, Tufan was already called Tibet.And the transportation is developed, there are planes, roads, and trains.There are not only magnificent mountains and rivers, frozen thousands of miles of scenery, but also beautiful waves and colorful scenery.Someone came to the Tianzhu, feeling the magnificence of the ancestors and the magnificence of the mountains, so they wrote a poem according to the format of "Nian Nujiao": "

Yuzhu West

He Zengyou

The ancients never came

column on the edge of the sky


place of death

broken wall

ice blade

Taibai is still shocked

Wind sculpture and rain carving

It has become unique in a thousand years

Reminiscing about when Wen Cheng was born

Zambu kissed

jade dimple like flower

brocade hat mink fur


From then on, the Red Palace Qianren


how many westbound

nearest sky dome

from now on

life is like a dream


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