
Chapter 223

Jiangnan in October contains the sadness of a thousand years, singing endless thoughts and infinite sadness like weeping and complaining.Autumn colors are lingering in my Rulan's mind, and there is a touch of melancholy in the brightness.The autumn water is long, misty and rainy.In the beauty of autumn water, I am dressed in white clothes like snow, and my eyes are as bright as water. The only thing that is different from human beings is my eyes. The pupils are transparent, the irises are shallow, and the color is gorgeous, just like white snow. With a vaguely gentle look, in Wu Nong's soft words, the elegant and refined face made a three-pointed beauty in the West Lake.I, with a flick of my sleeves, a curved eyebrow, stirred the water rhyme; a guzheng, playing the wind and dust, a clear rhyme, flowing slowly like clouds and flowing water, through thousands of years, in the wind and rain of the Tang Dynasty, you Tsing-clothed and black-haired, unrestrained and unrestrained like yesterday, with plain shadows and faint drunkenness, it reflected all the music scores and poem volumes, and dimmed the dazzling bright fireworks.I don't know how to remember you, I don't know when I can meet you again, only safe and calm, waiting for a love that has passed away in the air, in the sound of mist and rain, sighing softly and counting the fleeting years, Drunk and read the west wind alone cool.The green lotus coming from the wind is carrying a boat of sleepless in the shimmering blue waves. Is my heart telling the shyness of love, or is my longing blooming in the flowering period of longing?I am still the white fox who loves you for thousands of years, in the faint lotus fragrance, accompanied by butterflies dancing, accompanied by apricot blossom misty rain, waiting for your appearance and reunion with you.Thousands of years of hard waiting have turned into a cup of thick wine, with whom to share new sorrows?Thousands of years of love have blossomed into blossoming heart flowers, and the fragrance is pervasive. In the blank space of my life, I have painted the eternal splendor, and the voiceless sound of life flows in the charm of the wind, the moon and the white.Lingering in the slanting wind and drizzle of the world of mortals, it turns into flying catkins all over the city where the scorching peach blossoms and clear flowing water are, and the rippling autumn waves set off surging waves in the heart sea.The scarlet lovesickness is the elegant and eternal feeling. She stretches her body like a vine buried deep in the cracks of stones, transforming into a thin plum tree, a dream for thousands of years.My tears became a song, gently awakening her, waiting for you on the side of the road that must pass, as long as I have your loving gaze for a moment, even if I miss the whole flowering season, I will happily fall and turn into dust... just don’t know, you Is there still me in my memory, is there still that cute fox as white as snow in your memory?

Breeze, drizzle, frequent steps, looking forward to, where are you?Although I understand that the fate of the world has always been like water, although I know that one flower is one world, one leaf is one pursuit, but I still stubbornly stick to being one person from life to life, looking forward to you coming to me from life to life, I don’t know you, may I?Even if the autumn wind does not understand the meaning of falling flowers, a ray of cold fragrance is far away; The love of a thousand years has thinned the moonlight and made the peach blossoms red.Fell into the world of mortals for more than a thousand years, just for you; traveled tens of thousands of miles in time and space, just to wait for your look back,

Yingying candle tears weep for the king, and a little bit of flower worry worries for the king.Looking for you for a thousand years like this, waiting for you for a thousand years, thinking of you for a thousand years, my heart is flying in time, flying for a thousand years.The star bridge magpie road, thousands of years of lovesickness accompanied by lonely souls.The rain on the pillow, the person in the dream, looking back in the autumn scenery, the dark fragrance permeates the soul, chasing the past, thinking about the old man for a while.Looking quietly at the wind, flowers, snow and moon, listening to the sound of wind and rain, and counting the passing years, Xiner slowly crosses time and space in the millennium of waiting.Guarding Zimo Red Dust, the loneliness of the vast sea of ​​people, I flick my sword and sing, the boldness of gold and iron horses, the bright moon and breeze, the elegance of plum hearts and bamboo bones, along with the dragon's chant of the three-foot green front, reverberate between heaven and earth for a long time , to calm the restless soul... Feng Yunqi, fleeting time flying, three-life covenant.Does anyone know the way back?Xiaoxiao Qiuyu brought you news.I feel.You are close to me, close... On the shore of the autumn water, the reeds are knee-high, swaying in the wind, beside the small bridge, there are falling flowers and flowing water, and the flowers are silent, and the happy heart is swaying in the falling red.Wandering on both sides of the autumn water, my heart blooms charmingly in the fragrance, passing through the golden curtain of autumn, waiting for you, waiting for you to come, waiting for you to walk into me gently, waiting for your gentle eyes to cover me, waiting for you to step on my heart Deep traces, waiting for you to let me release the tenderness that has condensed for thousands of years in your arms.After watching for a thousand years, looking forward to a thousand years, I believe that there will be a day of reunion, and I believe that this day is not far away.In this misty and misty autumn, in this watery Jiangnan, at the end of a deep alley, I waited eagerly, how should I play the pipa in my hand softly, so that you can understand the voice in my heart?

Along the past, I searched for you all the way, separated by many mountains, I waded here, the fluttering red danced around me, the flute sound in my heart blew the fairy tale in autumn.The dense layers of thoughts wrapped in the atrium are inadvertently scattered in the autumn sun, and the long-held thoughts fly gently, folding the hot emotions into paper kites, and let her fly to the sky... The autumn wind blows the dust all over the ground, Blowing towards my face, a faint voice came from the wind: "Don't look for it, my child. Let it go, you won't be able to integrate into his world, and his world won't tolerate you." I smiled lightly, the thousand-year-old Love, how can you just let it go?The legend that has been waiting for a thousand years has not yet been staged, so how can you just let it go?I just want to take a look at you, even if your flute is not for me, even if your horseshoe passes by my mountain, with the bride of your dreams on your horseback, I have no complaints; I just want to meet you again, Even if it withers into a yellow flower in the mountain stream, even if it dries up and becomes a decoration in the medicine basket of the boy who collects herbs, I will not regret it; I just want to be able to confide in you, even if I abandon my thousand years of cultivation, even if I re-enter reincarnation, I will be willing ;I just want to be able to play a song with my frailty and your arrogant feelings forever, even if I fall into purgatory, even if I return to the animal world, I will leave with a smile... I am like an autumn flower, Waiting in the autumn wind, looking forward to your boating and singing, gently, gently, implanting me in your heart...

I saw the autumn river again, and the autumn water again. The green river gurgled around, and I sat on the riverside, thinking about you quietly.The bell at dusk knocked the sparkling autumn water into a blooming green lotus. In the misty waves of thousands of miles, a familiar figure came slowly, stepping on the misty rain in the south of the Yangtze River, with green clothes scattered and outstanding.That is the figure that has existed in my heart for thousands of years, and that is the figure that I have been waiting for for thousands of years.It's you, it's you, it's really you!I finally waited for you!The condensed eyebrow in the wind, the green willow silk on the tip of the hair is drunk; the smile on the lips blooms the pink lotus that is full of the lake.The eagle flies and the fish jumps, the pupils are illuminated, the fragrance of osmanthus seeds permeates the heart, and the fishing boat returns at dusk, who has crossed and danced lightly in the dream?How many beautiful mandarin ducks have been startled by the ripples splashed by the autumn rain?The long road, the narrow bridge, passing by the desire of all beings, have you ever met my joy?You and I have been separated for thousands of years, and finally, finally, we will meet again in the world of mortals... A voice came faintly from the sky: "Fool, fool, why is love so crazy...?" Lightly said: I have no regrets!

The rain was falling, and the shore of the autumn river was covered with a thin layer of gauze.You, come here with an umbrella.Blue shirt fluttering, quiet still

Like air, flowing like clouds, clean like flowing water.Your face looks very clear in the drizzle, it is still the face of thousands of years ago, with a statue-like outline, delicate and elegant facial features, walking so leisurely in the rainy wilderness, it seems to have fallen from a painting The scenery, in the misty rain full of dark gray, has a feeling of surprise.The poetry on the lotus leaf opens up the passing years, the color of love adorns the stamens of the soul, and the charm of a thousand years flows on the strings of a guqin, and strings of red beans are bred in the call of the soul.That clear wind penetrates that ray of love, blows over you, and blows over me.By the misty and rainy broken bridge, I stand quietly, waiting for you to come, waiting to come with you, the love of thousands of years is only for today.The faint pain on the broken bridge has turned into continuous lovesickness and joy today.Wait for a thousand years, I will finally see you again, goodbye for a thousand years, how are you?Your white fox is here, the white fox you released thousands of years ago is here, here...

The drizzle stained my clothes and my shirt was wet, I stood in the wind and rain and counted your footsteps, getting closer, getting closer, my heart fluctuated slightly with the ups and downs of your footsteps.Millennium of loneliness, millennium of helplessness, today, at this time, swept away.It's finally here, it's finally here... I don't feel the cold rain and wind anymore, is it because of your arrival that I shun the wind and rain wisely?I gently raised my head and looked up. An oil-paper umbrella covered the wind and rain all over the sky. Under the umbrella, your eyes were as bright as stars.The reunion in thousands of years is like seeing me for the first time, looking at me quietly, you said: "Girl, it's getting late, the wind is cold and rainy, and the girl's clothes are all wet, be careful of catching a cold, go home quickly." Your voice It's still the same as it was a thousand years ago, it sounds like porcelain.I didn't know where to start when I had a thousand words, only the tears that had already filled my eyes quietly slid down my face. "I, I don't meet relatives, I'm alone, I don't know where to go, I don't know where is my home." After listening to my words, you frowned slightly, pondered for a moment, and slowly said: "Being a human being should not stick to small details, but be upright in your heart." I have nothing to be ashamed of. Forget it, I still have two huts that can shelter me from the wind and rain. If you don’t mind the girl, come home with me.” I finally have a home!I covered my sleeves and smiled, raised my silver eyes, and looked deeply at you, the rosy cheeks were full of beautiful fantasies about love, and my pink lips silently expressed my love for you , a myriad of threads are only in the intersection of the mind.You are not surprised at all, you are as gentle, kind and calm as ever.I am deeply blessed, blessed again, and go with you.

The thatched cottage is simple and tidy, with only one bed and a few pianos; the thatched cottage is elegant and warm, full of strong poetic and picturesque charm, and lingering with leisurely and elegant rhyme.You live in a hut here, studying hard in the cold window.You call me "Li'er", and I will add fragrance to your red sleeves from now on, and accompany you in the fragrance of books.I never dared to imagine that I would really meet such a brilliant beauty. You are a legend I dare not expect. I will definitely cherish this fate and cherish this relationship. looking for.But, in the millennium, are you still the scholar you were back then?My feeling for you is both familiar and strange.So, I see you in the quiet melody, read you in the elegant words, and understand you in the flowing notes.Bright eyes lightly pass over the sea of ​​your heart, watching you walk from the ink painting, your heart is like snow-white rice paper, clean and clean.Walking into your heart, heart and heart blend into an echo of high mountains and rivers, repeating the eternal chant in the tranquility of the wind, I walk into your world with beautiful spring flowers, I hold you with the light autumn moon Vicissitudes, I listen to your clever thoughts quietly with a pious heart, and accompany you to read at night in the flickering candlelight.I borrow wisps of floating dark fragrance, and strands of pine fragrance, to blow away the coldness of the long night in the support of branches and leaves, and let the deep warmth wrap your heart.

You chanted and sang softly in the mountains of poetry and the sea of ​​literature, swaying freely, like a necklace floating, like mist and rain flying.My vermilion lips parted lightly, and my voice harmonized softly. It was the euphemistic confession of the millennium's feelings, and it was the lingering chanting of the true feelings.You play the piano and play the flute, and the rhyme travels all the way with the fleeting years, making my agile soul become your jumping notes, and the clear and deep notes are like dreams and dreams in the moonlight.I am dressed in fluttering white, with wide sleeves and loose, infinitely shy, dancing to your rhythm with incomparable charm, just like a pure white lotus blooming in the middle of the night.Use my graceful dancing posture to accompany your forward steps.In the distance, the short oars are swaying gently, the clear water is lightly rippling, dreamy clouds and smoke trees, the shadow of the moon is faint, and the beauty of the boat head, I don’t know who is the talent for?I don't know who to sue for tenderness?What a beautiful scene, I can no longer tell if this is a dream or real?If this is a beautiful dream, I really hope that she can grow longer, longer, so that the happiness in the dream will be more, and more, so that the fragrance of flowers will intoxicate time and let time stay for a long time, even when I wake up, it is already It is falling flowers all over the ground, and the setting sun is already thick.I'm really afraid that she will be shattered into pieces in an instant like a mirror of smoke and water that breaks at the touch of a touch, and disperses with the wind.You are an ordinary human being, at most a hundred years, you will disappear from my eyes again, and this time I don’t know how long it will take before I can see you again, maybe I will never see you again.Therefore, I use the world of mortals as the paper, the deep emotion as the ink, sway and moisten, deeply engrave this situation and scene in my heart, and let this beautiful moment last forever in my heart.

You never asked me where I came from, and I dare not tell you my truth. I just want to read books with you quietly, listen to your poems quietly, watch you paint quietly, quietly Be with you in front of your case.I really want to be the cup of tea on your lips, the wolf hair in your hand, the square inkstone and ancient ink in front of your desk, the breeze outside your door, the bright moon in front of your window ... "The blue sky belongs to the sky, and the fox belongs to you." Just let me be stubborn once, stick to my life stubbornly, my memories will never disappear, my longing will never disappear, my love will never disappear It will disappear, your fox will not disappear, even if the world is destroyed, I will persist until the last second, just in case, just in case... in case I can see you at the last second, in case you can still Recognize me, in case you are still willing to give me a smile, in case you can still call me a fox, even if only one happens, it is the reason for my existence.I'm just a fox who always loves you and loves you.The endless wind blows away the fleeting years, surrounded by a furnace of fireworks, weaving the story of me and you.Like all women in the world, I also have beautiful thoughts in my heart. The motto on the desk is already familiar to me without looking carefully.Smash the veins of time, sink into autumn, put a pot of fine wine that has never been drunk for thousands of years, just want to get drunk with you.

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