
Chapter 31


At this critical moment, a violent noise erupted outside the welcoming guest, attracting everyone's attention.

bump! "Ah!" Several people crashed through the door to welcome visitors and fell down, with black and red flames burning on their bodies, rolling on the ground non-stop.

Seeing this, Sanxuanzi immediately shouted: "What's going on outside?"

"It's not good, we are surrounded by the enemy!" A disciple stumbled and ran in in a panic, the frightened expression on his face seemed to be contagious to everyone,

Sanxuanzi, Jiujianzi, Master Wanyuan, and Mrs. Jingxu couldn't care less about the existence of the tiger during the day, and immediately ran out with his men.

The head of the Tie Ling Sect was left alone, and he also knew that he alone could not do any harm to Bai Baihu. After seeing Bai Baihu for the last time, he could only shake his head and sigh, and left in despair.

"Roar!" Bai Tianhu let out a deep roar, and with a flash of white light, he returned to his human form.

Hu Hua took a step forward and asked in confusion, "Brother Bai, you, are you really not a human being?"

Bai Tianhu smiled slightly and said: "Brother Hu, as you have seen with your own eyes, I am not a human being, but a white tiger clan of monsters!"

"Ah, you are monsters, you killed my parents, and everyone in the village, I want to avenge them!"

Chen Aotian, who originally hid behind nonsense, did not know what kind of stimulation he received.Raising his small fist, he recklessly punched Bai Baihu.

Hu Hua felt a lump in his heart, and immediately shouted: "Aotian, don't be impulsive, little brother Bai is not a bad person, nor is he the murderer who killed your parents that night!"

Two lines of clear tears flowed from Aotian's eyes, he shook his head and said: "I don't care, I don't care, it's the monster who killed my parents!" Although Bai Tianhu was a little puzzled, he didn't take it too seriously when he saw Aotian attacking him. With a light wave of his right hand, a white ray of light swung out, knocking Aotian back and bumping into Hu Hua's arms.

Hu Shi hugged Aotian tightly, not letting him mess around, and said to Bai Baihu with a little apology: "Brother Bai is really sorry, but don't blame Aotian, his parents were killed by other monsters. He is full of hatred for the Yaozu in his heart, and now he is still young and can't tell right from wrong. But I think when Aotian grows up, he will understand these things!" After listening to the nonsense, Bai Tianhu shook his head secretly and sighed: "Now people in the world There are many vilifications of my Yaozu, but the Yaozu also has good and bad, how can you kill them all and deny it!" Hearing the violent fighting outside, Nonsense couldn't help wondering: "What happened outside? Why is it so lively?" Bai Baihu shrugged and said, "If you go out and have a look, you'll know?" Haha.The two looked at each other and smiled, and walked out hand in hand.

Although Chen Aotian was terrified of being beaten by the white tiger, his heart was still full of hostility towards him.

Outside the welcoming guest, it has become a battlefield. A group of men and horses in black and red robes will surround the welcoming guest. Under their control, the blazing magic fire blocked the way of everyone, and a monster was summoned. A ferocious beast with a dark red light all over its body launched a fierce attack on everyone in the welcoming room.

Hu Hua frowned, feeling the slightly demonic energy in the air, feeling a little unhappy in his heart.

Maybe it's because of practicing the ancient Qi training technique, nonsense is extremely sensitive to some breaths.

Hu Shi asked Bai Baihu who was beside him: "Brother Bai, do you know who these people are?" Brother knows a lot!"


Suddenly, Sanxuanzi, who was fighting, was accidentally kicked away by a spider-type monster, and fell down in front of the two of them screaming.

Naturally, Hu Hua couldn't leave him alone, so he immediately stepped forward, took out a fixed body talisman from his bosom, and after chanting the mantra, immediately stuck it to the place where the man was blazing with magic fire.


Sure enough, the power of this talisman cannot be underestimated. When the talisman was attached to this person, it emitted a hazy yellow light, which instantly suppressed the blur and went out!A puff of blue smoke rose.Seeing Hu Shuo's rescue, Sanxuanzi was very grateful. When Sanxuanzi saw Bai Baihu behind Hu Shuo, he was slightly taken aback, and then remembered that Hu Shuo was the expert who had a drink with Bai Baihu just now.

At that moment, Sanxuanzi bowed respectfully to Hu Shuo and said: "Thank you senior for helping me, Sanxuanzi is very grateful!" It was the first time that Hu Shuo was called a senior by others, so he was naturally a little embarrassed, touched his nose and said, "I am not a senior Lah. Rescuing you is nothing more than a piece of cake!" Sanxuanzi murmured in his heart: "As expected of a master, even if you want to extinguish this magic fire, you will have to spend a lot of effort. , Just a spell will do it! Nonsense is really a real person who does not show his face, once he makes a move, he will be a blockbuster!" Seizing this opportunity, Hu Hua asked Sanxuanzi: "Brother Sanxuanzi, who do you think these are? We have I didn't provoke them, why did they attack us?" Sanxuanzi was taken aback, why would this expert ask himself this question?

Seeing Sanxuanzi's puzzled look at him, Hu Hua couldn't help but blushed and said, "Because I have been practicing hard in the endless forest all year round, I don't know much about the outside world, so you understand!"

"Oh, so it is like this!" Sanxuanzi secretly said: "It turns out that this man with unfathomable strength is a hermit, who only pursues a higher realm, and doesn't care about external reputation, performance, etc.! "

Thinking of this, Sanxuanzi became more respectful to Nonsense.

Sanxuanzi replied: "Senior, these people in black and red clothes are all members of the Raging Fire Cult, an evil demon organization. I don't know how they cultivated these powerful magic fires, but these magic fires People with low cultivation base will die if they touch it, and there are powerful monsters for them to drive, so this raging fire cult is an existence that others dare not provoke in the Western Continent!"

"Fire Cult? How interesting!" Hu Hua murmured.Although Hu Hua is curious about the Agni Cult, but he also knows that with his own strength, he can't do anything, so he plans to watch a play here.

It's a pity that the tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop. Nonsense wanted to stay out of the matter, but was eventually involved.

A senior member of the Raging Fire Cult saw Hu Hua and Sanxuanzi talking and laughing, as if they were watching a play, and felt extremely dissatisfied with them. The two surrounded them.

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