
Chapter 34 3 Beads

But before the people of Agni Fire Cult got close to attracting guests, they were discovered by Bai Baihu who was waiting at the door.

"Who? Sneaky?" Bai Baihu roared at these people, attracting everyone's attention.

"Not good!" The leader saw that he and others had been discovered, so he stopped sneaking forward cautiously.He took off the camouflage clothes on his body, revealing the dark red robes belonging to the Agni Cult.

I saw the first person said: "Damn it, it was discovered, so don't worry about it so much, just rush!"

Bai Tianhu sneered, seeing these people killing him, he didn't feel the slightest fear in his heart, taking a step forward, the whole earth seemed to vibrate.

"What's going on?" The leader of Agni Fire Cult looked at the white tiger jumping out in surprise.

"Tiger down the mountain!" Bai Tianhu yelled loudly, like a tiger descending the mountain, he instantly pounced on the people of Lie Huo Cult.

The leader of the Raging Fire Cult felt the powerful aura on Bai Tianhu's body, and his face couldn't help changing. He said to his subordinates: "You rush in and kill him, let me block this person!"

"Yes!" Without saying a word, the four disciples of Raging Fire Cult rushed into the welcoming room after agreeing.

Seeing this, Bai Tianhu stared angrily: "You don't want to rush in if I'm here!"

After speaking, Bai Baihu wanted to rush in to the disciples of the Raging Fire Cult, but before his eyes, a man in a dark red robe appeared in front of him and said, "If you want to stop them, you should pass me first!" Let's talk about this level!" During the day, Hu's face was condensed, the dark red robe on this person was the same as that of Yehuo just now, and it was also embroidered with golden flames, which must have the same status as Yehuo in the Raging Fire Cult. I can't take it lightly!

"I am the Baihu Clan, Baitianhu. Who are you, tell me your name. I will not kill unknown people during the daytime tiger!" said Baihuhu, looking at the man in front of him.

"Huh? The White Tiger Clan, haha, it's really funny. It's really strange when the demon clan mixed with human beings!" The man laughed loudly.

"Hmph, do you have any control over what I, Bai Tianhu, want to do? Since you don't want to report your name, then forget it, anyway, I don't bother to know the names of the defeated subordinates!" Bai Baihu said disdainfully.

"You, you, I'm really pissed off, don't look down on people there, I'm going to chop you up, or my Shitong's name will be written upside down!" Shitong from the Raging Fire Cult said angrily.

bump!The two sentences were at odds, and Bai Tianhu and Shi Tong fought together in an instant. Both of them were masters in the late stage of foundation establishment. Their shots naturally flew away, and the situation changed. After a while, the two moved to the battlefield and fought elsewhere!

Although Bai Tianhu belonged to the demon clan, as a member of the white tiger clan, he had the blood of the ancient divine beast white tiger. Not only did he not have any demonic aura, but he was full of divine killing aura.This is the unique aura of the divine beast White Tiger.There is a lot of restraint for all demons and ghosts.

Therefore, Shi Tong, who is a member of the Raging Fire Cult, had a unique skill, Demon Fire, which was suppressed a lot in front of Bai Tianhu, and was at a disadvantage for a while, which made Shi Tong itch with hatred!But there is no way.

It is said that although Shi Tong was stopped by Bai Tianhu, the remaining four disciples of Raging Fire Cult rushed into the welcoming guest, which shocked Hu Hua and others.

You must know that the people who are in the welcoming hall now are all wounded, and they have no strength to fight anymore.

"Kill!" The four disciples of Raging Fire Cult didn't have any compassion, and they killed Hu Hua and the others in an instant with the faint magic fire on their bodies.

Hu Hua was shocked and didn't know what to do. Looking at the ferocious appearance of these four people, he knew that they were strong and definitely not something he could resist.

At this time, the three young monks who had been helping him just now stepped forward.

One of the young monks said: "Senior, don't bother you to make a move, let these monsters see how powerful our three beads of Tianfo Temple are!"

Nonsense was taken aback, in the exchange just now, he already knew the other party's dharma name, the dharma name he was talking to was called Tian Zhuzi, and the other two young monks were called Earth Zhuzi and Renzhuzi.

These three young monks are only seventeen or eighteen years old, but their Dharma should not be underestimated.

Seeing three young monks blocking the way of themselves and others, the four disciples of Agni Fire Cult laughed loudly: "Is there no one in the four sects of the righteous way? They even sent three small cloth dots whose hairs are not even fully grown to meet with them." Let's fight, haha, since that's the case, let's have a good time, come on!"

Although the four members of the Raging Fire Cult said so, they didn't have any underestimation in their hearts. The four carefully surrounded the three beads, and the magic fire in their hands kept beating!

"Amitabha Buddha! The four benefactors, the sea of ​​suffering is boundless. Only when you turn your head and put down your butcher knife can you become a Buddha immediately. I hope that you will stop being obsessed and come to the Western Paradise with me to accept the teachings of the Tathagata Buddha and understand the profoundness of Buddhism! "Tian Zhuzi proclaimed the Buddha's name, adding Buddha's power when speaking, adding a kind of rendering power.

The four members of Raging Fire Cult were stunned for a moment, and the magic fire in their hands gradually disappeared, as if there was a real tendency to put down their butcher knives and become Buddhas immediately.

Suddenly, one of the members of the Raging Fire Cult came back to his senses, and immediately roared loudly: "What nonsense, what's the point of turning back, we can't turn back!"

As soon as the man spoke, he woke up the other three men.The four of them couldn't help but feel palpitations when they thought of their appearance just now. They almost gave up attacking and let others slaughter them!

The disciple of Raging Fire Cult squinted his eyes and said with a sneer: "What a little monk, you are really capable, sir, I almost fell into your way!" Seeing that he had returned without success, Tian Zhuzi sighed and said, "It's a pity! , It’s a pity, it’s really a failure! It seems that I can only make a move, it’s really troublesome!” After a while, San Zhuzi fought with the four members of the Agni Cult.

Hu Shi frowned. After going through so many things in the past half month, Hu Shi was no longer the one who would panic when something happened.

Hu Hua took a deep breath, calmed down and thought for a while, and then continued to treat the disciples of the four schools of righteousness.

Nonsense knows that just relying on my second-floor cultivation during the Qi training period will not have any effect on the battle situation. If I can recover all the injuries of these injured disciples of the four sects of the righteous way and recover their combat power in a short time, It is also the most effective method.

Thinking of this, Hu Hua took out a bottle of elixir from his bosom regardless of his physical fatigue, took out a black elixir the size of a longan and swallowed it.

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