
Chapter 39 Dragon?

What kind of monster is this? The disgusting and ugly face, the long black hair all over the body, and the fresh fishy smell coming from the mouth, make the stomach in Hu Hua's stomach feel like vomiting.

At this time, Hu Hua's whole body was trembling, but he still maintained his composure.

Nonsense knows that the current self represents a generation of high-level people, so naturally he has to pretend to be a high-level person, otherwise, once his identity is found out, his face will be lost.

"Huh!" Hu Hua took a deep breath secretly, and took out the last ten remaining talismans from his bosom.

With a throw of his right hand, Hu Hua threw out dozens of earth-yellow talismans, and the spiritual power in his body turned into light spots and quickly gathered between his hands.

"Wuliang Tianzun, calming the gods, calming the mind, and avoiding the monsters! Drink!" Nonsense kept pinching the spell in his mouth, and while waving his hands, he controlled ten calming charms floating in the air. On each of the calming charms, there was a faint The golden light slowly moved towards the giant spider.

Manipulating ten talismans at once was already the limit of nonsense. Just in case, he was able to completely extinguish the magic fire on the spider, and he had already exerted all his strength.

"Roar, roar, roar!" When the giant spider trapped by the demon-locking chains by the disciples of the four sects of the righteous way saw the dozens of talismans slowly floating towards him, he felt a strong sense of crisis in his heart!

The huge spider struggled violently uneasily, but it was locked by the demon chain, so it couldn't move at all.

"Suppress me!" Hu Shuo yelled coquettishly in order to show the demeanor of a master, and pressed his hands down.

Dozens of spells that were originally floating in mid-air were instantly attached to the giant spider's body.

zzz zzz!

A miracle happened at this moment, and the originally arrogant Youyou Demon Fire extinguished instantly as if it had been deflated.

"Hoo hoo!" Seeing that he was done, Hu Hua instantly relaxed his mind, and a feeling of emptiness came over him, so he fell to the ground, panting heavily.

The disciples of the four sects of the Righteous Way immediately cheered. When the magic fire on the giant spider was extinguished, it was like a tiger losing its teeth, and its attack power dropped by half!

But it seemed that everyone was overjoyed too soon, and saw that the huge spider, which had been discouraged, suddenly got up, let out a huge roar, and struggled violently, the extremely strong demon-locking chain trembled.


A cracking sound came, causing all the disciples of the four sects of the righteous way to change their faces.


The giant spider's eight huge claws stared hard, and the demon-locking chain on its body was broken inch by inch, causing all the disciples of the four sects of the righteous way who were pulling the demon-locking chain with all their strength to rush out one after another!

"Not good!" Liu Yang exclaimed, he didn't expect this huge spider to be so powerful that it could break free from the demon-locking chain that trapped even the strong Golden Core stage!

"Not good!" Liu Yang seemed to have thought of something, and quickly threw the broken demon-lock chain on the ground.Looking at the nonsense in front of the giant spider, it didn't matter, it scared Liu Yang's heart out.

"Senior Hu, run away, that huge spider has already broken the chain!" Liu Yang shouted when he found that Hu Shuo was still sitting there.

When Hu Shuo heard Liu Yang's shout, he couldn't help but smiled wryly.

Because he used the last strength in his body to control the ten calming spells and stuck them on the giant spider's body, he had already exhausted all his spiritual power, and his mental power was also squandered.

Don't talk about the nonsense now, let alone move a bit, even speaking is more than enough energy!

Nonsense looked desperately at the huge claws of the spider that was getting closer and closer to him, and realized that he was doomed this time, so he closed his eyes in despair, waiting for the moment of death!

"Senior Hu, run away, run away!" Liu Yang shouted loudly.

But what surprised Liu Yang was that Hu Shi sat cross-legged on the ground, and he didn't seem to want to run away.This made Liu Yang admire Hu Shuo even more.

Liu Yang looked at Hu Shuo and said to himself: "Senior Hu is worthy of being a peerless expert. He actually wants to face the attack of a huge spider alone without a trace of panic. The most effective counterattack, Senior Hu’s state of mind cultivation, I am not as good as myself, I really have to learn from Senior Hu in the future!” If you talk nonsense, you know that Liu Yang thinks that he is because he was so scared that he couldn’t move his body and couldn’t move at all. When you have absolute confidence in your own strength, you don't know what will happen.

Puff, Puff, Puff.

Hu Hua found that his heart was beating rapidly involuntarily. Facing the terrifying fangs in front of the giant spider's mouth, for the first time, he had the thought that he would definitely die.

Helpless, Hu Hua only closed his eyes in despair, waiting for the terrifying fangs in the giant spider's mouth to chop off his head.

Not far away, Liu Yang saw that Hu Hua's whole body was shaking violently, and he actually closed his eyes in the face of the terrifying fangs of the giant spider. Liu Yang admired Hu Hua even more in his heart.

When the spider whose magic fire had been extinguished cut off a pair of huge fangs in its mouth towards Nonsense's head, a sudden change occurred.

A burst of intense white light suddenly burst out from Hu Hua's body, a resounding dragon chant resounded throughout the world, and a faint dragon power radiated.A white dragon the size of a thumb shot up into the sky in an instant, and the entire sky suddenly changed color.

"Roar!" I saw this little white dragon soaring in the sky, and then a divine dragon swung its tail, and with its powerful and unstoppable momentum, it instantly slashed down at the giant spider!

Like a thunderbolt in the clear sky, the giant spider was instantly split in half by the little white dragon before it even reacted!

Afterwards, the little white dragon flew up to the sky again, as if he had had enough fun, he flew back into Hu Hua's arms, and finally disappeared.

Not only the disciples of the four sects of the righteous way were stunned by this scene, but even the disciples of the Blazing Fire Cult were stunned.

They couldn't believe their eyes, what was that just now?If you don't have dizziness, then you are a rare dragon!

Liu Yang was extremely shocked at this time. This Senior Hu is really amazing. He never thought that this Senior Hu's medical skills are so good, even his strength is so powerful. Lost!

At this time, nonsense was still confused, but when he saw the white dragon getting into his arms, he suddenly realized that it was that mysterious white bead that saved him again!

"Huh!" Seeing that the crisis had been resolved, Hu Shi breathed a sigh of relief.

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