
Chapter 47 Bloody Hair

"No quack quack quack quack!"

Under the cover of the dark night, a faint chill spread out, making people's bodies tremble involuntarily, not only because of the cold, but also because of the creepy laughter.

Nonsense clenched Aotian's little hand and said: "Aotian, be careful, no matter what happens, stay close to you, I will protect you!" "Yes!" Aotian nodded obediently, although He was full of fear for this ignorant thing, but when he thought of Hu Hua's big warm hand holding him all the time, as if he had taken a reassurance, he felt less afraid.

Aotian murmured in his heart: "This is the power of father!"


Fireballs the size of skulls illuminated the small iron fence as brightly as day!

"Ah!" Suddenly, there was a miserable howl from the iron fence elsewhere, and there was a burst of panicked footsteps. Due to the lack of sight, nonsense, the people inside the iron fence could not see what happened to the other party. However, the screams that came from time to time really made Hu Hua and the others sweat!

Time passed bit by bit, as if the god of death was treading lightly, walking quietly.

"Huh!" A gust of cold wind blew past, causing the fireballs in everyone's hands to flicker non-stop, and the shadows of the people danced accordingly, dancing in mid-air like ghosts.


There was a sound of piercing through the air, and one piece of instruments of torture, dripping with bright red, was shot from the air at high speed like arrows.

"Everyone be careful!" Sanxuanzi, who was paying attention to the surrounding situation, discovered these instruments of torture immediately, so he immediately reminded.

According to the method last night, one person controls the fireball in his hand, one person is on standby, and the other two are on alert. Once the situation is discovered, these two people must take action!

But these instruments of torture were not as simple as imagined, and the disciples of the four sects of the Righteous Way still suffered casualties under such strict defenses.

Just because these instruments of torture were hidden in the darkness under the control of the person in the water prison, so that no one could find their traces, and then they suddenly exploded and hurt people!

Nonsense, not caring much, took out a big bowl from the interspatial ring and handed it to Aotian: "Aotian, follow me closely!"

In this dangerous water prison, Hu Hua once again became a field doctor, shuttling between the wounded regardless of his own life.

And Aotian followed closely behind Hu Hua, helping him.

After experiencing two battles, Aotian has seen the cruelty of the battle, and his mind has matured a little bit. He is already a little immune to the scene of bloodshed, and he will not pass out immediately like the first time.

"The Rain Curse!"

Nonsense used the nectar spell to alleviate the funeral of a disciple of the Cyanwood Sect. He also took the water for the night and put the ignited talisman into it, making the disciple open his mouth to drink it.

Under the double power of the Ganlin Curse and the Calming Charm, a miracle happened, and the wound on the disciple of the Green Wood Sect instantly healed as before, not even leaving a scar.

"Thank you, Senior Hu, for your treatment!" the disciple said gratefully.

Hu Hua waved his hand: "It doesn't have to be like this, just do my best!"

Then nonsense turned and left, and came to the next wounded!

The existence of nonsense greatly reduced the casualty rate of the disciples of the four sects of the righteous way, but it also made the terrifying existence deep in the water prison notice nonsense.

The reason why it is said that there is a terrifying existence in the depths of the water dungeon is because during the daytime, Hu Hua discussed with Sanxuanzi and others. In the depths of this water dungeon, there is definitely a powerful ghost living in it. According to Sanxuanzi's guess, this ghost I am afraid that his strength has reached the strength of Jindan mid-term or above.

Since this is the land of the Nine Yins, it is most suitable for raising ghosts. If Sanxuanzi guessed correctly, this is the base for raising ghosts of the Raging Fire Cult, and people like myself are the nourishment for these ghosts. The Best Supplement for Evil Ghosts!

After hearing the nonsense, I couldn't help but feel my scalp go numb, how much does this cost?Do you need so much nourishment?Sanxuanzi shook his head, expressing that he didn't know either.

Hu Hua seriously treats every wounded person, but he doesn't know that the danger has quietly come to him!


Hair like thousands of silver needles came all over the sky, and the target of these hairs is only one person, and that is nonsense who is healing the four disciples of the righteous way.

Since Hu Hua's back was facing the gate of the iron fence, he didn't notice this situation.

But Sanxuanzi's keen eyes had already discovered this situation in the first place!

"Nonsense, be careful behind you?" Sanxuanzi shouted loudly.

"What?" Hu Shi stood up suspiciously when he heard Sanxuanzi's words.

Hu Shu also noticed something was wrong at this time, and immediately turned around, but was petrified by the scene in front of him,

In front of him, blood-colored hair fluttered all over the sky. These hairs were like sharp needles and threads, emitting a cold light.

Hu Hua's body trembled, as if his whole body had been poked into countless holes.

Hu Hua thought inwardly that he was unlucky, why did he target himself?

If the body is stabbed by these hairs, will there still be life?

"Aotian, run away!" Hu Shi immediately thought of Aotian, he pushed Hu Hua away from the dangerous situation.

"Uncle Nonsense!" Aotian exclaimed immediately when he saw that Nonsense pushed him away.

Although nonsense pushed Chen Aotian away, but he was still in a dangerous situation.


In just a few seconds, the countless blood-colored strands of hair surrounded Nonsense together, entangled like worm cocoons.

"Uncle Nonsense, Senior Nonsense!" Seeing that Hu Hua was entangled in bloody hair and lost his figure, everyone shouted worriedly.

And Xiao Aotian even cried aloud, he finally had a father, did he die to protect himself again!


But a roar resounded through the entire iron fence, making everyone's hanging hearts instantly relieved.It seems that nonsense not only has nothing to do, but also started to fight back!

I saw a little bit of white light leaking from the gaps in the blood-colored hair, and then it swelled violently. A few minutes later, as if the blood-colored hair had reached a critical point, and couldn't hold on any longer, it burst open with a bang, and the blood-colored hair exploded. The silk fluttered with the wind and fell to the ground.

In the astonished gazes of the crowd, Hu Shuo was like a god descending from the earth, his body exuded a white divine light, and beside him, a majestic white tiger carried him down from mid-air!

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