
Chapter 61 The Old Man in Gray Clothes 【For Collection】

Hearing Mo Qing's words, Hu Shi was very shocked. Is this still the world of cultivating immortals that he has always longed for?

Seeing the shocked look on Nonsense's face, Mo Qing said: "The current world of cultivating immortals is a world where the weak prey on the strong. Now it is, in the past, and in the future. When the situation becomes more and more difficult, as long as there is an opportunity to make yourself stronger, you will not let it go, so it has created a world full of conspiracy in the world of cultivating immortals!"

"Hey, so don't blame me for being cruel, if you want to blame me, blame why you stepped into this world, come on, enter this world of cannibalism, you have to be prepared to be eaten by others. Alright, let me tell you After talking so much nonsense, my mouth is a little parched, I have completely lost my patience, let me personally end your life!" Mo Qing walked slowly towards nonsense while talking.

Seeing this, Hu Hua was startled, and immediately struggled to stand up, and ran to a distance, but before he could take a few steps, he felt a sharp pain in his body, and with a thud, he fell to the ground again.

"Quack quack!" Mo Qing smiled darkly.

"It's horrible, I'm really unwilling to die here, I'm really unwilling! Who can save me? Who can save me?" Hu Shuo hit the ground vigorously with his fist, his face showing unwillingness.

It's just that in this situation, who else can save him!

Seeing Mo Qing walking towards Hu Shuo step by step, he quickly stopped in front of Hu Shuo.

I saw Mo Qing stretching out his right hand slowly, and a burst of blue light from his right hand was about to hit Nonsense's head.

Seeing that the ending has been decided, Hu Shi no longer had any thoughts in his heart, closed his eyes in despair, and waited for death to come,

"Boom!" However, at this moment, a sudden change occurred, and a burst of purple light flickered in the sky, and then as if something had been broken, some glass-like fragments fell from the entire sky.

Maybe it's because Mo Qing has done too many bad things, God doesn't like him, a huge piece of debris from the sky fell out of thin air, and cut off the head of Mo Qing who happened to be standing below and hadn't reacted yet!

A blood sword flew out, making nonsense.

At this time, Nonsense had already been petrified, watching a person's head being cut off alive in front of his eyes, this scene might wake him up when he was sleeping.

But then the heart that nonsense had been holding was relieved, Mo Qing died, then he would be fine!

"Who is here? Dare to trespass into the forbidden area of ​​the Raging Fire Cult, don't you want to live?" An angry shout sounded.

But then there was a cold snort, and a giant purple palm slapped down from the sky, making the whole water prison tremble.

"Ah! This is, this is, senior, spare your life! Ah!" A scream came, and then there was no movement!

Hearing the nonsense, he was stunned for a while, not knowing what happened outside, but at this moment, an old man with white hair in a gray Taoist robe flew down from the sky.

The old man stood above the water prison in emptiness, frowning as he looked at the scene below.

Nonsense is already stunned at this moment, this old man, this old man is actually floating in mid-air, this is something that even the strong Jindan stage can't do, if you want to fly, you have to rely on some foreign objects to help you.

And the only one who can be like the old man is the legendary, legendary Land Flying Immortal Nascent Soul Realm.

In the world of cultivating immortals, in addition to the division of ranks, there are also divisions of titles.

A strong person in the Golden Core stage is generally called a Daoist, and a strong person in the Yuanyuanying stage is honored as a real person. As for the subsequent realm, it is beyond the knowledge of nonsense, a rookie in comprehension!

The old man in gray frowned and looked around, and found that the only living person in the water prison not far away was Nonsense, so he suddenly appeared in front of Nonsense with a swish!

Nonsense was taken aback for a moment, startled by the super fast speed of the old man, seeing the old man in gray suddenly appearing in front of him and staring at him with a serious face, he felt a little uneasy.

The old man in gray looked at Hu and said, "Where is Chen Aotian?" "Aotian?" who!

Nonsense asked suspiciously: "Eh? Senior, do you know Aotian?" The gray-clothed old man nodded and said: "Of course I know him. When he was born five years ago, I gave him a jade medal for protection. But just now I suddenly found that the trace of spiritual consciousness left in the jade card has disappeared, which proves that the jade card is broken, and the jade pendant is broken, which means that Aotian is in danger, so I came here all the way from the east of the Ancient Immortal Continent! "Now nonsense finally knows who the person in front of him is.This old man in gray is actually Chen Aotian's cheap master!

Nonsense thought for a while and said bitterly: "Senior, you are late, Aotian, he, he has already gone!"

"What?" The gray-clothed old man exclaimed in surprise: "How is it possible? Aotian is actually dead? Even if he died, that Aotian's body!" Hu Hua shook his head helplessly and said: "The body, the body is gone, the ashes are gone , not even the ashes are left!"

"No, I don't believe it. Aotian is the man of destiny. I calculated it myself five years ago. He is the reincarnation of a saint. He has great luck in his body. How could he die so easily! By the way, who are you? Are you Are you lying to me?" The old man in gray couldn't believe it.

Hu Shu quickly explained: "Everything this junior says is true, there is no trace of adulteration in it. This junior is Aotian's uncle and has been taking care of him. But, this time, this junior is really powerless!" Hey!" The old man in gray looked up to the sky and sighed, "It's a pity, it's a pity, such a good seedling. As long as he is cultivated a little bit, after 20 years, he will definitely be famous in the world of cultivating immortals!"

The old man in gray saw that he was late and didn't have time to save Aotian, he couldn't help feeling a little frustrated, so he wanted to turn around and leave.

Unexpectedly, nonsense knelt down, kowtowed to himself and said: "Senior, please accept me as a disciple! I will definitely work hard to cultivate and become stronger, and I will definitely avenge Aotian!" The old man in clothes was a little embarrassed: "You have passed the best age for cultivating immortals, and your aptitude doesn't look very good. It's just a waste of time to practice. As for revenge for Aotian, don't worry about it Already, Raging Fire Cult, I, Zixia Temple, will never die with you!"

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