
Chapter 70 Guardian Barrier

After finishing speaking, Xiao Li looked at Hu Hua and others very worriedly, and then walked out unwillingly.

Hei Ming said to them with an embarrassing face: "Everyone, I'm really sorry, Xiao Li has such a temper, and in addition to the current situation, if there is any offense, I hope everyone will forgive me!" The old man in gray said lightly: "It's okay!" Then he closed his eyes again.

"Hehe!" Hei Ming laughed dryly, and didn't know what to say next, so he returned to his seat, swallowed a pill and closed his eyes to recover from the injury just now.

It stands to reason that when cultivating immortals or healing their injuries, they usually find a hidden place alone without being disturbed by others.

And Hei Ming can cultivate with peace of mind in front of Hu Hua and others, which shows his trust in Hu Hua and others.


Outside Heijia City, a fierce battle broke out, with constant shouts and roars.

Hu Hua was very excited, but also somewhat looking forward to it. What kind of scene was the battle of immortal cultivators?He wanted to see but dared not.Because if you see it, it means that the continuation has been implicated, and your life will be lost!

Time passed quietly like this in nonsense.

But a loud shout came from outside the house, breaking the nonsense thoughts.

"Who? One step closer and we're going to attack!" Xiao Li shouted loudly, attracting Nonsense's attention.

At the end of the trail outside the house, five mysterious people wearing black robes, covering their real faces, were walking slowly towards here.

And the first person said: "Black armored tiger guards? It seems that the black tiger is very important to this teleportation formation!" Xiao Li saw that the five men in black robes didn't take his words seriously at all. So he waved his right hand and said, "Go!"

There was a sound of armor shaking, and the troops of the Black Tiger Guard were divided into two teams, with ten people in each team. Xiao Li rushed up with ten people, while the remaining ten Black Tiger Guards stayed where they were Enemies reappear elsewhere.

Although the black armor on their bodies was bulky, the speed of Xiao Li and the others was not slow. They seemed to turn into a black lightning, and they came in front of the five men in black robes in an instant.

As members of the Black Armored Army, they had the same battle armor and the same weapons. Ten black and gold spears appeared in their hands, and they swept away at the five men in black robes without hesitation.

"Quack quack!"

When a man in black robe let out a cold laugh, he stepped back, but the remaining four men in black robe took a step forward, holding the black gold spear stabbed by the Black Tiger Guards in their hands out of thin air. It was just a slight fold, and under the surprised eyes of everyone in the Black Tiger Guard, the black gold spear broke in two.

This can't help but be surprised. You must know that the black gold spears in the hands of the Black Tiger Guard are very hard and made of special material black gold stone, which is extremely lethal.

What made them unbelievable was that these four men in black robes broke off the weapon they were proud of with their bare hands when they met each other. How big is this battle?

Before the real battle started, the members of the Black Tiger Guard felt fearful and took a step back.

The four men in black robes showed disdain on their faces, swung the broken black gold spears in their hands, and knocked the members of the Black Tiger Guard to the ground in one fell swoop.

Xiao Li was startled, these men in black robes are so powerful, you must know that every member of the Black Tiger Guard is carefully selected from the Black Armored Army, all of them are brave and good at fighting, and they all have a great energy training period. The realm of perfection.

To be able to defeat the members of the Black Tiger Guard so easily, these black robed men must have strength above the foundation stage. As for the retreating black robed man, Xiaoli has an uncertain guess in his heart, this person will not be Jindan Let's be strong.

"Retreat!" Xiao Li made a decisive decision, shouted an order, and retreated into the back room with the remaining six Black Tiger members.

The gap in strength is too big, it is not a heavyweight at all, if you continue to fight, you are definitely looking for death. As the captain of the Black Tiger Guard, you not only have excellent strength, but also this wise brain, which integrates attack and strategy. This is also the reason why the Black Tiger Guard makes people turn pale!

However, the invincible and invincible Black Tiger Guard fell into a disadvantage in the first confrontation, and hid in a room with a protective barrier very spinelessly.

As the only location of the teleportation array in Heijia City, it is naturally the top priority, otherwise Heihu would not have sent the Black Tiger Guard here in the first place.

In addition to the power of protection, the room where the teleportation array itself is located has also set up a powerful protective barrier. Heihu paid a huge price for a master of the array to set it up. Whenever there is danger, it will be opened as soon as possible. Guard the enchantment!

Protect the security of the transmission array.

Because once the teleportation array is controlled by the enemy, the enemy will use this teleportation array to teleport. In this way, the Black Armor City will be attacked by the enemy, and it will be defeated without a fight!

The Black Tiger Guards and others who retreated into the room immediately opened the protective barrier and guarded the teleportation array.

At this time, Hei Ming also woke up from the meditation, and found that the protective barrier outside the house had risen, frowned slightly and said: "What's going on? Why did you open the protective barrier? Could it be that the enemy this time Can’t even your Black Tiger Guards deal with it?” Seeing that Hei Ming woke up, Xiao Li respectfully replied: “My lord, the enemy is strong this time, and the five intruders are all wearing black robes. , According to preliminary conclusions, four of them have cultivation bases above the Foundation Establishment Stage, and the strength of the leader is unknown, but the subordinates speculate that this person may be a strong Golden Core Stage!"

Hei Ming was shocked, and said in disbelief: "What? A strong Jindan stage? This is true!" Xiao Li said: "If there is no accident, this person is undoubtedly a strong Jindan stage! "Hei Ming smiled helplessly and said: "If the opponent is really a strong Jindan stage, this protective barrier will not be effective. Under the attack of a strong Jindan stage, it will not last for 5 minutes at most. , will be broken by the other party!" Now, even Xiao Li could no longer maintain his composure, his face was pale, if the protective barrier was broken, not only would he and others be killed by the other party, but more importantly, The teleportation formation will be controlled by the opponent, so wouldn't Master Heihu, who is fighting on the front line, be in danger?Xiao Li felt heavy in his heart.

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