
Chapter 77

After receiving the master's order, the four Li Hao's thugs began to beat up the ordinary boy who had passed out!

Seeing this, Hu Hua said angrily, "Since good words and persuasion are useless, don't blame me for being rude."

After talking nonsense, he no longer concealed his aura, all the aura on his body radiated out, and a faint spiritual pressure with a five-level cultivation base in the Qi refining period oppressed, making everyone's expressions change drastically!

Some people even exclaimed: "The fifth floor of the Qi refining period is the senior brother of the inner sect!"

Li Hao's complexion also changed, and after a while, he immediately apologized to Nonsense: "Senior Brother, I have no eyes, so please forgive me if I offend Senior Brother!"

Nonsense, yin and yang said strangely: "Senior brother dare not bear this! Don't you dare to stop your four subordinates quickly? Do you really want to kill people before you stop?"

Li Hao panicked, and immediately waved to his four subordinates to stop, without saying goodbye to nonsense, he hurried away with his subordinates!

He didn't stop him from talking nonsense, but walked quickly to the front of the ordinary boy!

Shocking, the young man's body was covered with blood at the first sight, and he couldn't help but lose his breath after checking the nonsense. The four people's strikes just now were considered measured, and they didn't hit too hard. Although the young man looked horrible, but What he suffered on his body was just a few flesh injuries, as long as he didn't hurt his meridians and bones, this level of strength is easy to catch!

Hu Hua took out a palm-sized porcelain bowl from his interspatial ring, placed it flat on the ground, made a move with both hands, and recited the mantra: "Ganlin Curse!"

In the sky above the ordinary boy, there was a light rain. The rain washed away the blood on the boy's body and repaired his injuries one by one!

But this is not enough, just repairing the appearance is just a temporary solution, not a permanent cure!So nonsense pulled out a yellow charm from his bosom, and a big divine character was written on the charm!

Hu Hua whispered, "Burning!"

The spell in nonsense's hand ignited out of thin air, and without the slightest hesitation, it instantly sank into the porcelain bowl filled with the water of sweet rain!

Nonsense picked up the porcelain bowl and poured the sweet rain water and the half-burned calming charm into the young man's mouth!

"Ahem!" After a while, the ordinary boy woke up coughing!

Nonsense smiled and said, "Are you awake? There is nothing wrong!"

The boy moved his body, but he didn't feel the slightest pain, so he got up with a grunt!

This scene amazed the people watching around. With the strength of this person just now, I am afraid he will have to lie in bed for several days!The ordinary boy knew that it was the person in front of him who saved him, so he immediately bowed respectfully like nonsense: "Thank you, brother, for your help. The kindness of saving my life is unforgettable! If there is any mistake, Feng Qing is willing to go through fire and water, and I will not hesitate!"

Hu Hua shook his hand and said, "There's no need to go through fire and water, but I'm in a bit of trouble right now, I hope you can help me!"

Feng Qing was a little puzzled, and said in confusion: "Brother, what difficulties are you encountering? Even you can't solve it, so I'm afraid I can't help you either?"

Nonsense touched his nose and said embarrassedly: "I want to go to the Zangshu Pavilion in the Zixia Temple, but I don't know where the Zangshu Pavilion is. Can you take me there?"

Feng Qing said with a smile: "Cangshu Pavilion? I know this, I just went there not long ago, and I will lead the way for senior brother!"

Along the way, Hu Hua asked Feng Qing a lot about Zixia Temple.

Feng Qing, entered the Zixia Temple at the age of five, began to practice at the age of six, and only reached the Qi refining stage after ten years of practice. His cultivation aptitude is so-so. Even if he has practiced for hundreds of years, he is only in the early stage of foundation establishment It is also possible that his cultivation base has remained in the realm of the Qi refining period!

For disciples like this who have no future, Zixia Temple will usually let them out to manage their properties for Zixia Temple!

Talking, talking, Hu Shuo and Feng Qing came to the Zangshu Pavilion of Zixia Temple!

"Uh..." Nonsense, he couldn't help being stunned when he saw the scene in front of him that was completely different from the Zangshu Pavilion he had imagined.Feng Qing said with a smile: "Brother, do you think the library pavilion in Zixia Temple looks too shabby and dilapidated?"

Hu Hua nodded, feeling a little unbelievable in his heart, is this still a large school of books?Not only is it small, but it's also broken, and it looks very old. If you talk nonsense, you doubt that if you step on it by yourself, you really don't know if this library will collapse!

Feng Qing seemed to see what was going on in Hu Hua's mind, so he explained: "Brother, this library has existed for more than 2000 years, and its whole body is made of the legendary Xinghuang wood, which is extremely hard and dense, and it is refined It is one of the raw materials of wood attribute treasures, and you don't think that the library is just a small three-story building, but the area inside is extremely large. It is said that the powerful person of the Zixia Temple used the technique of space to Several small spaces have been built in the Library Pavilion!"

After listening to Feng Qing's words, Hu Shuo couldn't help sighing secretly, it's really amazing!

Feng Qing said to Hu: "Brother, in front of you is the Book Collection Pavilion of the Zixia Temple, so I won't go in with you, but before I leave, I want to know your respected name, brother, and hope to see you again next time." Opportunity to meet each other!" Because there are hundreds of thousands of disciples in the Zixia Temple, and Hu is an inner disciple with a fifth-level cultivation in the Qi Refining Period. If he wants to meet again, he doesn't know that he will have to wait until the Year of the Monkey went!

Hu Hua smiled slightly and said, "Since that's the case, I will do as you wish! My name is Hu Hua!"

"Uh, nonsense? Is it true or not?" Feng Qing was taken aback, looking like nonsense, only to find that his figure disappeared at the gate of Zangshuge!

Nonsense followed the door of the library and walked in along a small passage, only to find that in the depths at the end of the passage, a white-haired old man was leaning on a recliner, humming a ditty leisurely with his eyes closed!The arrival of nonsense did not affect his mood!Upon seeing this, Nonsense went up to respectfully bow to the old man and said: "Senior, I met senior at the seat of Huang Yuanzi, the deacon of Xiazixia Temple. This disciple wants to enter the Zangshu Pavilion, and I hope that it will be convenient for senior!"

However, the old man didn't even move his eyelids as if he didn't hear his words. He was speechless and didn't know what to do. After waiting for another 10 minutes, the patience for nonsense was finally exhausted, but the old man He opened his eyes and said, "Are you a disciple of Zixia Temple? Show me the identity token of Zixia Temple!"

Nonsense and speechless, the Library Pavilion is located at the core of the Zixia Temple, how could it be so easy for Liu to get close to, if You Xinren stunned the disciples of the Zixia Temple halfway and took away the identity token, you check my order Isn't the card also useless?

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