
Chapter 83

"Hey!" Realizing that he had been spotted by Huang Yuanzi, he patted his head in embarrassment.

Huang Yuanzi didn't go into the details of the nonsense. After all, everyone has their own secrets, secrets that they don't want others to know, especially for immortal cultivators. Hollow cards and basics!

Huang Yuanzi said: "Do what you should be busy with!"

Nonsense paid homage to Huang Yuanzi, "Master, this disciple has been in seclusion for a long time, and if he wants to go out and have a look, he should leave first!"

Huang Yuanzi nodded with a smile and said: "Go, go out and see this colorful world of cultivating immortals!"

After finishing speaking, Huang Yuanzi closed his eyes and ignored the nonsense.

Seeing this, Hu Shuo smiled helplessly, bowed respectfully to Huang Yuanzi, and then left the cave. Although Huang Yuanzi did not guide himself much in practice, he was a teacher for a day and a father for life, and the necessary respect is indispensable. of!

Walking on the avenue of the Zixia Temple, there were still only a few lonely people. Hu Shuo was very puzzled, where did all the disciples of the Zixia Temple go?

Hu Shuo knows that there must be a place for disciples to practice in the Zixia Temple. For disciples like Hu Shu who can practice in the cave, apart from the direct disciples and true disciples who have their own cave, there must be no more than 100 inner disciples!

And to have so many disciples, it is necessary to provide a place enough for so many people to practice,

Shura ink field!

Hu Hua looked at the four big characters glittering in golden light on the wall in front of him, Shura Magic Field, and felt a little excited in his heart.

On the way to the Zixia Temple, Hu Shu finally met an inner disciple of the Zixia Temple. After some inquiries, he finally learned about the training place of the inner disciples of the Zixia Temple, the Shura Magic Field!

The Shura magic field was imprisoned and sealed in the Zixia Temple by Bai Tianyu, the second master of the Zixia Temple, using boundless and powerful magic power from the void.

Shura Magic Field is a small world, in which there are cruel and violent Shura Jade Demon Souls, but their strength is low, and the strongest ones are only those in the Golden Core stage.

Bai Tianyu spent a hundred years of mana to imprison a small world from the void, just to give the disciples under the Zixia Temple a place to hone.

After thousands of years, the masters of the golden core stage in the Shura magic field have disappeared, and there are only three masters in the late foundation establishment period, but there are still countless Shuras and demon souls who have cultivated from the Qi training stage to the early foundation establishment stage.

Because their reproductive methods are different from human beings, they are not born viviparously, but by fission. As long as they have reached the foundation of the Shura Jade Demon, they can reproduce by fission. The number of each fission is tens of millions.

Nonsense recalled some of the information he had learned from that disciple, and without hesitation, he raised his foot and stepped forward, entering the barrier gate of the Shura magic field.

The enchantment gate of the Shura magic field can only be entered and cannot be accessed. If you want to get out, you must be teleported out of the Shura magic field through the teleportation array. period of cultivation.

Hu Hua only felt dizzy for a while, and found himself in a world of red and black.

red sky.The black earth indicates that this Shura magic field is not an ordinary place.

Hu Hua shook his head. Every time he teleported, he felt a little nauseous. This teleportation array is really not easy to use.

Hu Hua glanced around and found himself in a huge fortress.

The towering and solid city wall seemed to cover the sky and the sun, and it was unusually magnificent. On top of the fortress, a disciple from the inner sect of the Zixia Temple with a strong cultivation base was looking into the distance with a serious face and vigilance.

The appearance of nonsense immediately alarmed the people nearby. They looked at nonsense, but they didn't seem to recognize him, so they all turned their heads away.

Indeed, in this Temple of Zixia, Hu Shuo didn't know many people, because as soon as he came to Temple of Zixia, he practiced in Huang Yuanzi's cave for three years, and then read books in Zangshu Pavilion for three years. Years later, after returning, he continued to retreat for three years.

Nonsense, he didn't even have a chance to get to know the disciples in Zixia Temple.

At this time, a powerful coercion descended on this black land, and the faces of the inner disciples of the nearby Zixia Temple, including Hu Hua, changed one after another.

This kind of coercion is only possessed by the masters of the foundation building stage. Could it be true disciples?

Just when Hu Hua waited for a group of people to be surprised and secretly suspicious in their hearts, the long roar of the crane went straight into the sky, and they fell on each other.

In Yiqianwai's astonished eyes, a white spot in the distance shuttled like an arrow.At first it was only the size of a fist, but when it reached the sky above the crowd, it turned into a crane that was bigger than a cow.

These cranes are all very handsome, their heads are bright red, and their wings are torn apart, setting off a storm, especially the two claws of the cranes, like steel hooks, can pierce through gold and iron.

What is even more amazing is that there is a young Taoist in feather clothes sitting on the back of these cranes.

The crane fell, and the storm intensified. Between the flapping of the wings, the wind was like an arrow, and people were turned on their backs.

With such rampage, you don't even care about the lives of nonsense and other inner disciples of the Zixia Temple, even if you are a true disciple of the foundation establishment period?

A well-known disciple of the inner sect who was at the sixth floor during the Qi training period couldn't see it. With a wave of his right hand, a stream of red spiritual energy gushed out of his body, and then turned into a pillar of fire that soared to the sky in mid-air, aiming at the person above the crane. The young Taoist was burned.

Seeing the nonsense, his face froze. This technique is not simple, but it is the most powerful Taoism in the low-level Taoism, called Lie Yan Huo Pillar.

Only a cultivator with a fire spirit root in his body can spew out a large amount of fire attribute aura from his body and convert it into a spell in an instant.

Nonsense raised his head and looked at the young Taoist on the crane. He wanted to see what kind of strength he had as a true disciple of the Zixia Temple and a strong man in the foundation stage!

Seeing this situation, the young Taoist on the crane couldn't help but sneered and said, "Pearl of rice grains, how dare you shine? You're really overwhelmed!" With the move, a fierce wind blade whizzed out, instantly splitting the flames.And not only that, the wind blade that split the flaming fire column remained undiminished, and continued to blast at the inner sect disciple who had a sixth-level cultivation in the Qi training period.

Hu Hua was startled, this young Taoist seemed to want to kill that inner disciple to stand up!

What puzzled him was, is it true that Zixia Temple doesn't care if the same sect fights each other?

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