
Chapter 93

Hu Hua said confidently: "Don't worry, I won't let you down! I'm going to prepare the foundation next. If there's nothing serious, don't disturb my practice. I hope President Qicai'er will forgive me." !" Qicai'er was a little curious and said: "Building foundation? I know your physical condition, I'm afraid it's impossible to build a foundation? Have you found any solution?" Hu Hua hesitated for a moment but nodded and said: "Yes, I finally found a method that might allow me to build a foundation successfully, just!" "It's just that this method is too dangerous?" Qicai'er asked.

Hu Shuo nodded solemnly and said: "Yes, if you don't succeed, you will be benevolent. You will be born after a narrow escape, and there is absolutely no possibility of surviving!"

A slightly surprised look appeared on Qicai'er's face and she said, "If that's the case, why do you still want to build a foundation? Even with your strength now, you can get a place in the Zixia Grand Ceremony, and you can spend the rest of your life safely!" Hu Hua shook his head, with a crazy look in his eyes, he said: "I am full of hatred, how can I take revenge if I don't have strong strength? And I am not willing to be inferior to others, I yearn for the unfettered and carefree life! So I must To build a foundation, no matter what the consequences are!" Qi Cai'er's eyes shot out a few strange lights and said: "Nonsense, I like your character of never admitting defeat. From the first time I saw you, I found that you That unique temperament, I appreciate you very much! If you can really succeed in building a foundation, such a change of life against the sky will definitely cause a sensation in the world, and my Colorful Club can add another master, so why not do it? So don’t worry, just ask me if you need something to hit the realm, and I will support you unconditionally!”

In a cave in Qicai Peak, Hu Hua sat cross-legged on a jade bed, recalling what Qicai'er had said to him in the main hall, he felt a little grateful.

Set your mind down, talk nonsense to adjust your state to the best state, and recall the general outline of the Immortal Art!

"Heaven and earth are furnaces, good fortune is work; yin and yang are charcoal, and all things are copper. Combine and disperse news, but there are rules? There are ever-changing things, and there is an end before the beginning. Suddenly, it is a human being. Why do you control it; it turns into a foreign thing. , so what trouble! Xiaozhi is selfish, humble and expensive; a man of great insight, everything is impossible. Greedy husbands die for money, martyrs die for their names. Those who boast have the right to die, and ordinary people live every life. Those who are intimidated Come, or go west and east; adults don’t listen to music, and their meanings are the same. Fools are vulgar, embarrassed like prisoners; the relics of the most perfect people are alone with the Tao. People are confused, likes and dislikes accumulate billions; real people are calm and indifferent , Alone with the Tao. Interpretation of wisdom leaving form, detached and self-defeating; Boundless and desolate, flying with the Tao. Riding the flow is passing away, gaining is stopping; letting the body entrust fate, not selfishly with oneself. It lives If it is floating, its death is like resting; it is as calm as an abyss, and it is still, and it is as floating as a boat that is not tied. Do not treasure yourself because of life, nourish the sky and float; a virtuous man is not tired, knowing his fate and not worrying about it. Mustard, why doubt it?"

This section of the general outline of the Immortal Jue condenses the essence of Dao, but it is too esoteric and obscure, so nonsense he can't figure it out!

Suddenly, the words that Zi Yanran left for Hu Shu before his death sounded in Hu Shu's mind, which was so similar to the beginning of the general outline of the Immortal Art.

"Heaven and earth are furnaces, creation is work; yin and yang are charcoal, and all things are copper!"

On Hu Hua's head, big golden characters floated one after another, and these big characters danced around him non-stop, as if there was a powerful force in the dark telling Hu Hua the great way of the world.

This sentence has always been kept in the mind of nonsense, it is the essence of the Tao that Zi Yanran realized all her life before she died.

Although Zi Yanran is a member of the monster clan, she is also an eternal powerhouse who has achieved the Golden Core Dao.There must be a more thorough understanding of Tao.

"Heaven and earth are furnaces, good fortune is work; yin and yang are charcoal, and all things are copper!" This sentence kept replaying in Hu Shuo's mind, making Hu Shuo understand this sentence more and more thoroughly, and comprehend more and more profound.

The cyclone in Hu Hua's body was running crazily, absorbing the aura of heaven and earth. In order to prevent the sea of ​​Qi from exploding, Hu Hua kept compressing, compressing, and compressing the sea of ​​Qi.

This makes the entire air sea even more viscous, almost liquefied!

Under a mysterious force, nonsense's body gradually emitted a golden light, as if a god descended from the earth.

"Heaven and earth are furnaces, nature is work; yin and yang are charcoal, everything is copper! Heaven and earth are furnaces, nature is criminal work, yin and yang are charcoal fires, and all living beings are copper pellets that are tormented in it!" His eyes opened immediately, and he murmured: "I understand, I understand, the world is a furnace, good fortune is a work; Yin and Yang are charcoal, and all things are copper! Now I take myself as the world and cast it into a furnace of heaven and earth. , use my spirit and soul as the work of creation, use my flesh and blood as the fire of yin and yang, and use my dantian as the calcined copper ball! So it is, so it is! Hahaha!" Nonsense raised his head to the sky and screamed, realizing the general outline of the immortal art for himself. Zhifa was very happy, but then nonsense's face darkened.

Hu Hua said to himself: "There is a cauldron, there are criminal workers, there is wood and charcoal, and there are things for tempering, but the only thing that is lacking is that kind of fire, that fire. Without fire, how to calcine? Without fire How to make alchemy?"

Nonsense's brows were deeply frowned, everything is ready, only the fire in the east, waiting, waiting, waiting for the moment when the fire burns!


Hu Hua slowly closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and almost fell into a state of madness. Fortunately, he woke up in time, otherwise, it would have been really miserable!

Immortal Alchemy, after a lot of comprehension, finally has some clues, and now the adjustment is clear, what I lack is just the burning fire.

If he can solve the burning fire, then he can solve the problem of not being able to build a foundation.

However, this problem does not seem to be so easy to solve!

Between the heaven and the earth, there are many powerful flames, and there are elves between the heaven and the earth, which are naturally generated strange fires.

If these flames are subdued, it will not only improve the strength of the immortal cultivator itself, but also help alchemy and weapon refining.

Almost every famous alchemist or qi trainer in the world of cultivating immortals must have subdued a kind of strange fire in his body.

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