
Chapter 97

"Huh?" Hu Shi felt a strong aura of violence and locked on himself as early as the first time.

Nonsense was driving the three-colored throne and turned around to take a look, he couldn't help but gasped, King Shura!

King Shura is extremely powerful, and his cultivation strength is comparable to that of a king-level powerhouse in the middle stage of foundation establishment. This is just an ordinary King Shura.

And the strength of the King Shura in front of him has reached the level of the mid-stage foundation establishment!

Hu Shua felt a little dignified in his heart, the strength of this King Shura was already so strong that he was not sure about escaping.

You must know that nonsense only has the cultivation base of the peak of Dzogchen in the Qi training period, no, it should be equivalent to half-step foundation building, but it is not the cultivation base of the foundation building period after all.

Although Hu Shuo has mastered some supernatural powers of ancient celestial arts and can compete against some masters in the early stage of foundation establishment, he has no confidence at all in the face of this master in the middle stage of foundation establishment!


The spiritual energy in Hu Shuo's body gushed out, and all of it poured into the three-colored throne below him.

The three-colored throne suddenly emitted a bright light, covering nonsense in it.


A white divine tiger leaped down from the three-colored throne and appeared in front of Xiang Hua and the others.

Just as Xiang Hua was about to attack, nonsense voices came: "This is my guardian animal, the White Tiger. When I fight this King Shura later, I won't be able to take care of you, so you just follow this White Tiger and kill him!" Go out, it will escort you out of here safely. Well, don't hesitate, the time for the white tiger to appear is only 5 minutes, it's not too late, let's go!"

And while talking.

Nonsense collided violently with King Shura.

I saw Hu Hua driving the three-colored throne and violently hitting King Shura's strong body.

But what surprised Hu Hua was that King Shura's physique was so strong that he was not knocked into the air by the three-colored throne.

The three-colored light emitted by the three-colored throne trembled violently a few times, almost collapsing, but the Shura King just took a few steps back, patted his chest, and roared again, rushing towards Nonsense.


As the three-colored light flashed, it illuminated the entire heaven and earth. Nonsense controlled the three-colored throne, and every time it collided with King Shura, the earth shook violently!

"Fires start a prairie fire! Take it!" With a wave of his right hand, Hu Hua burst out a raging flame, and under his control, all the flames gathered together.

A single spark can start a prairie fire, not to mention the flame of nonsense?Moreover, it has been condensed and compressed.The power of this flame can be imagined.

But what surprised Hu Hua was that the Shura King actually ignored the incomparably powerful flames, and just rushed into the sea of ​​flames.

With a punch, almost the entire space was distorted.

"not good!"

Feeling the tremendous power of King Shura's fist, Hu Shua exclaimed, riding the three-colored throne and soaring into the sky, and narrowly escaped the fatal blow, but the mountain wall behind Hu Shua was not so lucky It was smashed into two halves by a huge punch.

"Hmph, evil animal! If I don't show off my power, I really think I'm a sick cat!" Nonsense controlled the three-colored throne and fell from the sky with unparalleled momentum; "Thunder strikes nine days, doomsday comes, and water floods Jinshan!" At this time, Hu Hua was also desperate, frantically mobilizing all the aura in his body, and released the three major spells at once.

Fire generates thunder, thunder shield water, the three spells are compatible and condensed together.

The originally empty and lonely valley was submerged by endless sea water, purple electric snakes danced in the sky, and monstrous flames filled the entire space.

This scene, like the scene of the end of the world, made people feel infinite terror in their hearts.

Under the escort of the white divine tiger, the Huaxi team, who had just escaped from the lonely valley, felt the terrifying fluctuations coming from the lonely valley. Seeing the scene of the end of the world in the lonely valley, they couldn't help but change their faces. .

The battle in the lonely valley was really fierce.

The Huaxi team and the others stopped and watched for a while, then left in a hurry.

"Roar!" Hu Hua hit with all his strength, and the doomsday scene created immediately changed the color of the world.

King Shura was deeply immersed in the endless sea water, and as the water level gradually rose, it gradually submerged to King Shura's waist.

And in the sky, a few thunderbolts fell from time to time, water can conduct electricity, the thunderbolts split through the water, and instantly spread to King Shura's body, paralyzing his whole body and making him unable to move.

But at this time, endless thunder and fire fell from the sky, instantly enveloping the immobile King Shura.

"Ho Ho Ho!" King Shura let out a terrible cry of pain, trying to struggle but was struck by lightning and his whole body was paralyzed and unable to move.

In this way, after a few minutes, the power of these spells gradually disappeared.

The endless ocean receded gradually, and the sky became clear. Hu Hua was panting and sitting on the three-color throne in mid-air. At this time, the three-color throne was crumbling, and the three-color light had all converged. It seemed that the aura in Hu Hua's body was indeed It is too much consumption.

Nonsense looked at King Shura who was hit by his three ultimate moves, and saw that King Shura's upper body was completely scorched black, and his head was smashed to pieces by the sky thunder. Obviously, he couldn't survive!

Sure enough, above King Shura, a fist-sized Shura crystal gradually condensed.

Seeing this, nonsense showed a smile on his face, the Shura crystal condensed after King Shura's death is very rare!Great value.

Thinking of this, Nonsense recovered Shura Jing and the body of the cultivation king into the interspatial ring together.

Nonsense looked around, and found that the rest of Shura in the lonely valley were either dead, wounded, or fleeing.

Nonsense is no longer interested in these remnants and defeated generals, so he urges the three-colored throne under him to break through the air!

Colorful peak.

Qicai'er looked at Hu who was sitting on the three-colored throne below and said, "Nonsense, this time you completed the mission well. Not only did you bring the Huaxi team back safely, but you also killed countless Shuras, and even killed a Shura." King, you donated countless Shura crystals to the Colorful Club. What's even more rare is that you brought back the body of King Shura intact. I will not treat you badly. Seeing that you have very few spiritual weapons, I will Let the craftsmen of the Seven-Color Club use the body of King Shura to refine some weapons for you!" Hu Hua stood up from the three-color throne and said, "Thank you, President!" Indeed, my own weapons are very scarce now. Except for a three-color throne that doesn't have much attack power, there is only the white tiger jade pendant and the mysterious white bead.

But these things are life-saving things, how can they be easily taken out until the last moment, when life and death are in danger!

So the current nonsense really urgently needs some powerful weapons to defend itself.

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