President Mensao, I want it

013 Tear, split, feel like, hurt...

She will never wake up, but she feels a surge of heat under her body, oh my god, the blood collapse is coming.

Immediately, Zongzheng Ryo's legs felt a hot and humid feeling, and a circle of unimaginable dark red was printed on the silver-gray trousers. He frowned, looking at the circles of fainted blood, which is still bleeding , frowned and looked at Ran Ran, "I will be responsible! Do you still need money to get married?"

Ran Ran's eyes widened in horror, what did he say!

That... that, did he think that something happened between them?

He can't remember that she knocked him out?

Marriage or money?

The word "money" deeply attracted all her thoughts, of course she wanted money!

Ran Ran swallowed her saliva. Originally, her aunt was suffering a lot, but with a bit of acting, she frowned exaggeratedly, and moaned in pain, "It hurts..."

"Do you want to take you to the hospital?"

"do not want!"

Ran Ran vetoed it straight away, isn't that revealing?

How could a big man be so stupid, how could the blood of that broken virgin be shed so much, and it still bleeds every other day.Really worrying about your IQ, Ran Ran was in a trance when she was awakened by Zong Zhengliang's voice.

"How old are you?"


Ran Ran tried her best to put on a distressed voice, and kept thinking in her heart that Jiang was short of 130 million!So, Zong Zhengliang is better than Jiang Shao, how much will he give her?

Thinking of the big piles of banknotes, she burst into laughter in her heart, but she tried her best to hold back her laughter, for fear of laughing out loud. Dad's hospital expenses don't have to worry about it. She can buy whatever dad wants to eat. I also want to buy a big house in city s for my parents and sister to live in.

Nima, a lot of money fell from the sky!

She trembled happily, Zong Zhengliang took it for granted that she was in too much pain, "Can I go?"

Ran Ran timidly shook her head, "Tear, crack, like, hurt..."

Her legs trembled a little in coordination. She said so in the novels, so she should be right.

Zongzheng Ling muttered, "What's your name?"

"Ran... Ran..."

Not only do they look alike, but the name also has a name, Ran Ran, Ran Ran, I seem to have heard of this name before, Zong Zhengliang looked at Ran Ran in thought, and couldn't remember where he had heard it.

Ran Ran was very nervous all the time, and felt that Zong Zheng looked at her with his head buried very low, and suddenly heard him snort softly, trembling all over, he must have remembered, right?

It's over, she not only knocked him out, but also wanted to cheat money!

"Do you choose to marry or want money?"

Ran Ran shrank her neck, it's okay, it's okay, he didn't remember, "I... I'm only a junior, and I still... have to go to school..."

Zong Zhengliang took out a check and handed it to Ran Ran along with a business card, "It's 300 million, you take it, if you feel unwell, call me."

Ran Ran took the check tremblingly, laughing wildly in her heart, shaking her hands, 300 million, 300 million!She is also rich now.

"This...this...isn't that good?"

She looked at Zong Zhengliang timidly, but held the check firmly in her hand.

"I think it's too little, I'll call you another day."

While ensuring that the check would not be torn, Ran Ran used some strength to pull it closer to her by half an inch, "No need, that's enough!"

Now she just wants to take the check and fly away, never to meet him again. Suddenly, the blood collapse came again, and Ran Ran subconsciously clamped her legs, and it was too late...

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