President Mensao, I want it

017 Surprised but not happy

After Shi Shanshan finished speaking, she came to her senses, "I said, Ran Ran, what are you thinking? You can't be..."

"No, no, of course not..."

Ran Ran hastily denied it. No wonder, is she waiting to die?But she failed all the classes in her senior year, what about her bachelor's degree certificate?

Shi Shanshan suddenly leaned over, "I have a merciless request, can you take me to meet your Professor Zongzheng in the future, to make you look good?"

"Don't talk too early, what if people suddenly change their minds? You still don't know how much I weigh?"


Shi Shanshan responded.

Ran Ran looked at Shi Shanshan dejectedly, "I'm going to sleep first, and I will ask for a day off tomorrow, just saying that my stomach hurts, the teacher is so smart, he will definitely understand, if it doesn't work, just say that I am in pain."

After speaking, Ran Ran put it on the pillow and fell asleep.


The mobile phone rang suddenly, and Ran Ran woke up from the nightmare, patting her chest with her hands, thanking the mobile phone brother for saving her life, just now she dreamed that Zong Zhengliang was choking her neck, and asked sharply why she lied to him for money .

Ran Ran picked up the phone, suddenly with a ghostly expression on her face, her hand trembled, and the phone almost dropped, she hurriedly picked it up, looking at the words Zong Zhenglang, wondering if she should pick it up or not.

Maybe in the hospital?Zongzheng looked at the phone, hung up, and sent a text message: "If you see it, remember to send me the account number."

When Ran Ran opened the text message, a layer of cold sweat was already breaking out on her forehead, what a false alarm!

She quickly got out of bed and turned on her big-ass desktop computer, and sent the account number to Zong Zhengliang. As soon as the text message was sent, Ran Ran felt that she had done something stupid, extremely stupid. Didn't it make him suspicious clearly? .

Ran Ran stared at the table without tears.

Suddenly, Ali Wangwang posted a system notification, oh shit, three custom-made human dolls were photographed, and a queen-model human doll was photographed, and soon there was a payment reminder.

So fast!

Ran Ran confirmed the delivery of the movie queen's order, and within a minute, the delivery was confirmed, but seeing the good reviews she asked for, Ran Ran was in a mess.


It really is a good review! !

Is there a problem with her expression, or a problem with his understanding?

Ran Ran quickly contacted the manufacturer.

three days later

It was done over there, Ran Ran thought for a while, and called Zong Zhengliang.

Global Media, President's Office

An Jin sat in Zong Zhengzheng's office and waited, "Little cousin went out for a trip, why hasn't he come back?"

He just muttered something when the phone on the table rang.

An Jin walked over to take a look, Little Pepper!

Damn, such an ambiguous title, who is it?

Sensitively smelling a hint of adultery, he picked it up without making a sound.

Ran Ran waited for a long time, but said nothing, "Mr. Zongzheng, your custom-made human doll is ready. I will send it to you when it is convenient for you."

An Jin squeezed her throat and said, "Well, let's go tonight! The old place."

"Ok, no problem."

An Jin hurriedly hung up the phone, the little cousin is so boring, he actually ordered a human doll, isn't it enough to play with women?To play this exciting!

Aww, can't it be a woman playing with a human doll? 3p?

Should be right!

Pepper, Pepper, hehe, An Jin called her aunt very meanly, "Aunt, congratulations, my little cousin is finally willing to find a woman."

After speaking, An Jinsheng was afraid of his aunt nagging, so he hung up the phone directly, took a picture of Xiaojiali's contact information with his mobile phone, and sent it directly to his aunt.

When Zong Zhengliang came back, An Jin sat there solemnly.

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