Zong Zhenglang snorted, "Why aren't you dead yet?"

Ho Nan patted Zong Zhengliang, and silently left.

Zongzheng grabbed his shoulders, "Go and help me get rid of that group of people, the name of the game is 'see who climbs slowly', the winner will die, and the loser will burn 100 million. "

"Aren't you afraid to let one go and reveal your identity?"

He Nan glanced at Zong Zhengliang, only Zong Zhengliang could think of this game, it's really fucking perverted.

"Who dares! Let him have three guts to try."

Zong Zhenglang snorted coldly, stood at the door, called his assistant, turned around and went back to the room, looked at Ran Ran, lost in thought!

Being alone in the room like this, coupled with Zong Zhengliang's words just now, Ran Ran suddenly felt a little lack of oxygen, and grabbed the quilt vigorously with her two small hands.

Zong Zhengliang sat quietly on the head of the bed, kept silent, looked up at Ran Ran from time to time, which made Ran Ran very nervous, wondering what he was going to do?

Are you waiting for her to take the initiative?

Damn, big shots, do they all like throwing themselves into their arms?

Ran Ran quietly dragged her body to the other side of the bed. As soon as he touched her, her lie was exposed!She's dead, she hasn't lived enough.

"Move it any further and you'll fall off the bed!"

Zongzheng said suddenly without raising his head.

The next second, Ran Ran rolled up the quilt and fell off the bed with a plop. Fortunately, the carpet was soft, but her head hit the bed, which was extremely painful.

As soon as Ran Ran looked up, she saw Zong Zheng looking at her intently!

She looked towards herself, and the spring was shining, what a god!Didn't he think she was trying to seduce her?Ran Ran quickly wrapped the quilt around her body, and sat there with her head down, her face flushed like a monkey's butt.

Seeing this scene, Zongzheng Liang was ready to move, thinking that she was so afraid of him, maybe he wasn't feeling well yet?He forcibly suppressed the evil fire, and gave up the idea of ​​cleaning her up.

There's no rush, if you want her to fall in love with him, you have to take your time, the words of his grandfather are still fresh in his memory, he really doesn't want the Ran Ran in front of him to be the one his grandfather is looking for.

If so, it would be a good idea for him to marry her.

"Knocked to the head?"


"Come here, let me see."

Ran Ran stood up and walked towards Zong Zhengliang. When he realized how strong he was, Zong Zhengliang had already pulled her and pressed her on his leg.


Ran Ran hurriedly pointed to the top of her head. His breath oppressed her so much that she dared not resist. Now, with her courage, she dared not pat him with anything.

Young Master Jiang is not a fool, is he?

The more I think about it now, the more I feel that something is wrong. What Zongzheng Ling is holding must not be a toy gun. By the way, she remembered that time when she took out his mobile phone from his trouser pocket in the car and touched something hard. It should be a gun!

Thinking of this, she trembled all over, and looked at Zong Zhengliang. Now that she thought about it, it was so dangerous, she had to confirm it, "Then... can you lend me your toy gun?"

"I threw it in the trash can when I got out of the box!"

He was telling the truth, he lost it, and someone from behind immediately picked it up for him.

Ran Ran sat on his left leg, subconsciously looked at the trouser pocket of his right leg, and pretended to touch it unintentionally, "Haha, you lied to me, it's still there!"

Zong Zhengliang trembled all over, turned over and pressed Ran Ran on the bed, "Are you sure you want to watch?"

It's like in a dream, he just pressed her down like this, pinching her neck with one hand, she almost died, Ran Ran panted and shouted, "I don't want to watch it! I don't want to watch it! I really don't want to watch it Already!"

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