President Mensao, I want it

026 He is looking forward to it

"It hurts your sister's morale!"

Ran Ran fell on the bed with limbs in disarray, and when she got angry, the voice in her heart blurted out. Facing Shang Zong Zhenglang's cold eyes, her momentum weakened a little bit, her hands were tightly wrapped around her chest, protecting a large piece of spring, and she couldn't stop thinking. The one who slandered Zong Zhengzheng, the one who killed a thousand swords, suppressed her because of President Mao!

Wouldn't it be to kill her?The little heart couldn't help beating wildly.

She was afraid of offending him, so he shot her dead, and looked at his legs involuntarily, blushing.

He actually had a physical reaction to her.

According to her past personality, she should have rushed up and kicked him at the root of his life immediately, but... Well, she is very cowardly, she is afraid of death.

Ran Ran changed the subject in a panic, "Then why did you accept me as your graduate student? Can you cancel it?"

"No reason, no way."

Ran Ran was not reconciled, and began to count her shortcomings one by one, "I'm not smart, I'm stupid, my grades are not top-notch, I'm short, I can't do anything, I'm slow, I have a bad temper, I have forgetfulness In short, I am really not suitable for..."

"I said fit."

Zong Zhengliang interrupted her rambling.

Ran Ran was lying on the bed like a deflated ball, why was she so ruthless, why did she have to live in fear?

"But I don't want to go to graduate school, I... I want to earn money after graduation."

Zong Zhengliang took a look at Ran Ran, he was too lazy to dwell on this topic, he opened her legs with both hands, and moved his eyes to her lower body, "Okay?"

Ran Ran swallowed unconsciously, no matter how hard she clamped, she couldn't resist his strength, Zong Zhengliang, how could you change the subject, how could you! !You must have done it on purpose.

Aww, what should I do?Ran Ran howled in her heart for a while, and suddenly had an idea, and looked at Zong Zhengliang with a sad expression, "The doctor said that you can't have sex for three months, if you may be infertile forever."

Her voice was getting softer and her face was gradually covered with an indescribable sadness.

Zongzheng's eyes darkened, and he glanced at her large expanse of bare skin, his Adam's apple was rolling, his lips were burning thirsty, but he sat up slowly, "Go pour me a glass of wine."

that's it?

Ran Ran thought that at least some tofu would have to be sacrificed, and for the sake of 300 million, she endured it, as long as she didn't make it to that step.

so easy!

She quickly jumped out of bed, feeling the wind on her feet, and poured a full glass.

"Have a drink with me."

Zongzheng said without any haste.

It's not difficult, Ran Ran also filled a big glass for herself.


She took the cup and touched Zong Zhengliang's cup, and before he could make a sound, she raised her head and drank it in one breath, shaking the goblet to show her sincerity.

In less than a minute, the world was spinning, and Ran Ran felt the whole room shaking. She grabbed Zong Zhengyang with both hands, and said in a drunken voice, "Don't play tricks, you must finish drinking!"

Zong Zhengliang stared at Ran Ran, this is a cocktail, drink it in one go, it's strange if you don't get drunk, but the benefits of getting drunk seem to be good, with warm and fragrant soft jade in your arms.

Ran Ran tilted her head, looked up at Zong Zhengliang, then suddenly stood on tiptoe, approached Zong Zhengliang, sprinkled the warm breath smelling of wine on his neck, patted his face with her small hand, "Skin as thin as Tang monk Tender meat, be careful little demon, I ate you!"

"Eat me."

Zongzheng said without blushing, but he was looking forward to it.

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