President Mensao, I want it

032 My sister is in a bad mood again

Seeing Ran Ran's coquettish appearance, Ran Ran lowered her eyes and looked at her, her tone became colder, "I want to spend this weekend alone, so stop talking!"

Ran Ran stomped her feet in frustration, "Sister!"

Ran Ren asked coldly, "Do you have no friends?"

"Yes, of course, there are many."

Ran Ran cried, "But sister, every time you let me go to my friends at this time, now I can't find any excuses."

Seeing that Ran Ren didn't have the reaction she expected, Ran Ran curled her lips, "I don't care what my friend thinks of me! But what do you think of my sister? I'm really worried."

"Since you are worried, you shouldn't come to me."

With a bang, the door was mercilessly closed. Ran Ran stared blankly at the door, and squatted on the ground. This time, her sister went too far and left her outside in the middle of the night.

The students in the dormitory all go home on weekends, she is so envious, it is a bit far to go home, so she comes to her sister's place, she doesn't want to stay alone in the dormitory, but her sister drives her away when she is upset.

My sister's temper is really getting weirder and more elusive.

She has nowhere to go, and it is not easy to take a taxi when going out now, and there is no bus. Going back to the dormitory, she is alone, which is not good at all. She is afraid of feeling alone.

She looked at the phone, turned the entire address book aside, rested her chin in one hand, and finally dialed Zong Zhengliang, as if he was the only one who could help her.

In the end, it rang for a long time and no one answered, Ran Ran stared blankly at the phone, and couldn't help cursing him, why didn't you answer the phone!


heaven on earth, basement

With a cold face, Zongzheng looked at Jiang Shaohe and the survivors, "Is the game fun?"

Jiang Minghao's face was ashen, he dared not speak out when he was angry, no matter how much he hated Zong Zhengliang, he would wait until he got out of here to take revenge.

Zongzheng squinted his eyes half-closed his eyes and sneered, then turned his head to look at He Nan, "The next game will be played from start to finish, the loser will die as usual, and everyone who wins will burn 100 million cash for him! I heard that you are the last Love to play this game, have fun."

He Nan held back his laugh, this guy won't be playing with that girl for real, right?At most, it's a wretched failure, as for?He turned his head and smiled to look at the young masters who had already lost their souls in fright, and he no longer saw the elegance of the past.

Suddenly he wrinkled his nose, some people were frightened by what Zong Zhengliang said just now, probably frightened by the blood of the first game.

Zong Zhengzheng was supposed to attend, but his cell phone rang suddenly, he saw that it was her, patted Ho Nan, gave you a look, turned and left the basement.

"what happened?"

Finally picked it up, Ran Ran's eyes lit up, and she said loudly, "My sister went on a trip on the weekend, and she forgot to tell me that I have nowhere to go, it's messy here, I don't dare to walk around, can you come pick me up?"

"You stand there and wait."

Zongzheng Ling hung up the phone and went directly to the parking lot. He got lost in the middle and took a long time to find the place. By the time he arrived, it had been nearly an hour.

Ran Ran was bored looking at the stars in the sky, when suddenly a bright light came over her, she ran over excitedly, and looked at Zong Zhengliang obsequiously, "You came so fast!"

In fact, it can't be slower!She counted thousands of stars.

Zong Zhengliang glanced at her, "Let's go."

The car soon arrived at the private luxury villa area, and Ran Ran was a little nervous. Does this count as being a sheep?

She smiled embarrassingly, looked at Zongzheng Liang, "How about I sleep in your car, you can go home now."

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