President Mensao, I want it

036 let's get married

Ran Ran turned her head and looked at Qin Shuying sadly. Didn't Zongzheng's mother say that Zongzheng would not dare to show up within a kilometer radius of where she appeared?

Now Zongzheng Ryo's poker face is only one step away from her.

Qin Shuying coughed, "This brat has been rebellious since childhood."

As soon as her voice fell, Zong Zhengyang pulled the car door vigorously. Qin Shuying was afraid that the brat would break her car door, and she was not without criminal record, so she immediately opened the car door.

Zong Zhengliang opened the car door and glanced at Qin Shuying, "Mom, I just found out that you borrowed money from the company. I heard that the stocks you bought recently lost 200 million yuan, and you are deeply involved."

Brat, you actually threatened your old lady!

Qin Shuying stared at Zongzheng Liang beautifully, how could she be a mother-in-law in the future if she didn't show her face in front of her future daughter-in-law?Establish prestige?

Zong Zhengliang ignored Qin Shuying, grabbed Ran Ran, brought her out, picked her up and threw her into his car, and drove away.

Ran Ran was basically pretending to be dead and didn't dare to make a sound.

Zong Zhengliang knew that his mother could keep her mouth shut for a while, so he turned his head to look at Ran Ran, who seemed to be hurrying up, if Grandpa knew, he would definitely not let him go.

He looked ahead, took a deep breath, closed his phoenix eyes lightly, and calmed down his anger.

Ran Ran glanced at him secretly, what is he planning?

Zong Zhengliang opened his eyes, squeezed out a smile, and looked at Ran Ran sullenly, "What did my mother tell you?"

Ran Ran stared at Zong Zhengliang with a guilty conscience, feeling that he was smiling sinisterly, "No... didn't say anything."

Zong Zhengliang gasped, stopped the car, and hugged Ran Ran suddenly, "Let's get married."

Ran Ran was scared to death!

She quickly pushed Zong Zhengliang away, and stared at him with wide eyes.

Zongzheng said it again.

Ran Ran was so nervous that her heart was about to jump out of her chest, "I... I really don't need you to take responsibility..."

"But, am I determined to be responsible?"

"But... But isn't it true that only those who love each other will get married?"

When Ran Ran said it, seeing Zong Zhengliang's expression changed, she quickly changed her words, "I...I mean we only knew each other not long ago, too soon..."

Zongzheng snorted coldly, and the name Yunxi suddenly popped up in his mind, and he looked at Ran Ran coldly, "Do you want to marry that Yunxi?"

"Absolutely not!"

Ran Ran wanted to swear to the sky, if she said half a word, she was afraid that her beauty would be unlucky.

"It's better not to."

Zong Zhengliang gave Ran Ran a meaningful look, how to deal with her?It's not easy to start now, if it scares her, things will become difficult later on.

"Why run away?"

Ran Ran looked at Zong Zhengliang, eyes wide open and speechless, she really didn't want to remind Zong Zhengliang that she sprayed the food on his face!

She shielded her face with her hands.

Zongzheng's eyes darkened, he grabbed Ran Ran, pulled her hand away, bit her trembling lips, grabbed the back of her head with one hand, choked her face with the other, and pried her lips open. Wrapping the tip of her tongue, plundering her breath like a leopard.

In desperation, Ran Ran touched the props with one hand, but did not dare to make a move, for fear that a scene restoration method would remind him of what happened that day, what should I do?

You are ruthless, but the enemy is more ruthless than you!

While hesitating, the strong and clean aura that belonged to him invaded every inch of her nerves, her whole body trembled, numb and limp, without the strength to resist, "Zong...Zong Zhengliang, are my mentor..."

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