President Mensao, I want it

042 Criticism by name

Ran Ran pulled Shi Shanshan and ran towards the classroom, panting and pushed the door open, suddenly stopped on the spot, why is it him?

Zong Zhengliang stood on the podium and gave Ran Ran a cold look, what's the matter?Seeing him, didn't she see Professor Yunxi, whom she admired, so disappointed?

Ran Ran hurriedly withdrew and looked up. It was the classroom.

"These two classmates, you are late."

Zongzheng Ryo kept turning the pages of the book, and there was only the sound of paper being brushed in the classroom.

"From today onwards, I will skip my class three times, fail a class, be late once, and deduct five points from my final grade."

Hearing this sound, thunder erupted in the classroom like a flat ground, and everyone was moved by the wind, and hurriedly sent text messages to the people in the dormitory.

The squad leader began to roll the roll, not forgetting to wink at Shi Shanshan.

Shi Shanshan pinched Ran Ran, panting, "Professor, Ran Ran had a stomachache when she woke up this morning, and it hurt so badly, that's why we were late..."

Ran Ran glared at Shi Shanshan. Damn, she killed her, but she still pretended to be very uncomfortable, frowning in pain.

Zongzheng glanced at her, remembering that night, "Go down! Be careful next time."

Shi Shanshan looked at Zongzheng Liang crazily, hummed, and helped Ran Ran sit in the first row, "Ran Ran, you damn girl, you're Professor Zongzheng! You're even more handsome than in the photo."

Ran Ran gave Shi Shanshan a contemptuous look, "Keep your voice down, useless nympho!"

She turned her head to look at Zong Zhengliang. This girl was wearing a well-cut black suit. It was ironed really flat, and the face against it was more angular. Unfortunately, no matter how bright the coat is, it can't hide the beast's appearance. Nature.

Ran Ran picked up a pen and poked vigorously on the notebook, "Why do you want to sit in the first row?"

Shi Shanshan kicked Ran Ran, "Didn't you take the seat?"

"I never realized that you love to sit in the front row so much."

Ran Ran stared at Shi Shanshan dissatisfied, what the hell is she looking at?A look of dementia!

Shi Shanshan stared blankly at Zong Zhengliang, forgetting to signal Ran Ran.

Zong Zhengliang glanced at Shi Shanshan, his eyes fell on Ran Ran, he knocked on the table, and glanced at the book that she had punctured. It felt like she regarded the book as her own, "Student Ran Ran, whispering is not allowed in class. .”

Watching him turn and leave with a poker face, Ran Ran gritted her teeth with hatred, and blushed when she was named and criticized.

And her poor Professor Yunxi, who was dispatched to some unknown place, must be Zong Zhengliang, and it was all her fault that she accidentally killed Professor Yunxi.

Ran Ran climbed on the table and kept staring at Zong Zhengliang. When Zong Zhengliang turned his head, he saw her piercing eyes, "Ran Ran, get up and answer a question."

Ran Ran stood up abruptly, damn it, don't make things difficult for her to die!

Zongzheng rested his long finger on his brow, and thought for a moment, "What do you know about the course of advertising planning and creativity?"

"I don't know anything."

How could Zong Zhengliang not know her thoughts and not want to be her graduate student?on purpose?

Damn girl, you have no choice!

He took the book and pointed in Shi Shanshan's direction, "What about you?"

Shi Shanshan stood up, "Advertising planning covers advertising environment analysis, product research, consumer behavior research, ... and advertising creativity occupies a key position in the course system, it is the core of advertising works that directly impress consumers, and it needs to be obtained through creative thinking. Unique good ideas, good ideas. Creativity is the soul of advertising."

"very good."

Zong Zhengyang motioned for Shi Shanshan to sit down.

Ran Ran gave Shi Shanshan a contemptuous look, what a good thing, Shi Shanshan just memorized the content of the syllabus, it seems that Zong Zhengliang really deserved his reputation, what a gold medal winner.

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