Zong Zhengliang decisively voted for himself, and jumped directly to the results. At that moment, he really wanted to curse, but he was at the bottom, and An Jin came first. What a waste of investigation, Zong Zhengliang even closed his browser.

He still watched the instructional film that He Nan sent him. He heard that women, no matter their age, loved to watch Korean dramas. He wanted to see what was good.

Zongzheng finally clicked on "My Girl", which seemed the most normal name, but in the first episode, he was frightened by the rogue heroine. After watching it all night, he held a learning attitude and didn't dance too much. Many, finally finished reading, the conclusion is, if he encounters this kind of female liar, let's see if he doesn't take care of her!

At this time, just before dawn, Ran Ran sneezed and rolled up from the bed. Who scolded her early in the morning and disturbed her dreams?

She wanted to continue to sleep, but Shi Shanshan rudely shook her awake, "You are crazy, there is an exam today, hurry up, or you will lose all your scholarship and postgraduate qualifications for next year. "

Ran Ran flipped up from the bed, it seemed that it would be unreasonable not to take the exam, got out of bed, washed her face twice, changed her clothes, checked that her hairballs were not messed up, planed twice, and went to the teaching building with Shi Shanshan with her bag .

Shi Shanshan asked Ran Ran while walking, "Are you ready to cheat?"

Ran Ran shook her head, starting from junior year, every exam, everyone wrote a cheat sheet, and it became more and more rampant, almost a collective cheating, Shi Shanshan is the best, she put the cheat sheet into the examination room in her bra, and while tidying up her shoulders Take it out, she said that even if the invigilator saw it, she would be embarrassed to say so.She admitted that she had brought it too, but it was not perverted by Shi Shanshan, she just kept it in her sleeve.

As for this time, she has made up her mind, she just needs to pass this course, after much deliberation, she still wants the diploma and bachelor's degree certificate, or she will not study for nothing for four years.

The two entered the examination room chatting and laughing. When they saw the invigilator, Ran Ran couldn't hold back his expression. Why is it Zong Zhengliang?

Shi Shanshan greeted Zongzheng Liang in a crazy manner, "Professor Zongzheng, good morning."

"Good morning."

Zong Zhengliang glanced at Ran Ran, and said lightly, why the more he looked at her, the more he felt that she was a bit like that female liar in My Girl, not in appearance, but in character, especially the way she looked at money, And the expression of her asking him for money.

He half-closed his eyes and snorted coldly. It's a joke that grandpa would find such a person to inherit the family business. In a few days, Universal Media will go bankrupt.

Ran Ran sat on the seat under the gaze of Zong Zhengliang's cold eyes, and she found that Zong Zhengliang had been looking at her with strange eyes.

Thinking of Oolong's marriage proposal and mistaken confession, the look in his eyes is definitely not admiration. She once thought about this problem, listed a lot of examples, and finally overturned the possibility that he would fall in love with her. Calculated according to her method, The odds are zero.

So, what is his ulterior motive for approaching her?

Ran Ran and Zong Zhengliang's eyes collided, and Ran Ran quickly staggered away. The first time I saw Zong Zhengliang, I thought his eyes would discharge electricity, but now I find that this guy doesn't understand electricity at all, but his eyes are naturally better. .

Ran Ran was in a trance when Shi Shanshan, who was sitting in front of her, passed the test paper, and she took a copy and passed it to the back.

Zong Zhengliang stood not far away, seeing that the speed of her brushing with her head buried was not right, she walked around the aisle, copied up from behind, and stood behind Ran Ran, staring at her answer sheet.

"Zongzheng is a bastard", "Zongzheng is a beast in clothes", "Damn it, I am not afraid of you, I will never end with you", "It is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge"...

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