Zong Zhengliang heard Ran Ran yelling, and black lines appeared in front of his eyes. It seemed that she had nothing to do with elegance. He moved the phone away from his ear, "Did you eat explosives? I called to inform you that today is It's a one-month deadline, and it's time for your babble shop to close."

Ran Ran grunted, and suddenly said, "Why don't I remember, what did you say?"

Damn girl, want to play tricks!

Zong Zhenglang snorted coldly, and reported the exact time, place, and person of the incident, down to the exact minute.

Is this too scary?

Ran Ran muttered, and hurried to the desk to turn on the computer, "Wait a minute, I'll go up and have a look, must I confirm it?"

The 1-minute wait for the startup was so ecstasy, and it was hard to get it fully started. She quickly logged in to Want Want, saw a flashing profile picture, and quickly clicked on it.

"Hi, dear Pepper!"

There are countless crows flying past in front of Ran Ran, it can't be Zongzheng's mother, right?

She still typed out a string of words quickly, "Is there anything I can do to help my dear?"

"Do you remember me? I am Mr. An Jinan."

Ran Ran made a series of question marks.

Over there, Zongzheng Ling impatiently began to urge, "Is it confirmed?"

"Just wait a minute."

Ran Ran quickly typed and sent this "too handsome": "Excuse me, do you need human dolls?"

An Jin didn't expect this girl to be so direct, and originally wanted to talk about it, little cousin [-], and finally turned thousands of words into the word "need".

Very good!

Ran Ran shouted, "The supply of goods is in short supply recently, please place an order quickly."

An Jin cursed on the opposite side, shit, this thing is so popular, he quickly took a customized version, sent over the measurements and data, he had been optimistic about it for a long time, but this girl has never been online, he promised others, every day Watching Waiting, finally arrived.

Ran Ran breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at the reminder sent by the system, she directly took a screenshot and sent it to Zongzheng Ling's account, "Professor Zongzheng, there is a list, and I sent it to your Wangwang."

Zongzheng's face darkened, and he logged into the account he and Ran Ran were going to come over. When he saw the id, he immediately knew who it was, that boy An Jin, he always spoiled his good deeds.

He picked up the landline and called An Jin directly, but he was in the middle of the call. He chose call waiting, picked up the phone and said to Ran Ran, "It doesn't count if you haven't confirmed the receipt of the goods. Who knows if you registered an account yourself?" order."

Ran Ran took a long breath, calm down, calm down, don't get angry easily, she quickly sent a message to An Jin, "This store pays first, then delivers the goods, please confirm the receipt first, leave your contact information, and deliver the goods in three days .”

Is there such a thing?

An Jin didn't think much about it, while talking on the phone with his new girlfriend, he ordered to confirm receipt.

Where did this come from, it's so deceptive, Ran Ran happily took a screenshot and sent the list to Zong Zhengliang, "Look, I sold one."

This is the livelihood she counts on to support her family for the rest of her life, how can she close the door!

Zong Zhengliang's face darkened, and he thought to himself, it seems that that kid An Jin hasn't tasted the power last time, so he has to settle the score with that kid.


Only two days later, the principal called Ran Ran over again, brainwashed her, and then gave her a textbook "Welcome to Men". Doesn't it look like no one wants her?

Ran Ran gritted her teeth resentfully, slandering non-stop, Ying Nima, my old lady is still waiting for someone to chase after her!

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