President Mensao, I want it

061 Meeting the Queen of Shu Ran

Ran Ran blushed, remembering him pervertedly forcing her to drool again, why couldn't she feel relieved, it's not good to ask like this, she'd ask that bastard An Jin to ask Zong Zhengling for him another day.

Just like that, walking slowly in silence, Ran Ran was getting more and more strenuous, and felt the oxygen in her chest flow backwards, and she couldn't breathe. She looked back at the car that was no longer visible, and left the car, why didn't she drive? ?Why torture her feet?

"Can I take a break?"


Zong Zhenglang hummed, and Ran Ran sat down on the steps. Zong Zhenglang smiled faintly when he saw her panting.

When they reached the top of the mountain, Ran Ran felt that she was about to collapse, half of her body hung on Zong Zhengliang's body, allowing him to carry her.

Zongzheng Liang hugged her happily, and hugged her horizontally, "Let's go to the pavilion next to us to drink tea and watch the stars."

Ran Ran nodded feebly, that's great, her throat is really about to smoke, and it's unbearably hot, until her butt touches the wooden rattan chair, it feels so unreal.

Zongzheng asked for a good pot of Tieguanyin, took a sip, "It feels good, you should try it too."

Ran Ran picked up the cup, gulped it down, then picked up the teapot to fill up the cup, and poured herself a drink. More than a dozen cups came in a row. Damn, the cup was so small that it didn't quench her thirst at all.

She shook the teapot, gone?He looked at Zongzheng Ryo in embarrassment.

Zong Zhengliang's hand holding the cup trembled, now, can he pretend that he doesn't know the dead girl?It's too embarrassing, such an elegant place, with the rich tea fragrance, the gentle breeze of the field and mountains, and the realm of becoming a fairy, is completely desecrated by the dead girl.

While drinking tea, he looked around, and sure enough, he attracted a lot of attention.

Ran Ran saw that Zong Zhengliang didn't seem to understand what she meant, she was still thirsty, "Waiter, I want another pot."

When she thought about it, one pot was only so certain, who would drink enough? "Forget it, waiter, let's have two pots!"

Zongzheng turned his head to the side, closed his eyes and stroked his brows. He couldn't imagine that after marrying her, he didn't know how many strange looks he would attract because of her involvement.

I don't know what happened to the entrusted Principal Su?

Now, are he and her considered husband and wife?

The waiter quickly brought up two pots of tea, Ran Ran put one pot next to her, and pushed the other pot to Zong Zhengliang's side, "Drink it when you're thirsty, there's nothing to be ashamed about."

Ran Ran glanced around, and muttered softly, "What are you looking at, have you never seen drinking tea? Damn, they are pretending to be elegant, and they don't see anything special about these people. One nose and two eyes, even if they have three eyes." Eyes, two noses, that's not elegant."


Zong Zhengliang took a sip of tea and sprayed it all over the floor, damn it, he heard her words clearly, closed his eyes and stroked his brows, forget it, just cover his face so that acquaintances don't see it.

As soon as he turned his head, he heard someone call his name, and when he looked up, he saw Shu Ran, and his whole body froze.

Shu Ran rushed over, sat next to Zong Zhengliang, and handed over a piece of toilet paper, "I didn't expect to meet you here."

Ran Ran retracted the hand that was about to be stretched out together with the paper, and her ambiguous eyes shuttled back and forth between Zong Zhengliang and Shu Ran. She didn't expect Zong Zhengliang, a sullen man, to actually know the actress. She didn't know that Shu Ran Does the big actress know about Zongzheng Ryo buying "her"?Secretly guessing all kinds of bloody gossip.

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