"Ran Ran, you are doing well!"

Zongzheng raised his head slightly, closed his eyes, his breath fluctuated, and grabbed Ran Ran who was about to run away in a panic, hugged her waist tightly, fixed it on his leg, and pressed her cold thin lips roughly. go up.

Ran Ran shivered her shoulders and opened her eyes wide. She felt that the situation was not right. No matter how fast she moved, she still couldn't escape Zong Zhengliang's palm. At this moment, his brand of cruelty and revenge was deeply embedded between her lips and teeth.

His lips, like burning coals, burned her, and took her breath away.

Ran Ran felt severely hypoxic again, and pushed Zong Zhengliang desperately.

Half an hour later, he still hadn't let her go, Ran Ran felt as if she was about to suffocate, the oxygen accumulated in her chest was about to explode, and her throat was also aching.

In the end, when Ran Ran was about to faint, Zong Zhengliang finally let go of her, hugged her, let her hang on his body, and took her directly down the mountain by cable car.

Ran Ran sat on the side, clenched her fists, stared at Zong Zhengliang fiercely, and kissing him was really not an enjoyable thing, especially every time she lost half her life like fighting a battle.

Until she got off the cable car and got on the car, she still couldn't remember it.

It is said that you don't guess what a girl's mind is, and you can't guess it after guessing. Damn, a man's mind is even more unpredictable!She said that, didn't he immediately find a step for himself to go down, and then be happily with the actress?Then, she can be free again.

But why is he angry?It's okay to be angry, but to kiss her forcefully, oh no, that's murder!

Ran Ran slapped her thigh, and suddenly understood, a sullen man like this with countless courtesans must not be able to accept the shame of being ignored and rejected, right?

Did she accidentally touch Mensao Nan's desire to conquer?

Could it be that if she is more obedient in the future, he will let her go and find it boring?

Cut, in a word, rich and important people are idlers, and they insist on looking for abuse. This is called lowliness, and this is called servility.

Ran Ran cursed softly in her heart, she was very ladylike and obediently sitting in the co-driver, when she arrived at the exhibition center, Zong Zhengliang got off the car, she followed immediately, took his arm in a sticky way, and said sweetly to Zong Zhengliang With a smile, the woman who takes the initiative to cling to her will make this kind of status, status and rich people hate it, right?Please, hurry up and hate me, hurry up and forget me!

Zongzheng froze, looking at her hand, the white and delicate fingers are really beautiful, on his black suit, black and white complement each other, complementing each other, it is really eye-catching!

His gaze couldn't help moving up, to her bright eyes, her big flickering eyes seemed to be talking to him, could it be because of a kiss that he fell in love with him?

Zong Zhengliang sneered secretly, women are really superficial animals!

However, he still decided to let her love him more in the future. Jing Hao's love for He Nan was made. It is said that He Nan is very good at flirting, and he is very good at bed, but he has never seen it before. He thought it was unbelievable before. It may be believable that the girl Ran Ran was completely kissed by him.

A faint smile overflowed Zong Zhenglang's lips, and he proudly walked into the venue with Ran Ran on his arm.

As soon as they entered, Lin Shaobei saw it, didn't he?The president brought the woman to the scene in such a disheveled manner, it was difficult not to make people think crookedly, look at the crumpled shirt, fortunately there is no lipstick mark, and look at the crooked tie, especially the cheerful smile on the president's face.

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