President Mensao, I want it

067 Dizzy Walking the Red Carpet

"That's too late!"

After finishing speaking, Zong Zhengliang took Ran Ran by his arm, stepped onto the red carpet step by step, and walked towards the rostrum gracefully, feeling an indescribable feeling in his heart, either sour or sweet, as he hugged her waist, there was a feeling of both ice and fire. An unprecedented experience in the sky.

Ran Ran didn't notice Zong Zhengliang's strangeness at all. The bright red carpet was thick and soft, and it was very unsteady to step on it with ten centimeter high heels. Her legs were weak, and she was half leaning on Zong Zhengliang.

Zong Zhengliang immediately hugged Ran Ran, Ran Ran was not pretentious, and simply put the weight of his body on him, every step seemed to be replayed in slow motion, this gorgeous feeling made her dizzy, and she was a little confused North, south, east and west.

She turned her head to look at Zong Zhengliang. He changed into a silver-gray suit, he was so noble and elegant, with thin lips tightly pursed, as cold as a god, and he felt like a prince beside him in a trance.

Sensing Ran Ran's fiery eyes, Zong Zhengliang tilted his head and smiled stiffly at her. He liked the look in his eyes looking up at her very much. He reached out with a big palm resting on her waist, held her hand, and gently squeezed her hand. With a little effort, if it wasn't for the eyes of everyone, I really wanted to crush her into the pile of carpets, and then, then...

The more Zong Zhengliang thought about it, the more impulsive he became, a dark fire ignited in his eyes, and he tried his best to restrain his body's impulse, but his unbelievable little brother immediately swelled up, and he took Ran Ran halfway into his arms, and used her before his body made a fool of himself. His body covered his vitals, his eyes wandered, he looked down slightly, and landed on her fair and tender neck, then quickly moved his eyes away, and it happened to land on her small peach face, which was rosy and white, so tempting that he really wanted to Go for a bite.

Ran Ran was dazed by him, and she couldn't understand Zong Zhengliang's camouflaged animal light at all. She just felt that the swaying crystal lamp was no longer comparable to the brilliance in his eyes, which made her blush With a heartbeat, he quickly looked away.

At this moment, in this situation and in this situation, she is like Cinderella before midnight. No wonder so many female stars are fatally in love with the red carpet. Unfortunately, after midnight and the glass slipper falls, she will return to her original form.

She looked around, the bright crystal lights and spotlights shone together, piercing her eyes with gold stars, the flowers were in a mess, she couldn't get used to it, and as soon as she turned her head, she met the eyes of Shu Ran, the actress, and felt a chill on her back , those eyes were so cold and ruthless, I wish I could strip her naked with my eyes, and her rapidly rising body temperature immediately dropped.

The sharpness in Shu Ran's eyes flashed away, and she slowly retracted, her fingers tremblingly grabbed the corner of the skirt, Ah Ling actually let her wear this dress, that dress was hers, it was hers!

Shu Ran's hand trembled slightly, and was suddenly held by someone. She looked up and saw that it was her assistant Liu Xiaofei, and her heart warmed. In these years, Xiaofei was the only one left by her side, and she was the only one who knew the cold and the warm, "Xiaofei , I'm fine."

As soon as she finished speaking, she heard the whispered discussions around her, and the smile that hadn't been squeezed froze on her face.

"Hey, who is this woman?"

"I don't know, the face is very fresh, I have never seen it in the circle."

"Where did it happen? It's a bit like the one sitting at the other end."

A few people looked at Shu Ran. Shu Ran sat there as if nothing had happened, looking at the stage with a natural expression. The endless discussions in a low voice stimulated her trying to pretend to be calm.

"I said, brother, what kind of eyes do you have! Look at that beauty on the carpet, those inexperienced eyes, how charming they are, how ecstasy they are! If they sweep towards me, they will take my soul away..."

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