Burning Heaven

Chapter 100 Coincidence

It was not until the sunset and sunset that Lin Mofeng and Ouyang Ruohan were willing to return from Baiguo Village. Ouyang Ruohan took the purple lotus flower that Lin Mofeng gave her, bouncing around happily along the way.

And Lin Mofeng was holding an emerald green bamboo flute, playing while walking on the path. This emerald green bamboo flute was exactly the one that Lin Mofeng gave Ouyang Ruohan for nothing. It turned yellow, but the names of the two people engraved on the bamboo flute are still very clear, and the color is still so bright. It can be seen that Ouyang Ruohan must have been very careful in preserving these years.

The sound of the flute sounded like the sound of heaven on the country road, and the surrounding scenery was boundless and beautiful, with dense forests and rippling reeds. However, to Ouyang Ruohan, the beautiful scenery seemed to be inferior to the gracefulness of the tall and thin man in front of him. flute.

As the setting sun fell, the shadows of the two of them, like a golden boy and a jade girl, were reflected on the small road in the country.

The beautiful sound of the flute, the sound of chasing each other, and the sounds of laughter and laughter are constantly staged on the path. The figures of the two are like glue, and the voices of the two are constantly filling the path:

"Brother Mo Feng, do you love me?"

"Tch, the ghost will fall in love with you, a stupid pig!!!" Lin Mofeng said disdainfully, rolling his eyes.

"Ruohan doesn't care, Ruohan loves you anyway..." Ouyang Ruohan said stubbornly.

"Wow Ruohan, look quickly!!!, there is a bloody woman following you behind, wow, I'll run away first." Lin Mofeng pretended to be shocked, and hurried forward holding the bamboo flute.


The running figures of the two gradually disappeared in the afterglow of the setting sun...

The south gate of Heishui City.

As night fell, at the south gate of Heishui City, as far as the eye could see, the number of people leaving the city increased significantly, and the guards guarding the gate were slightly tired, urging even more irritably when facing the bustling crowd.

And under the city gate of Longtou, there were four figures standing beside the city gate. Facing the endless crowd, they never moved half a step. One of the four was looking into the distance, as if looking for something. The four were Luo Yanxue, Luo Haoyu, Wu Yue, and Deacon Li who was leaning against the city wall.

"Deacon Li, are you sure that Lin Mofeng must have gone to Baiguo Village? Why hasn't he come back yet?" Luo Yanxue kept standing on tiptoe, looking up into the distance.

"Yanxue, you've asked this for the 23rd time, can you stop asking?" Luo Haoyu, who was wearing a black face scarf, said irritably.

"Junior Sister, just wait patiently." Wu Yue said with a smile.

"If only I had reached the fusion stage now, I would be able to transmit voices for thousands of miles. Hmph, if I could transmit voices for thousands of miles, I would definitely scold Lin Mofeng to death, scold him to death!!!"

Luo Yanxue frowned and clenched her fists tightly.

At this time, suddenly a guard in full armor came over and said impatiently to Luo Yanxue:

"Hey, you guys, that is to say, where are you going to look around? You guys go in as you want, and get out as you want, don't keep mumbling here, mumbling, I'm about to be quarreled died."

Luo Yanxue turned her head to look, and found a thin guard not far away pointing at her and yelling at her. The suppressed anger in Luo Yanxue's heart finally burst out at this moment:

"Miss Ben is here, what's wrong, what's wrong, you're looking for death!!!" Luo Yanxue yelled out in a fit of anger, pinching her waist, as if she wanted to vent all the anger in her heart on the skinny guard body.

"You little bitch is such a big ass!!! Come on, come on, come on!!!"

With a sound of "shua", Luo Haoyu came to the skinny guard with a stride, and kicked the guard several meters away without saying a word. The helpless guard said:

"If you're talking so much, don't blame me for being rude!!!"

Suddenly, not far away, a group of guards holding spears came running, with a fierce look on their faces, they surrounded Luo Yanxue and Luo Haoyu in an instant, and the leading guard in the middle immediately shouted:

"Who dares to act wild in Heishui City, I will take it down immediately"

"Hmph, overthinking one's abilities" Luo Haoyu said dismissively, it seemed that he was about to make a move.

Suddenly, Deacon Li came to Luo Haoyu in a flash, stopped Luo Haoyu who was about to make a move, and quickly took out a dark token from his arms and shouted:

"Stop it all, cough cough!!"

After seeing the dark token, the leading guard trembled as if he had seen a ghost, and immediately knelt down and tremblingly said:

"Greetings, Greetings to the City Lord!!!" The guards at the back also knelt tremblingly when they saw it, and even the passers-by knelt down one by one after seeing it.

At this moment, Luo Yanxue looked up and down the dark token in amazement, and immediately understood in her heart, secretly thinking that Deacon Li really deserves to be the deacon of Blackwater City, and even has the order of the city lord.

At this time, Lin Mofeng, who was walking towards him humming a little song, suddenly stopped, and reached out to stop Ouyang Ruohan, who was jumping up and down, and said:

"Wait a minute, Ruohan, there seems to be something wrong with the South Gate."

Ouyang Ruohan fixed her eyes, looked carefully, and suddenly said:

"Brother Mo Feng, look quickly, isn't that Grandpa Li?"

Lin Mofeng took a closer look, and it turned out to be Deacon Li. He looked at the people around him, and was shocked to find that Luo Yanxue and Luo Haoyu were among them. Lin Mofeng was startled when he saw it, and quickly ran forward.

"Yanxue, Haoyu!" Lin Mofeng trotted away, shouting as he ran.

Hearing the shout, Luo Yanxue turned her head quickly and rubbed her eyes. Looking from a distance, it turned out to be Lin Mofeng. She was overjoyed, her face burst into smiles, and she kept waving at Lin Mofeng.

A few seconds later, Lin Mofeng ran over quickly, looked at the dark crowd kneeling on the ground, and at the dark token in Deacon Li's hand, Lin Mofeng didn't understand what was going on, and turned to Luo Haoyu, who had a black scarf on his face asked:

"Haoyu, what happened here? Also, why did you appear here?"

After hearing this, Luo Haoyu didn't even like Lin Mofeng, and he could vaguely see the corners of his mouth twitching through the black scarf.

"Hmph, you still have the nerve to ask, it's all your fault!!!" Luo Yanxue took a few steps forward, and pinched Lin Mofeng's arm without saying a word, and Lin Mofeng yelled in pain.

"Let go, let go brother Mo Feng!!!" A pink figure suddenly appeared next to Luo Yanxue, desperately pulling Luo Yanxue's arm, Deacon Li saw that it was Ouyang Ruohan.

After Ouyang Ruohan's sudden appearance, Luo Yanxue's anger became more obvious, especially her chest, which was constantly ups and downs.

"Okay, Lin Mofeng, so you didn't go to sacrifice your father, but went on a date in the wild, we made us wait for you for so long, Lin Mofeng, you are a villain, a thief, you, you are heinous !!!" At this moment, Luo Yanxue's eyes were like a tiger's, wishing to swallow Lin Mofeng in one gulp, and in a fit of anger, the jade hand pinching Lin Mofeng's arm was even harder.

"Let go, let go of my brother Mo Feng, let go!!!" Ouyang Ruohan desperately pulled Luo Yanxue's hand away, but Ouyang Ruohan was not a cultivator after all, and he didn't have such a big hand at all. Strength.

Lin Mofeng, who was caught between the two women, finally yelled angrily at Luo Yanxue:

"Luo Yanxue, have you had enough trouble!!!!"

After hearing Lin Mofeng's angry shout, Luo Yanxue slowly withdrew her hand, looked up at Ouyang Ruohan, her expression was slightly gloomy, she seemed to understand something in her heart, then Luo Yanxue turned around and walked away , with tears in his eyes.

"Yanxue, Yanxue, Lin Mofeng, you are a bastard!!!" After Luo Haoyu scolded Lin Mofeng, he immediately chased after Luo Yanxue.

"Hey..." Deacon Li let out a long sigh.

"Junior Brother Mo Feng, we are talking about entering the city," Wu Yue said decisively immediately, and then pulled Lin Mofeng into the city, followed closely by Ouyang Ruohan.


The figures of the five people were wandering in the busy streets of Heishui City. Luo Yanxue and Luo Haoyu walked in front, Lin Mofeng, Ouyang Ruohan, and Wu Yue followed closely behind. Deacon Li was not there after the five entered the city. Come on, it seems that the affairs of these young people have long been far away from him! !

After an unknown amount of time, Ouyang Ruohan broke the long silence and said:

"Brother Mo Feng, I'm so hungry, let's call Sister Yanxue and Brother Haoyu, shall we go have something to eat together?" Ouyang Ruohan asked Lin Mofeng with her head poked.

Lin Mofeng replied blankly, "Okay"

After hearing this, Ouyang Ruohan laughed happily, then trot forward a few steps, grabbed Luo Yanxue's arm, and said:

"Sister Yanxue, let's go eat something, Ruohan knows you must be hungry too, okay? Sister Yanxue?" Ouyang Ruohan begged, holding Luo Yanxue's little hand.

Before Luo Yanxue could answer, Lin Mofeng's figure suddenly ran from behind, and said to everyone with a playful smile:

"Let's go, let's go, I'm starving to death, let's go, by the way, Ruohan, is there a very famous tavern in Heishui City ahead?" Lin Mofeng asked suspiciously.

"Brother Mo Feng, there is a Moonlight Tavern in front of you. Brother Mo Feng, the reputation of the Moonlight Tavern resounds throughout Heishui City. I heard from my mother that the tavern is not only delicious, but the most important thing is that the tavern is famous in Heishui City because of the moonlight. Ouyang Ruohan said happily.

"Okay, then let's go to the Moonlight Tavern!!" Lin Mofeng immediately strode forward.

"Let's go, Yanxue, your brother is also hungry." Luo Haoyu said flatly, and walked forward.

"Let's go, let's go, Sister Yanxue, hehe." Pulled by Ouyang Ruohan's enthusiasm, Luo Yanxue followed helplessly.

After the figures of the five people passed by, a black-robed man with loose hair suddenly appeared from behind, with the corners of his mouth slightly upturned, and said:

"Moonlight Tavern? Okay, hehe."

After an evil laugh, the black-robed figure quickly disappeared without a trace with a "shua", and a large black robe remained in place...

[Chapter 1 after it is put on the shelves, I hope everyone can enjoy watching it, thank you Zhenjun here]

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