Burning Heaven

Chapter 21 Tears

After Lin Nanxuan heard Lin Mofeng's cry, he hurriedly shouted at Mo Feng:

"Stinky boy, don't come here, do you hear me?"

Lin Mofeng didn't listen at all, and ran into the room quickly.

Lin Nanxuan's right hand rummaged quickly and finally found the flowered cloth bag containing the money. At this time, Lin Mofeng braved the fire and ran to Lin Nanxuan's side. Running back, and shouting in his mouth:

"Father, let's go, Dad, let's run!"

At this time, a corner of Lin Nanxuan's clothes had already started to burn, and he exclaimed when he saw Mo Feng rushing in by himself. He quickly put the iron pot on Mo Feng's head, picked him up and was about to run to the door , completely ignoring the clothes that had begun to burn.

Maybe it's because the heavens don't have mercy on the living beings at all. A gust of wind blows through the bushes, causing the weeds in the bushes to sway from side to side, and making the raging fire even more violent...

The fire in the house became more fierce. Just when Lin Nanxuan was running to the door with Mo Feng holding the iron pot on his head, several bamboos piled up all over the room instantly fell down and hit Lin Nanxuan on the back. superior…………

"Ah... ah..." Lin Nanxuan, who was holding the iron pot on his head, suddenly felt something hit his back behind him, and then the burning pain swept over him, but Lin Nanxuan gritted his teeth at this moment Guan, with a loud shout, suddenly jumped and led Mo Feng out of the thatched hut buried by thousands of flames.

After Lin Nanxuan ran out with Mo Feng in his arms, he suddenly hugged Mo Feng, whose clothes were starting to burn a little, ran to the path and fell to the ground. Lin Nanxuan found that half of his clothes started to burn, and even his coiled hair started to burn.

Finally, he couldn't help but let out a loud cry, and beat his hair with one hand. After the flames on his head were extinguished, he quickly lay down on the dirt road and rolled quickly. Clothes, after getting out of trouble, Lin Nanxuan picked up Mo Feng who was lying on the ground crying, and ran away.

After running to a place that Lin Nanxuan thought was safe, he finally heaved a sigh of relief. He stood in the distance and looked at the thatched cottage that was almost engulfed by the fire...

At this moment, Mo Feng looked at Lin Nanxuan who was out of breath and wept unceasingly.

Lin Nanxuan looked extremely embarrassed at this time, with many burns on his body, and the coarse cloth underwear was almost rotten. Lin Nanxuan's face was like a nigger, his hair was scorched, and there were burn marks on many places on his body, especially on his back. The scalded scar seemed to have lost a lot of skin, but Lin Nanxuan still held the flowered cloth bag containing the money tightly in his hand...

Lin Mofeng had almost no damage except for his clothes being burnt. The main reason was the big iron pot. Mo Feng looked at the flowered cloth bag containing the money in tears, raised his head angrily and yelled at Lin Nanxuan road:

"Father, are you crazy? Our house is on fire, why are you going in to get the money? Are you dying?"

After Lin Nanxuan listened to his son's reprimand, he gritted his teeth and endured the burning pain in his back, and slowly squatted down. After looking at Lin Mofeng who was wronged and crying for a long time, he gently wiped Lin Mofeng away with his big black hands. With tears in the corners of his eyes, he brought the calico money bag in front of Mo Feng, and facing Lin Mo Feng's bright and tearful eyes, he took a deep breath and said:

"Son, this is money for you to build a house and marry a wife in the future. Even if your father and I die, as long as I can keep this bag of money, I will have no regrets."

No regrets.

No regrets.

At this time, Lin Mofeng kept repeating these words in his mind. After hearing Lin Nanxuan's words, his whole body trembled, and the corners of his eyes couldn't be controlled at all. Peasant tears burst out instantly, and then he opened his red and swollen hands and stepped forward. He hugged Lin Nanxuan's dark neck, burst into tears, and said in a breathless voice:

"Father, I don't want...you to die, I don't...want you to die"

"Father, I don't want... to marry a wife, I don't want to... marry,"

"We still... have to wait for... Mother... to come back, let's go together... to Hei... Water City... woo woo woo..."

"Mother... right away... coming back... I don't want...you die, woo woo..."

Mo Feng burst into tears. He, Lin Mofeng, was bullied and grew up. It was Lin Nanxuan who comforted and encouraged him.

He, Lin Mofeng, actually knew that sometimes in the middle of the night after Lin Nanxuan watched him fall asleep, he picked up the old machete and got up and went to the bamboo forest a few miles away from Baiguo Village to cut bamboo. After tiptoeing away, Lin Mofeng opened his eyes and secretly shed tears.

In Lin Mofeng's eyes, Lin Nanxuan is everything...

Lin Mofeng was crying like rain at this moment, it seemed that the endless sadness from childhood to adulthood was gushing out at this moment, hugging Lin Nanxuan's neck even more forcefully, big tears fell on the burn scar on Lin Nanxuan's back.

Lin Nanxuan clenched his teeth, resisting the sting of tears dripping from the wound, and gently stroked Mo Feng's braided head without saying a word...

Between the sky and the earth, the wind is still so bleak, the sunset glow is scattered on the father and son hugging each other, on the thatched hut that has almost been burned beyond recognition by the fire, and on the white lotus that fell on the ground, also Scattered in the distance and sat on the ground wagging his tail, looking at Heizi, the father and son hugging each other. . . . . . . . .


Ginkgo Village.

Wang Xiaohu's home.

"It's too deceiving, Nanxuan, I'm going to Zhao Min's home right now." A roaring voice came from inside the wooden house.

"Dad, I'll go with you too, let's kill Zhao Ming and his father" This was obviously Fatty's voice...

Inside the wooden house, under the erratic oily light, there was a person lying on the wooden bed at this time, obviously Lin Nanxuan whose home was burned today. At this time, Wang Xiaohu's mother was also Sister Wang Kuaizizui, holding a green liquid in her forehand. Sister Wang dipped her hands into the porcelain bowl and applied the medicine to Lin Nanxuan's back.

It was as if a meeting was held in the room at this time. Lin Mofeng bowed his head by the bed and said nothing. After Wang Xiaohu said what he said just now, he suddenly knelt on the ground and stretched his body under the bed as if he was looking for something. Wang Shi was so angry in the room Go back and forth from side to side.

Just after Wang Xiaohu rummaged under the bed and shouted "I found it", Wang Xiaohu crawled out like a maggot, ignoring the spider web on the big head, and then took a big thick stick and a small thin stick with both hands to show In front of everyone, he handed the big thick stick to Wang Shi who was still walking around and said:

"Come on, dad, let's go and kill them." Wang Xiaohu grinned and grinned like a thunderbolt.

"Old Shi, it's useless for you to go. This is Zhao Minguo's trick. If you go to him, he will definitely not admit it. Don't go. Lao Shi, you go to rest first. When I recover from my injury, we will go to the hospital to see you." Speaking of this matter, I will trouble you to stay at your house for a few days." Lin Nanxuan who was lying on the bed said in a low voice.

"Should we just swallow this breath? In this way, Nanxuan, you will live in my house from now on, and don't think about rebuilding the house anymore. You will live in my house from now on. Even if Mo Feng gets married, you will stay in my house. Who would dare Don't let you stay and try?" After Wang Shi said this, he deliberately glanced at Xiaohu's mother, and then said in a louder tone:

"When you recover from your injury, let's go to Zhao Minguo's house and see if I don't break his leg." Wang Shi seemed to be very angry at this time.

"Yes, kill him, kill him" Wang Xiaohu was also very angry at this time, and hit the ground with his two sticks, causing his body to sway...

But at this moment, dogs started barking outside. Lin Mofeng first thought of Heizi, and then he heard a footstep coming from the yard outside, and asked towards the house: "Nanxuan Is brother here?"

This voice sounds like the voice of Village Chief Zhao...

〔I’m so exhausted, I’ve updated three chapters today since I coded in the morning. Originally, I wanted to post this chapter tomorrow, but when I think that today is Father’s Day, I must post this chapter. Do you know if you were a little moved by what you saw? ? ?Zhenjun guarantees that you will not regret this book, because I really wrote it with my heart.Don't forget to help me spread the vote! ! ! 〕

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