Human Realm Ten Thousand Monsters Valley.

In the main hall of the valley.

In the main hall with blue flames flickering, there is a middle-aged man wearing a golden armor and a black coiled dragon crown on his head.

This middle-aged man in golden armor frowned, his eyes seemed sad, and he sighed continuously. At this moment, he was suspended in the air, with his hands behind his back, looking at a huge crystal in front of him.

This huge crystal is actually floating in the air. The crystal is crystal clear and sparkling. There is a golden bead about the size of an egg on each of the four corners of the crystal, and a golden liquid is poured into the crystal.

After the golden liquid flowed into the crystal, the crystal did not change. In an instant, the flowing liquid seemed to turn into a crystal, disappearing without a trace, and the surface of the crystal was faintly rippling.

And at this time, in the huge rectangular crystal, there was a woman with closed eyes who said that she was not like a man or a monster. This woman was very beautiful in a white coat made of some kind of fur. Small cherry mouth, purple lips, beautifully closed eyes, but the skin is frighteningly white, even the coiled hair is white, the facial features are strange, it seems that there is a white breath circulating in the body.

"Is there any news about my grandson?" The middle-aged man in golden armor continued to look at the woman who was sealed in the crystal, and behind his hands, he said such a sentence, and he didn't know who he was talking to.

And just after the middle-aged man said this, the void in the hall suddenly twisted, and a monster with a snake body and a bull's head knelt down out of thin air, with swords stuck in its back.

"Master Gu, this subordinate deserves to die. Ever since Misty Misty Valley was infiltrated by the Red Envoy, one of the four holy envoys of the Heavenly Demon Sect, and killed several people, Tian Yuan fled away with Master Shaogu in his arms. Afterwards, they chased after him, but in the end, there was no news. According to the undercover of the Tianmozong, the Tianmozong only brought back Tianyuan, and did not see the figure of Master Shaogu. His subordinates are incompetent, and they have been arranging people for the past few years. I searched everywhere for the young master, but I really didn't find any news about the young master, so I implore the young master to punish me with death."

The monster with the head of a bull and the body of a snake kowtowed heavily to the man in the golden armor floating in the void in the main hall at this time, and then the bull's head still did not dare to lift it up, as if it was waiting for the man in the golden armor to come down.

"Tianmozong, if you dare to take my grandson away, I, Yaoying, will definitely make you die."

The middle-aged man in the golden giant armor was already angry at this time, his eyes twitched suddenly, and the sound of fists clucking could be vaguely heard. After a long time, the middle-aged man's eyes gradually recovered, and finally he still used the gentle Looking at the woman in the crystal, he said again: "How is the search for the prehistoric five strange treasures, Patriarch Feathered Snake?"

"My lord, the Soul Refining Pagoda, one of the five strange treasures, belongs to the Heavenly Demon Sect. However, since the Demon Emperor of the Heavenly Demon Sect brought Tianyuan back ten years ago, he also took away the secret code of the Heavenly Mystery Sect. The Heavenly Demon Sect Zong now possesses two rare treasures, the demon-suppressing pot is in the demon-suppressing pavilion of the Sanqing sect, and is guarded by that old immortal Qingwu. Illusion, there are some rumors that the Tomb of the Sword Saint will appear once every 500 years, and this time there will be a Qilin Sword, one of the five rare treasures in the wild."

The man with the bull's head and the body of a snake is still kneeling on the ground, and the bull's head dare not lift up and said.

"Hahahaha, if Tianjizi's Secret Code of Heavenly Secrets is so easily taken away by the people of Tianmo Sect, then he is not worthy of being called one of the five rare treasures of the wild, patriarch of Feathered Snake, Tianjizi is always a mysterious figure, just Even the ghost master of the demon world doesn't know who he is, let alone you and me. Ever since Tianjizi was killed by Hunyuan sword energy, Qianyuan's soul was captured by Tiangang Xianjun into Moluotian, and Tianyuan was brought back to the queen of Tianmozong. , the Heavenly Mystery Gate has gradually disappeared in the world.”|

The man in the golden armor was silent for a while and then said:

"But I always have a feeling, I feel that the enigmatic Tianjizi died under the Hunyuan sword energy without any resistance. My clansmen continue to search for my grandson. If there is no accident, my grandson has the holy object of Tianjimen on his body. The Tianji mirror is on his body. The Tianji mirror can hide all auras in the body, even if it is a figure like a demon master. I realized it, but this treasure did not belong to the five strange treasures left in the world, it is really a miracle in heaven and earth, don't say more, go quickly."

After finishing speaking, the middle-aged man continued to look at the woman in the crystal, and said with some sobs in his mouth:

"Bing'er, it's all wrong for your father. Being a father shouldn't prevent you from being with Qianyuan, otherwise you won't end up like this. Bing'er, it's all wrong for your father. Don't worry, wait until I find you and Qianyuan. After Qianyuan's child, I will definitely let him be the owner of Wanyao Valley, and I will definitely wipe out the Sanqing faction." When he said this, the middle-aged man was already angry again, his fists clenched and rattling ...

The middle-aged man didn't notice the patriarch of Feathered Serpent who was kneeling on the ground with his eyes rolling around...

Blackwater City.

In the alley of a street.

At this time, Master Ziye was panting and hid at the corner of the alley, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and said with an angry expression: "Damn, I almost got it, it's all because of that brat and that nasty fat man, I'm pissed off, I'm pissed off"

After finishing speaking, Master Ziye hurriedly tore off his mustache and picked the mole under his nose. Finally, he stretched out his small eyes at the corner of the wall and looked back. After making sure no one was there, he took off the straw sandals suddenly, Peel off the yellow talisman paper pasted on the soles of the feet...

"Hmph, no matter what, I made some money today. It looks like I'm going to change places tomorrow. It's really bad luck. How could I meet those two brats at the most critical time? It's really bad luck."

After tidying up, Master Ziye took out a cloth cap from his arms, put it on his head, and was about to leave. When Master Ziye walked back, he heard the sound of a wild boar running wildly, and suddenly his thigh was suddenly hit by someone. something was hugged......

"Great Immortal Ziye, Great Immortal Ziye, we have found you, this time you can't go, you can't go" Wang Xiaohu held Ziye's thigh tightly with both arms, and his lower hoof wrapped around Ziye's thigh like a tree... ……………

"Fatty man, you can't find death if you want to die. I still have something important to leave. If you are pestering me, I will start casting spells."

Immortal Ziye dragged Wang Xiaohu, who was hugging her, and walked forward a few steps, then drooled and said grinning.

"Don't, don't be Ziye, I beg you to accept me as a disciple, please let me be a god." Wang Xiaohu didn't let go of anything at this time......

At this time, when Daxian Ziye wanted to say something, he inadvertently looked back at Lin Mofeng who was following behind.

The scorching sun's rays shone extra brightly on the alleys of Heishui City, making it hard for people to open their eyes, and it shone on Lin Mofeng's dirty neck.

Then the Great Immortal Ziye seemed to have discovered something, and was momentarily stunned, murmuring indistinctly: " it possible."

[I want recommendation votes, I want votes, I want votes, please vote for me, Zhenjun thank you all. . . . . . . . 〕

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