When Wang Xiaohu and Lin Mofeng saw that Master Ziye had run away, they immediately got up in a panic and chased desperately in the direction where Ziye was running away.

Although Master Ziye was old, he ran like a shooting star at a fast pace, with his sleeves ringing. At this time, Master Ziye showed a very obscene smile on the busy street, and said with a smile:

"Hahahaha, fat man, you still want to chase after you, Master Ziye, and you still want me to take you, a stinky pig, as an apprentice. In your next life, hahaha"

Master Ziye ran and laughed from ear to ear, and when Master Ziye was running happily, but at this moment, at this moment,

I accidentally stepped on a watermelon rind under my feet...

"...Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" came from the bustling market......

After Wang Xiaohu and Lin Mofeng ran over panting, they saw the real Ziye who was lying face down and eating shit. Wang Xiaohu hurried to the face of the real Ziye when he saw it, and said out of breath:

"Big... immortal... are you... okay?" "Just now... why... no one... flying in the sky"

At this time, Wang Xiaohu was so tired that his face was red and his ears were red. Beads of sweat dripped from his big face and landed on the head of Master Ziye...

Before Master Ziye could answer, Wang Xiaohu grabbed it with his big hand, forcibly broke off the black rag in Master Ziye's right hand and snatched it away, quickly wiped the sweat and sticky nose from his face, and handed it to Mo Feng with his right hand.

Seeing this, Mo Feng shook his head. Seeing that Mo Feng was useless, Wang Xiaohu didn't even think about it. He just stuffed the black rotten cloth with a lot of snot into the slightly loosened fist of Master Ziye. He shook his hand, and after making sure that he was still tightly clenched, he immediately lay down next to the real Ziye's ear, and wailed loudly:

"Great Immortal Midnight...You must not die, Immortal Midnight. You haven't taught us how to use immortality. Immortal Midnight, hurry up and come back to life."

The noise attached to Wang Xiaohu's ears made Master Ziye, who was lying on the ground at this moment, twitch suddenly, and it was faintly visible that the fists holding the black rags were suddenly clenched and rattled...

Master Ziye stood up slowly with a sullen face that owed money, and suddenly saw that his face seemed to be a little torn, and the blue Taoist robe was full of dirt, he was really in a mess.

At this time, Master Ziye clenched his fists with both hands and backs, showing a posture of being a master, with a very amiable facial expression, smiling at the innocent Xiaohu and Mo Feng:

"Hehe, the two predestined people, in fact, everything today is a test for the two predestined people by my Taoist head teacher Zi Ye."

Master Ziye smiled without saying a word. He wanted to touch his mustache habitually, but suddenly realized that the mustache had been torn off, so he looked at Mo Feng and Wang Xiaohu who were still a little out of breath with blurred eyes and smiling corners of his mouth.

"Great Immortal Ziye, how did you test it?" Lin Mofeng asked in confusion, it seemed that Mo Feng didn't understand what Ziye said.

"Hahahaha, mortals are indeed extremely ignorant, ignorant, so let me tell you two." After finishing speaking, Master Ziye began to close his eyes and turn his hands behind his back, and said:

"For those who are destined, since the day when I met you at the Baiguo Temple, I have been observing you secretly in the middle of the night. Although we are not a big fairy sect, we are not able to accept apprentices casually. "

"Today I was completely moved by the kindness and honesty of the two of you, but the strictness of my Xuanmen's acceptance of disciples is well-known in the entire cultivation world. Today is just a small test. There are still many difficulties and dangers waiting in the future. Looking forward to you, Xiaohu, Mo Feng, you two will face the difficult and difficult road to immortality, are you ready?"

After Master Ziye said it, he turned his head slowly, revealing his watery glasses, with his hands behind his back very emotionally, looking at Mo Feng who was standing there with a smile showing his dimples, and clasped his fingers in front of his face in a wishing pose Fatty.

"Dear Immortal, don't worry, we will definitely be able to do it." Lin Mofeng said resolutely

"Yes, Daxian believes in us. We will definitely help Xuanmen kill demons and demons, and save the world. You can quickly give us a test and teach us the way of immortality, Daxian." Wang Xiaohu clasped his hands in front of his eyes, and looked at The real person Ziye said.

"Hahaha, if that's the case, then my way can go with peace of mind. Hahaha, you two predestined people, today's test has passed, and there will be a test waiting for you when you come. Don't ask any more questions, don't follow me. When the time comes, I will ride a crane to pick you two up to the Taoist sect. During this period, don’t look for me anymore, because I, the real Ziye, wanders around the world and experiences the pain of time. Wouldn’t it be nice, wouldn’t it be nice hahaha .”

Master Ziye showed a wretched smile as he walked, and after walking a few steps, he suddenly seemed to remember something, and said to Mo Feng and Xiaohu who were about to follow with a serious expression:

"Bold, you dare to follow me. I have said it before. When the time comes, I will ride a crane to pick you up. Don't follow me anymore. Also, I already know about the loss of money between you two today." , don’t worry about this matter anymore, because this matter is destined to be fate, people with predestined relationship, who have important things to leave in this way, so I won’t talk to you, remember what I said today, and we will meet each other in the future if we are destined!”

Immediately after Ziye said it, he turned his head and strode forward. He even seemed to take out something from his arms, showing a sinister smile, and gently stroked it. After a closer look, it turned out to be the money cloth that Mo Feng lost. The bag, but Mo Feng didn't see it...

Seeing the back of Master Ziye gradually going away until he disappeared in the bustling crowd, Mo Feng and Wang Xiaohu who stood there stupidly did not move. Lin Mofeng said to the shocked Wang Xiaohu:

"Xiaohu, the Great Immortal Ziye is indeed a great Immortal, but...knows that we lost money!"

"Well, it's really a great immortal, yes, a great immortal." Wang Xiaohu nodded abruptly, muttering all the time.

"Xiaohu, let's go back quickly, let's listen to what the Great Immortal Ziye said, there is still a test waiting for us, think about how the Great Immortal Ziye will come to our village to pick us up on a crane in the future, think about how beautiful it would be, haha "Lin Mofeng proudly said...

"Well, let's go back, Mo Feng, do you think I can ride a crane to Ouyang Baozi Shop to buy buns in the future?" Xiaohu looked at Mo Feng suspiciously.

"of course"

"Really? That's great"

The voice gradually disappeared in the busy street.


Heavenly Demon Sect.

Nether Blood Hall.

In a certain dark cave in Desolate Yin Mountain, it was filled with the sound of ghosts crying and wailing. Going deeper, you can see erratic blood-colored glints flickering everywhere on the walls of this cave, giving people a very strange feeling. Feeling at ease, and at the bottom of this mysterious cave, in a spacious and wide cave surrounded by blood-colored stalactites, under the blood-colored flickering light, it seems that there are many people standing in this wide cave.

"Lanshi, Sect Master Mi said how many souls are needed?"

In the dark red wide hole, there is a young man sitting on a stone seat. This young man seems to be drinking tea. He is well-proportioned, wearing a black robe, with loose hair, a round face, and fair skin. Looking closely, he looks handsome It's just that the eyes of this young man in black are indeed dark red.

"Return to the words of the young lord, the lord fan said that we still need a lot of souls." At this time, an old man in a blue toga came out from the crowd of people in the wide cave, knelt down and bowed to the young man in black on the stone seat .

"Hmph, okay, a good one still needs a lot of souls, a good one still needs a lot of souls, and you really think of me as a dog who specializes in collecting souls, Lan Shi, I will ask you to ask my father if you go this time. When did you start to take action against the Sanqing faction, did you ask?"

The man in the black robe blinked his dark red eyes lightly, looked at the envoy who was kneeling on the ground, then sipped the unknown liquid in the stone cup in his hand with his black lips and said lightly.

"Returning to the young master, the blue envoy went to Beiqiuhai this time, but he didn't see the devil emperor. He just heard from the green envoy that the devil emperor went to the Soul Refining Cave to meet the mistress. I bring back a few words to the young master,

The Demon Emperor said: Let the young master continue to collect souls and wait for the opportunity. When the time is right, the young master will be notified. Don't scare the snake away! !So I handed the magic pearl to the green envoy and hurried back to inform the young master," the blue envoy bowed his head and said sincerely.

"Oh, envoy Lan, in that case, you didn't do anything about what I told you before I left." The young man in the black robe raised his head and opened his blood-red mouth. In the mouth, at this time, the unknown liquid dripping from the stone cup was faintly visible, which turned out to be a cup of blood. The young man in black groaned softly after drinking it, as if he was enjoying it.

"Young master, please forgive me, young master, please forgive me, young master, the envoy has been convicted, please forgive me, young master!"

The blue envoy kowtowed desperately like a child, and the people in red clothes standing in the wide cave were also trembling, especially the red envoy with the broken arm, bowing his head and praying secretly for the blue envoy, because He knows the methods of this black-robed young man too well...

<Zhenjun needs popularity very much now, so brothers, please help me to recommend it. I guarantee that the subsequent chapters will be more and more enjoyable for you, ho ho! ! >

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