After Lin Mofeng stood there stupidly for a long time, his stiff body finally couldn't help moving. He looked back at Ouyang Baozi Shop, with a wry smile on his lips, and then Mo Feng's eyes showed a little dim color, taking it easy He took out a withered lotus from his bosom, gently stroked the withered pistil with his hand, and without thinking about it for a few minutes, he stuffed the withered lotus into his bosom and walked towards the bustling street. walk slowly.


"The freshly baked crispy chicken is sold cheap. After eating it once, I, an old woman, guarantee that you will want to eat it again, ha ha!"

Mo Feng was walking on the spacious streets of Heishui City, and he couldn't help but stop in front of a stall selling crispy chicken. He looked at the burnt yellow crispy chicken on the table, which seemed to be still smoking. The scent in the air made me swallow my saliva, slobbered my fingers and walked forward. When I came to the booth, I stood on tiptoes and asked an old lady with white hair:

"Grandma, how do you sell this crispy chicken?" Mo Feng pointed to a row of neatly arranged crispy chickens.

"Hehehe, my son, this crispy chicken is a famous food in Heishui City. It was made by my old man with a secret recipe passed down from his ancestors. It tastes crispy and tender, and it is very fragrant, and it only sells for a penny." This face The elderly grandmother said kindly.

"Okay, grandma, I want one." After Mo Feng finished speaking, he immediately took out a sling of money from his pocket and handed it to the grandma, very happy, because Lin Nanxuan's favorite food is crispy chicken.

It's just that every time Lin Nanxuan brought back the crispy chicken from Heishui City, he let Lin Mofeng eat it first, and only when Lin Mofeng couldn't finish it, Lin Nanxuan was willing to take the crispy chicken that was almost eaten by Mo Feng.Every time he watched Mo Feng gobble it up, Lin Nanxuan's dark face showed an extremely happy smile and was even satisfied. It was not until he grew up that Mo Feng knew how gluttonous he was back then. Lin Mofeng thought to himself, he must make a special effort today. Buy one for Lin Nanxuan.

But just as Mo Feng took over the crispy chicken wrapped in oil paper by the old lady, suddenly a hunchbacked old man ran up from the street, and started yelling at the vendors on the street.

"The big thing is bad, the big thing is bad, someone is drowning in the lotus pond ahead, whoever is good at water, hurry up and save someone with me!!!"

A hunchbacked old man yelled in the street. At this time, the old lady selling crispy chicken pointed to the hunchbacked old man and said:

"What's the matter with the dead old man, who is drowning?" the old woman asked puzzled.

"Old woman, I don't have time to tell you so much. It was the silly daughter of the Ouyang family who accidentally fell into the lotus pond while picking flowers. I happened to be right next to me, so I hurriedly gave her the wooden sleeper I just bought at the market this morning." In the past, so I hurried back to find someone to save her, don't say so much, you hurry up and tell Ouyang Zijian that his daughter is drowning in the lotus pond."

After the old man finished speaking, he pointed to the merchants and pedestrians who set up stalls next to him and said loudly:

"Which one of you knows how to swim? Hurry up and save someone with me?"

The hunchbacked old man looked anxious, but most of the nearby merchants shook their heads at the hunchbacked old man when they heard it. Some even said they were going home to get a rope to save people.

When Lin Mofeng heard that the old man said that she was the daughter of the Ouyang family, his complexion suddenly changed, and he ran to the hunchbacked old man, grabbed his arms and said hastily:

"Grandpa, grandpa, I am good at water, I am good at water, where is the lotus pond? Take me to save people, hurry up!"

Lin Mofeng's anxious expression at this moment is really rare.

The hunchbacked old man took a closer look at Lin Mofeng's thin and small appearance. He seemed to be a bit unconvinced that such a young child could swim. You must know that few people in Heishui City can swim, because almost everyone in Heishui City except for the moat There is no river, and there are regulations in Heishui City that swimming in the moat is not allowed at all, so almost all the people in Heishui City are landlubbers, but right now is not the time to think about this, so I hurriedly said:

"Come with me"

So without saying a word, he pulled Lin Mofeng to break through the crowd and ran towards the front of the street.

"Be careful, boy,"

The grandmother who sold the crispy chicken was also a little anxious after hearing that it was the daughter of Ouyang's family who was drowning. She watched Mo Feng run away and shouted a few times.

The hunchbacked old man held Lin Mofeng by hand and ran forward, breaking through layers of crowds. After running about 300 meters forward, the hunchbacked old man suddenly turned a corner and caught Lin Mofeng by surprise, but before Mo Feng could react , the hunchbacked old man pulled Mo Feng forward again, shouting to the crowd in front of him while running:

"Everyone, get out of the way, save lives, get out of the way"

The panicked passers-by hurriedly made way for the hunchbacked old man and Mo Feng, but just as the crowd in front of them had just made way for a gap, there was a man lying on the stone ground in front of him, wearing tattered clothes, holding a half copper He limped and crawled forward, because the speed was too fast, the hunchbacked old man and Lin Mofeng couldn't even realize that there was someone on the ground, so they stepped on it suddenly...

A scream like killing a pig resounded between the heavens and the earth...

The hunchbacked old man continued to pull Mo Feng forward. It seemed that the person who stepped on him had no reaction to him, but Mo Feng suddenly turned his head and said loudly:

"sorry Sorry"

But it doesn't matter when Mo Feng turned his head, he saw the face of the old man. Mo Feng was startled at this moment, his eyebrows turned up, and his pupils instantly enlarged, as if he saw something, and he was about to open his mouth to scream, but because the hunchbacked old man pulled him Mo Feng ran so fast that the old man who seemed to be rolling and howling on the ground was drowned in the crowd in an instant.

The hunchbacked old man dragged Mo Feng and ran for about 500 meters. He seemed to be too tired to run anymore. He bent down and coughed several times. He pointed his finger in front of him and said out of breath:

"Front... in front... is the lotus... flower pond, cough... you... you... hurry up... save people"

The hunchbacked old man said with a slight cough.

After hearing this, Mo Feng looked at a square water surface in front of him, and there seemed to be many people watching, so he rushed forward without saying a word.

After running a few steps, Lin Mofeng came to the legendary lotus pond. Looking closely, the lotus pond was so huge that it couldn't even be called a pond at all. It would not be an exaggeration to say that he is a lotus pond.

This lotus pond is presented in a square shape. Next to the square pond is a bluestone elegant pavilion on the horizontal plane. Both sides of the square water surface are connected with the moat of Heishui City. The pond water is crystal clear with rippling blue waves. There are many slanting stone steps by the pond. There are many lotus flowers of different heights growing on the edge of the lotus pond, but there are no lotus in the center of the pool, which is as clean as a mirror, perhaps because the water level in the center of the pool is relatively deep, which is not suitable for the growth of lotus.

At this time, in the lotus pond, near the center of the water, there were bursts of spray. Suddenly, there was a girl struggling desperately in the water holding a black round wooden sleeper in the spray, but the wooden sleeper was too big. The small, round wooden sleeper is difficult to balance in the water. At this time, the drowning girl closed her eyes wet by the waves, struggling and thrashing desperately. She didn't know that her body was being pushed slowly towards the center of the lotus pond by the flowing water. push slowly...

At this time, I only heard an old lady among the audience around the lotus pond stomping her feet and saying:

"Oh my god, who knows how to swim? Hurry up and save this poor girl, the wooden sleeper I still gave her is too small to catch at all. I'm talking about waiting for old man Liu to come back and find it. For someone who knows how to swim, this girl will probably drown, so what should I do?" After finishing speaking, the aunt stomped her feet on the ground again and again.

But just a few seconds after the aunt said that, the girl who was struggling in the lotus pond suddenly disappeared, leaving only a round wooden sleeper in the middle of the pool, floating left and right along the swaying water...

"Oh my god!!!"

This was obviously the voice of the aunt who spoke just now, and it was obvious that she was quite frightened at this time.

"Ah, fell...ah"

Some of the onlookers on the shore cried out when they saw the struggling girl fall into the deep water, and some even covered their eyes, not daring to watch this scene.

"No, Ouyang Ruohan, Ouyang Ruohan"

The moment Lin Mofeng saw Ouyang Ruohan fall into the water, his eyes widened suddenly, his whole body trembled suddenly, he let out a loud cry, and even jumped into the lotus pond uncontrollably...

<Hey, brothers, I’m crying. The update is not stable these days because the unit is too busy recently. Zhenjun said that the pear is very big. Zhenjun has decided. It will take a while for Zhenjun’s novel to stabilize , Zhenjun resigned to write this book exclusively, so brothers, you have to give Zhenjun motivation, please recommend and collect it! ! ! >

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