During the evening eclipse in Heishui City, the light of the setting sun shone on the row upon row of houses in the city, inlaying each house with a golden frame. Birds sometimes flew in mid-air, and sometimes the crisp and melodious chirping of magpies could be heard.

Wang Xiaohu showed an excited expression, looking at the neatly placed crispy chicken on the booth, the tiger's head actually stretched out in front of the crispy chicken, his mouth became a little restless, he swallowed a big mouthful of foam, his Adam's apple went straight down, and after a few seconds, Wang Xiaohu finally couldn't bear it. Unable to stop the groaning in his stomach, he stretched out his sinful fat hand towards the crispy chicken.

With a clear "pop", it hit the booth table, Wang Xiaohu woke up suddenly, immediately withdrew his evil little hand, looked forward, and suddenly found a hunchbacked old man in front of him, this hunchbacked old man was dressed in sackcloth, White hair and white eyebrows, even the beard is white, but the face is full of red light, the skin is ruddy and lustrous, and the eyes seem to see people but not people.

"Little fat man, if you don't buy it, don't touch it, you know?" The hunchbacked old man looked at Wang Xiaohu with disdain, and then moved the whole row of crispy chickens back with a bamboo board.

Wang Xiaohu lowered his head and showed a pitiful expression when he heard it, rubbing his hands under the booth, his watery eyes were still looking at the row of crispy chicken, the smell of crispy chicken really made Wang Xiaohu unable to extricate himself, and swallowed a few more spits, A few seconds later, Wang Xiaohu seemed to have made a decision, and said "um" in a low voice. After finishing speaking, Wang Xiaohu suddenly raised his head, looked at the sky behind the hunchbacked old man, and shouted loudly:

"Wow, wow... wow... everyone, look behind, huh? What? Someone is flying in the sky."

The hunchbacked old man immediately turned around and looked back. At the same time, there were many pedestrians and vendors on the street who turned around. |

At this time, Wang Xiaohu's small eyes widened, and when he said it was too late, then quickly, the little fat hand stretched out in front of Suziji with lightning speed, suddenly picked up a Suziji's neck, turned around quickly without saying a word, and walked towards the street on the right. Run like the wind.

The sound of tamping footsteps made the hunchbacked old man turn his head immediately, and found that Wang Xiaohu was no longer there, and there was one less roast chicken on the table. He immediately looked into the distance and found that Wang Xiaohu was already running into the crowd on the street with the chicken neck in his hand. , so the angry hunchbacked old man showed an unforgivable expression, and chased forward desperately, shouting loudly while chasing:

"Fatty man, you stop, you dare to steal my chicken, you are angry with me, you are angry with me"

"Everyone, catch the thief, someone is stealing chickens, you stop, you fat man!" The hunchbacked old man chased the street desperately, shaking his big hands.

Wang Xiaohu ran desperately, looked back after hearing the scolding, and saw that the hunchbacked old man was chasing him, Wang Xiaohu panicked, ran even faster, knocking down several people on the streets of Heishui City.

The hunchbacked old man in the rear was chasing after him, and the curses continued...

Ouyang Ruohan's house.

Under the grape trellis.

Lin Mofeng and Ouyang Ruohan were together at this time, sitting close to each other on a big rock under the grape trellis, Mo Feng bowed his head and clasped his little hands in silence.

Ouyang Ruohan didn't seem to be a big deal, and he was wearing a particularly beautiful red flower print dress, showing a sweet smile and kept looking at Mo Feng. After a few seconds, perhaps unwilling to be embarrassed by the silence, Ouyang Ruohan showed his white teeth He asked Mo Feng:

"Benefactor, I don't know your name yet." Ouyang Ruohan asked Mo Feng with blinking eyes.

"Ah? I... my name is Lin Mofeng, um... that Miss Ouyang, don't call me a benefactor, I just do... do what I should do, the word benefactor... the word Mo Feng... can't bear it,... " Mo Feng hesitated and said.

"Lin Mofeng? It's a nice name. How old are you? Where is your family?" Ouyang Ruohan continued to ask. "

"Well, I'm 10 years old, but I'll be 11 next month. My family lives in Baiguo Village. You should know about Baiguo Village. In the south of Heishui City, our village has a very big fairy tree. It's very famous. That tree is so thick, no no, much thicker than this."

Lin Mofeng gestured with his hands.

"Oh, Brother Mo Feng, so you are from Baiguo Village. The big tree you mentioned is the Baiguo fairy tree. My mother and I have been there to make a wish, ha ha." Ouyang Ruohan covered her mouth and smiled. come out.

"Ah? So you have been there? Miss Ouyang, why are you laughing, and don't call me brother, I'm only 10 years old." Lin Mofeng said awkwardly, without the shyness just now.

"But, but I am also 10 years old, and you are several months older than me, I will definitely call you brother." After Ouyang Ruohan pouted her pink mouth, she suddenly thought of something And went on to say:

"The last time I went to pay homage to the Baiguo Immortal with my mother, I bought a wishing cloth there, wrote my wish on it and hung it on the fairy tree, but my wish has not been fulfilled until now." Ouyang Ruo Han looked a little sad.

"Maybe the time has not come yet, but I believe that Baiguo Daxian will help you realize your wish." Lin Mofeng said firmly.

"Really? Really? That's really great. If my wish comes true, there will be fewer people buying buns, and my father and mother won't have to get up early and late every day to make so many buns. That's great. gone."

Ouyang Ruohan couldn't hide the excitement in his heart, he patted his chest quickly, and smiled widely, his jet-black hair and big watery eyes looked extremely beautiful with the setting sun.

Mo Feng was intoxicated by such a beautiful picture, and looked mesmerized.

"Brother Mo Feng, do you know? If you didn't come to rescue Ruohan today, Ruohan would definitely die today. Brother Mo Feng, you are the hero in Ruohan's heart. Ruohan likes brother Mo Feng very much. When I grow up, I must marry Brother Mo Feng, ha ha."

Ouyang Ruohan's face was reddish at this time, her head was lowered, her white hands pinched a strand of black hair on her temples and kept sliding, her eyes were full of charm, and the words came out of her red lips unhurriedly.

With a "huh", Lin Mofeng stood up abruptly, his complexion turned red instantly, his heart was beating wildly, his eyes were flustered and his voice tremblingly said:

"Ou...Miss Ouyang, don't...don't...don't, Mo Feng saved you today because of repaying the money, who knows that this happened by chance, let alone have any unreasonable thoughts." Mo Feng paused slightly Next said:

"Miss Ouyang, the sunset is about to set. My father has been waiting at home for a long time. Mo Feng will be on his way home. I am very grateful to Uncle Ouyang for the banquet today. I wanted to say goodbye to Uncle Ouyang, but Uncle Ouyang has not woken up yet. I'm here to visit in person, and Miss Ouyang Mo Feng will leave."

After Lin Mofeng finished speaking, he immediately turned around and walked towards the wooden door, his eyes were flustered, his face was even redder, and his heart was still beating wildly, but just after walking a few steps, Mo Feng heard sobbing from behind, so he hurriedly turned his head Seeing Ouyang Ruohan lowering his head and sobbing at this moment, and constantly wetting his cheeks with Hualuo clothes, Lin Mofeng was puzzled by this feeling, so he opened his small mouth and said falteringly:

"Miss Ouyang, what's wrong with you?" Lin Mofeng walked forward as he spoke.

"Brother Mo Feng is a bad guy, a big bad guy." Seeing Mo Feng approaching, Ouyang Ruohan turned his face away from Mo Feng, looking like he was really angry.

"Miss Ouyang...my mother, I...did...what's wrong...what happened...ah?" Lin Mofeng began to be confused, thinking carefully about what wrong thing he did.

"Think about it carefully." Ouyang Ruohan's face was still turned away from Mo Feng, but if someone stood in front at this moment, they would find that Ouyang Ruohan was actually smiling at this moment.

"Miss Ouyang, I really can't figure it out." Lin Mofeng showed a bitter face, scratching his ears and cheeks.

After hearing Mo Feng's answer, Ouyang Ruohan pouted dissatisfiedly at first, then stomped her feet, and said unhappily:

"Brother Mo Feng took all of Ruohan's first kiss away, so he just wanted to leave. He is a big villain, a big villain." Ouyang Ruohan shed a few tears and fell to the ground, but her face was so pale. Very happy.

This love in the world is really hard to understand.

"Ah? Miss Ouyang, you misunderstood, you misunderstood, I... I, I... I... I did it to save you, and I didn't think... so much, I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm sorry..."

Lin Mofeng suddenly realized, remembering what happened in the water, his face was extremely embarrassed, he hurriedly waved his hands and apologized to Ouyang Ruohan who was facing away from him, and then even bowed, saying "I'm sorry" one after another

With a "poof", Ouyang Ruohan couldn't help covering her mouth and started laughing. Ouyang Ruohan turned her head to look at the bowing Lin Mofeng, and there was another "poof" laughter. Although she laughed, tears ran across her face traces are still evident.

"Then I'll forgive you for once. Anyway, you will be responsible to me when you grow up! By the way, Brother Mo Feng, I want to know where you got the bronze medal on your neck? I saw you when Ruohan was a child." Pass this bronze medal."

"Ouyang Ruohan smiled and pointed to the small copper mirror with eight sides on Mo Feng's neck.

It was as if a bolt from the blue had hit Mo Feng's body in an instant, making Mo Feng stunned immediately. Then Lin Mofeng took out the mirror hanging around his neck in a panic, looked at Ouyang Ruohan with unbelievable eyes, and asked tremblingly: road:

"Miss Ouyang, what did you say? You said you... have seen this family treasure left by my mother before?"

Lin Mofeng's whole body seemed to be trembling. For more than ten years, this was the first time he heard someone say that he had seen the family heirloom left by his mother.

In fact, even, even if it’s just seen, it’s okay...

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