Burning Heaven

Chapter 38 Nightmare

Lin Mofeng, who was close to madness, quickly ran towards the place surrounded by many wooden houses. Mo Feng was terrified along the way. He didn't know how many corpses he encountered lying motionless on the ground. Seeing that all the old friends of the past were dead, Lin Mofeng was almost on the verge of collapse.

Lin Mofeng walked through several corners quickly, crying along the way:

"Father, father", he kept comforting himself in his heart, "My father is definitely fine, my father is definitely fine." Lin Mofeng ran, yelled, and ran to a small wooden door facing a willow tree, ready to rush in At that time, a violent dog barking kept barking inside the door.

Mo Feng was overjoyed, his heart was agitated, and he shouted towards the door:

"Heizi, Heizi"

With a sound of "whoosh", a black figure emerged from the low sky below the wooden door. Heizi's whole body was covered in mud and water, and he looked at Lin Mofeng with watery black dog eyes, and kept barking wildly.

"Heizi, where is my father? Is my father in there?" Lin Mofeng's red eyes from crying touched Heizi's dog's head. At this time, the flustered Wang Xiaohu followed.

"Woooo...Mo Feng, they're all dead, they're all dead, woohoo" Wang Xiaohu ran in front of Mo Feng and suddenly fell to the ground, crying bitterly.

"You are talking nonsense, my father and the others must still be alive, my father and the others must still be alive, Xiaohu, hurry up and break open the door with me, hurry up, hurry up..." the red-eyed Lin Mofeng roared at Wang Xiaohu.

This was the first time Wang Xiaohu had seen Mo Feng so furious since he was a child. Xiaohu didn't say anything, and didn't care about the scratch on his leg, he slammed into the wooden door together with Mo Feng.

With a bang,

The small wooden stick inserted into the wooden door broke, and the door was opened immediately, and a small yard that was not that big was displayed in front of Lin Mofeng. This opening, instantly, almost instantly, broke Lin Mofeng's heart suddenly...

In a tiny courtyard, a small square table appeared. The dishes on the table were rich and varied. However, the dishes were filled with rainwater, and there were swollen white flour steamed buns around which were being eaten by some small black insects. On three sides of the table, there were three people lying in the muddy water, with their eyes open and their mouths open, looking up at the sky in horror.

"No," shouted almost at the same time. Seeing this scene, Lin Mofeng and Wang Xiaohu seemed to be hit by a bolt from the blue, and quickly ran to the yard and shouted.

"Father, mother, father, mother, what's the matter with you, what's the matter with you, I'm Xiaohu, daddy..." Wang Xiaohu knelt beside the bodies of Wang Shi and Aunt Wang, constantly shaking the corpse with his big hands, crying with his head down.

"...Ah...Ah...Who can tell me what's going on, what's going on, why did it become like this, why did it become like this, woo...Dad, wake up quickly, woo... "

Lin Mofeng hugged Lin Nanxuan's large body, shouting hysterically.

Master Ziye appeared in front of the wooden door at a fast pace, looked at the scene in front of him, couldn't help being stunned, closed his eyes and looked up at the clear sky, feeling extremely sad in his heart.

"Ah... ah... ah... who killed my father, who killed my father..." Lin Mofeng raised his blood red eyes and roared angrily, not knowing that there was a change in himself.

A deep roar disrupted Master Ziye's meditation, Master Ziye suddenly opened his eyes and looked forward, and was shocked to find that the voice came from Mo Feng's mouth.

Mo Feng continued to roar upwards, but this time the roar was completely different from the previous one. The deep voice seemed to be roaring from a giant beast.

At this time, white milky sweat was protruding from Lin Mofeng's whole body. Upon closer inspection, Lin Mofeng's skin also began to become slightly transparent, especially his eyes, which were originally blood-red, turned pale at this moment.

Wang Xiaohu was crying so much that he was on the verge of collapse, and he couldn't tell whether his face was covered with tears or snot. Wang Xiaohu covered his chest with a red face, and after coughing a few mouthfuls of blood, he lay down in the rain and wailed again , and did not look at Lin Mofeng who had changed at this time.

At this time, Lin Mofeng's eyes were white with grief, and there seemed to be something flowing under the white skin. A few seconds later, Lin Mofeng, who was all white, still hugged Lin Nanxuan and cried loudly:

"Father, let's...no...meaning...are you ready, uh...let's wait together...my mother came back...to Hei...Water City to play...? Why are you leaving...Ah, Dad Woooo..."

"Woo... Father, Mo Feng won't... take a wife..., Mo... Feng won't... take a wife..., Mo Feng won't... woo... I want you to die, Mo Feng doesn't want you, you die, hurry up Wake up, come on"

"Father... Daddy..."

The grief-stricken voice resounded all over the world. Why did this happen? No one answered Mo Feng. The sky was still boundless. White clouds floated in. The air after the rain was refreshing, and the morning light shone on the strong willow trees in Baiguo Village. On the sky, accompanied by a few crisp bird calls, this piece of blue sky and earth is filled...

Master Ziye sighed one after another, his heart was very complicated, Lin Mofeng who watched the changes seemed to have understood something in his heart, a few seconds later, Lin Mofeng who seemed ashamed suddenly stopped crying, and suddenly stared at a distant place with his white eyes. After dropping the scissors on the ground, Lin Mofeng stood up suddenly and shouted:

"Father, Mo Feng is here to accompany you." Lin Mo Feng got up and ran a few steps towards the scissors. When he got there, he quickly grabbed the scissors and stabbed at his chest.

Wang Xiaohu stood up and looked at Mo Feng in shock, stretching out his hand and shouting "No, no, no"

Master Ziye cursed after seeing this scene:

"Bastard" then quickly took out a piece of talisman paper from his arms and pasted it on his palm, aiming at Mo Feng who committed suicide very quickly.

Lin Mofeng closed his eyes and laughed, but just as he pierced into the skin, a terrifying force instantly sent Lin Mofeng flying, and he fell into the muddy water and fainted immediately.

Immortal Ziye, who was twitching with anger, was furious at this moment, and cursed again in hatred, then took out two talisman papers from his bosom and pasted them under his feet, and hugged Mo Feng, who had fainted, and Wang Xiaohu, who was already sluggish, with his left and right hands , stared at his legs, and flew straight into the sky in an instant, flying in the direction of Heishui City.

At the moment when it was soaring into the sky just now, Master Ziye looked down, the tragic situation in Baiguo Village was really rare in the world, the village was full of corpses lying in disorder.

At this time, on the roof of a certain place in Baiguo Village, there was a blood-red crow. Not long after seeing Master Ziye flying away, it suddenly spread its bloody wings and flew towards the northern sky.

Beiqiu sea.

Heavenly Demon Sect.

In the pitch-black hall, there was a middle-aged man with a one-horned head, half lying on an unknown white leather bed, but at this moment, the hall suddenly began to glow with a bloody halo, and the hall instantly brightened up.

It is clearly seen that there are many people wearing red robes kneeling in the main hall below. Directly in front of this group of people is a skeleton red-robed old man with bloody mouth all over his body. The old man has only one arm and is kneeling on the ground trembling. .

There are two people in the main hall who have not knelt down, one has disheveled hair and a few bloody mouths on his body, but his smile is alluring, the other is an old man in sackcloth with a expressionless face and eyes covered with black cloth, with a flower on his neck. The black lotus imprint is still evident.

The instant blood color in the main hall terrified everyone kneeling on the ground, especially the old man in the red robe with a skeleton covered in blood began to tremble, because he knew that the instant red light in the main hall came from the man in the main hall. From the blood-red eyes of the middle-aged man.

"The Devil Emperor, please forgive me, I know I was wrong, I didn't know that the Sanqing Sect would catch up to me!" The body of the old man in the skeleton red robe began to tremble violently.

The one-horned middle-aged man did not speak, and his golden-black hand kept sliding his fingers under the leather bed. A few seconds later, his figure suddenly disappeared from the leather bed, and he floated in the air of the hall in the blink of an eye. He pointed to the old man in the red robe who was kneeling on the ground.

"Whoosh..." A thin black beam of light shot out from the middle-aged man's golden fingertips, almost instantly cutting off the other hand of the red-robed old man.


In an instant, a thin dry hand fell to the ground.

The old man in the skeleton red robe gritted his teeth and wanted to die, but he didn't dare to cry out, with blood overflowing from his mouth, he said with difficulty to the middle-aged man floating in mid-air:

"Thank you for not killing the Demon Emperor, thank you" After finishing speaking, he endured the pain and continued to kneel on the ground.

"Leave the ghost, and the others will disappear immediately," said the middle-aged man with one horn floating in the air.

After hearing this, a group of people in red kneeling below disappeared into the void like a pool of blood.

In an instant, only the one-horned middle-aged man floating in mid-air, the sackclothed old man standing under His Highness, and Ming Che with a bewitching smile remained in the hall.

The one-horned middle-aged man floating in mid-air finally changed his facial expression at this moment, the dark skin all over his body rolled like boiling water, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly and said to the young man in black robe:

"Ming Chee, my father is so disappointed in you, this time you dare to collect so many souls at one time, hmph, are you crazy? And alarmed the Sanqing faction, chasing you almost to Beiqiuhai, hmph, If it weren't for me, you and the red envoy would have already died under the sword of Qingwu, the great elder of the Sanqing sect, you are too angry for my father."

The one-horned middle-aged man floating in mid-air suddenly drew a black palm towards the void.

Ming Che, who was standing on the ground showing a proud posture, was suddenly pushed away by an unknown force.

After "Hulonglong" was knocked into the air by the flying ghosts, he smashed several pillars in the hall one after another, and his whole body fell from the air.

A mouthful of black blood spat out from his mouth, Ming Che gritted his teeth and clenched his hands, then climbed up with difficulty, wiped the black blood from the corner of his mouth, and looked at the middle-aged man in mid-air with a more arrogant expression and said:

"Hahaha, come on, continue, respected Lord Demon Emperor, hahaha, I have already gone crazy, hahahaha..."

Ming Che laughed crazily, his veins bulged, his fists clucked, and he kept staring at the one-horned middle-aged man floating in mid-air with a very dissatisfied expression.

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