Heavenly Demon Sect.

in a cave somewhere.

A twelve-story obelisk with a deep black body stands majestically. The body of the tower is mottled and full of symbols, and some black mist seems to be emitted. Each floor of the twelve-story obelisk has a beast head in a different position. , some baring their teeth and claws, some meditating and smiling.

At this time, a black light suddenly flashed in the dark cave, and in a short while it condensed into a single-horned middle-aged man. Looking carefully, it was the Demon Emperor.

"Sect Master Fan, I beg to see you." The Demon Emperor bent down and offered his hand to the black square tower, his face full of humiliating smiles.

The black square tower was still indulging in that way, still exuding some black mist, but just a few minutes later, a bloody gate appeared out of thin air at the bottom of the black obelisk, the red light became more and more intense, and a white phantom emerged from the gate. Walking out, the further you walk, the more clear the impact, just in a matter of breath, a very handsome young man in white clothes appeared in front of the Demon Emperor.

The boy in white showed a bewitching smile and said lightly:

"What's the matter? Minglie."

"Sect Master Fan, these are the souls of 5000 people, all of which are sealed in the magic pearl. Hey, it's all because Ming Che was too reckless. When collecting the souls, they were discovered by the people from the Sanqing Sect's Zhenyao Pavilion, and Qingwu went out to do it himself. After chasing Mingzhu and Hongshi to Beiqiuhai, thanks to my rescue in time, Qingwu was repelled. It seems that we can no longer act rashly in these days, otherwise that old thief Daoxu will find out that you are here This place is not good."

The Demon Emperor spread his black hands, and suddenly a pale golden bead flashed from the Demon Emperor's hand, then slowly rose and flew towards the young man in white.

The young man in white didn't move. He watched the golden bead fly towards his eyes with a smile. He closed his eyes, put the golden bead on his red lips and kissed him. Afterwards, the young man in white blew gently on the golden bead.

The golden beads burst into golden light in an instant, as if they could hear a pleasant cry, and then ran directly to the twelve-story obelisk at the rear, and quickly merged into it. After melting into the golden beads, the black mist of the twelve-story obelisk became stronger , flickering light back and forth continuously.

The young man in white raised his head and looked at the Demon Emperor with a smile:

"Hehe, Ming Lie, if young people are not reckless, how can they be called young people?" The young man in white looked at the Demon Emperor with a very strange look.

"Yes, yes, what Sect Master Mi said is right, Sect Master Mi, today I met the mysterious person who wounded the Red Envoy and took away the demon baby ten years ago, and the demon baby was also with him. Killed that mysterious person and snatched the demon silk, but who would have thought that mysterious person suddenly released a terrifying power like a scattered fairy, and I found that he had cast a spell on the demon silk, and I had to use the Demon Exposing Art to be removed."

The Demon Emperor looked embarrassed, and said with a frown.

"Ming Lie, why don't you tell me what is hanging on the demon silk?" The young man in white walked slowly in front of the Demon Emperor and said with an extremely disgusting smile.

"Returning to the suzerain, Ming Lie really couldn't see what it was, so I didn't mention it to you, the suzerain." The eyes of the demon emperor hesitated and bowed his head without saying a word.

"Oh, it turns out that Yuan Xin wrongly blamed you, hehe." The young man in white had a bewitching smile like a fox.

"The Feathered Snake Patriarch of the Monster Clan has told me that the mysterious treasure is a relic of the Tianjizi back then. It is called the Tianji Mirror. The Tianji Mirror can hide all auras in the body. There is even a legend that the Tianji Mirror can..."

The young man in white stopped talking at this point, and looked at the demon emperor who bowed his head and said nothing with a faint smile.

"Sect Master Mi, why are you silent?" The Demon Emperor who lowered his head hurriedly said, and turned his eyes to look at Sect Master Mi standing in front of him.

"Ming Lie, you seem to be very anxious to know, ha ha." The young man in white said with a voice almost like a woman, and dragged the Demon Emperor's chin with his red nails.

"Sovereign, you misunderstood, I just asked something." The Demon Emperor was breaking out in cold sweat at this moment, allowing the fingers of the Sect Master to slide randomly on his chin, not daring to look up.

"Ming Lie, ever since I was trapped in the Demon Suppressing Pot, for thousands of years, your position as the Demon Emperor seems to be very comfortable. However, Ming Lie, after you return to the Demon Realm, you will become the Earth Demon King The Left Demon General is gone, time is running out, hehehehe..."

With a sound of "swipe", the figure of the confidant suzerain suddenly disappeared, and a half-male, half-female voice spread in the cave:

"Ming Lie, my injury has not healed yet. I will start retreating for decades from today. During the days of my retreat, you have to send people to continue searching for the secret code of heaven. The secret code of heaven does not record the information needed by the demon lord." , and Yaoying said to the patriarch of Feathered Snake that this secret book of secrets must not be so easy to get, hmph, if I don’t expect, there is definitely not only one secret book of secrets for the old slippery man, otherwise it would not be worthy of the title at all. It is one of the Five Rare Treasures of the Great Desolation."

The bewitching voice stopped coming, but a few minutes later it sounded faintly from inside the cave.

"Also, Ming Lie, don't bother that mysterious expert any more. I will ask Disha Mojun about the matter of exposing the demon. I don't want to be discovered by that old thief Daoxu before my injury is fully recovered. After I leave the level, let’s not talk about that mysterious master, I’m not afraid even if it’s Daoxu, I’ll try my best to get out before the unicorn sword is born, hmph, ever since Tianjizi used the old blind man’s unicorn sword to stab him After me, after a thousand years, this sword will be born from the tomb of that old blind man, hehe, this God's will is really elusive, elusive."

An ear-piercing voice resounded faintly, and after a while, there was no echo, and the bloody gate of the twelve-story obelisk gradually disappeared. In the entire huge cave, the Demon Emperor was still standing there motionless, but vaguely saw , the corner of the mouth of the Demon Emperor bowed his head, twitching constantly.


Ouyang's family in Heishui City.

Inside the blue brick house in the backyard.

On a not-so-big wooden bed, lay a tall old man with a snow-white complexion and chapped lips. The old man's small eyes were closed tightly, and his face was wrinkled. teach.

In this not-so-big, not-so-small room, there were several people standing at this moment.

Sitting on the edge of the bed at this time is a young woman dressed in white with delicate features. This woman is muttering words, her face has no makeup, and her plain face looks even more beautiful. This woman doesn't even blink her eyes, her slender hands Continuously emitting some white light towards the Tianling Gai of Master Ziye.

"Uh, what, Master Qingzhi, please, when will he wake up?"

"The hunchbacked old man standing aside continued to support the white goatee with his hands, and he became a little unsteady, and whispered to the woman in white who had been sitting by the bed for a long time.

Standing beside the hunchbacked old man were Lin Mofeng and Wang Xiaohu who were ashen-faced.

"Hey" let out a soft sigh from the tender lips of the woman in white, then immediately stopped the healing hand, stood up slowly and said regretfully to the hunchbacked old man:

"Deacon Li, what kind of secret method did this person use? Not to mention the loss of Yangshou, and the qi rolls all over the body are messy, tumbling constantly, and the mind is abnormal. Can't practice, so Dao Yuan can only adjust his breath to him, if he wants to stabilize his mind, he can only rely on himself, but I don't know when I will wake up." The woman named Qingzhi said with a slight frown.

"Back to Master Qingzhi, I don't know what secret method he used. That day he shook off the Demon Queen and fell into a coma until now. , If you hadn't said it today, I really wouldn't believe it, he, he, is not a cultivator." The hunchbacked old man said helplessly, patting his thigh.

"Master, wake up quickly, wake up quickly." Lin Mofeng walked to the bed, and shouted into the pale ears of Master Ziye with a sad expression, tears of grievance fell down again.

Lin Mofeng didn't know that the golden string exposed from his neck was now clinging to the real Ziye's face.

Qingzhi was silent after hearing this, and walked towards the door with a sigh. Seeing this, the hunchbacked old man hurriedly followed. After leaving the house, Qingzhi still didn't look at the hunchbacked old man next to him, but said in his mouth:

"Deacon Li, how are the preparations for the Sanqing sect's acceptance ceremony once every five years?" Qingzhi spoke slowly in a cold voice, without any emotion at all.

The hunchbacked old man's expression changed instantly after hearing this, he frowned bitterly, sighed deeply, then stood behind Qingzhi and said helplessly:

"Hey, Master Qingzhi, to tell you the truth, ever since such a tragic incident happened in Baiguo Village, the entire Heishui City is now restless. The Lord of Heishui City has ordered the temporary closure of the city gate for a month. In the past few years, I have found several young people with a little bit of wisdom, and I have talked to his family before, but after this incident, no one wants me to take the children out of Heishui City, alas , Master Qingzhi, I really have no choice."

The hunchbacked old man said with a bitter expression.

"Deacon Li, after the catastrophe in Baiguo Village this time, the real head of the sect was furious, but I know that although the elders of Zhenyao Pavilion failed to stop the soul-searching formation of the Demon Sect, they did try their best. Today, the real head of the sect Sending me down the mountain, on the one hand, is to secretly protect Heishui City, and on the other hand, five days later is the five-year disciple acceptance ceremony of the Sanqing Sect. The head master let me see how the deacons of the outer sects in each city are preparing. Hey, from what you said just now, it seems that Blackwater City is hopeless this time."

Qingzhi's cold face has not changed at all, but there is some gloomy color in her eyes.

At this moment, there was a loud cry in the room, causing the two people in the courtyard to suddenly turn their heads.

"Ahh..., I'm starving to death, I'm dying of thirst."

A piercing groan sounded from inside the house.

"Brothers, give me some favorites and recommendations, it is really pitiful, and the few real kings don't even have the confidence to code words. "

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