Burning Heaven

Chapter 44 Going Away 【For Collection】

The next morning.

The west gate of Heishui City.

After the city gate guard stretched out his hand to stop, Deacon Li once again showed the dark city lord order. After seeing this order, the city gate guard hurriedly knelt down on the ground and opened the city gate wide. One can imagine the awe And know.

Lin Mofeng and his group walked out of the west gate lightly. Wang Xiaohu was carrying a big cloth bag and kept eating. Master Ziye even stole some small bags from Wang Xiaohu's cloth bag from time to time. The dim sum was stuffed into his mouth, of course, no one could see the quick way that Master Ziye took the things.

"Okay, boy, I can only send you to the west gate. This is the rule of the Sanqing sect for accepting disciples. Little brother, there is a narrow path going west along this road. After passing the narrow path, you will see It is a winding mountain road, and at the end of the mountain road, there will be a misty forest. When you reach the misty forest, blow on the golden paper crane with your mouth, and it will take you to the Sanqing sect."

The one who said this was obviously Deacon Li.

Ouyang Ruohan listened carefully to the route that Deacon Li said, and secretly wrote it down.

"Hmph, old turtle, you still behave. I think it's probably because you're old, and you can't walk too far with a tattered turtle shell, hahaha..."

Master Ziye patted Deacon Li's protruding back and laughed.

"You beggar, you are talking nonsense. With my cultivation, I am afraid that I will not be able to walk."

Deacon Li stared fiercely at Master Zi Ye.

"Ah ha ha ha, ah ha ha ha... I'm dying of laughter, I'm dying of laughter, I'm dying of laughter, and you still have advanced cultivation? Do you think this great immortal doesn't know that you, as the dignified deacon of the Heishui City Outer Gate of the Sanqing Sect, I just barely reached the middle stage of foundation establishment, I laughed so hard, hahahahaha..."

Master Ziye's crazy laughter actually infected Wang Xiaohu, and Wang Xiaohu also "giggled" into laughter.

"Bastard, beggar, you dare to insult me, see if I don't strangle you to death."

As the hunchbacked old man spoke, he stretched out his hands towards Master Ziye, but Master Ziye dodged suddenly and continued to tease Deacon Li.

"Turtle, come here, run fast, run fast!"

At this time, Master Ziye was like a child, running back and forth to tease Deacon Li.

Lin Mofeng and Ouyang Ruohan, who was dressed in purple gauze, also covered their mouths and laughed for a while.

After a while, tears flowed from Ouyang Ruohan's watery eyes.

Seeing this scene, Lin Mofeng panicked, quickly wiped away Ouyang Ruohan's worthless tears with a handkerchief, and asked:

"Miss Ouyang, why are you crying?"

Ouyang Ruohan suddenly turned her head and pouted, crying and said to the sky:

"I, I hate brother Mo Feng, I don't want brother Mo Feng to go."

Lin Mofeng wiped the tears from the corners of Ouyang Ruohan's eyes, and said with a smile:

"Miss Ouyang, don't cry, don't cry, Mo Feng is going to the Sanqing sect this time, whether he will be accepted or not is another matter. Miss Ouyang, don't cry, girls won't be pretty when they cry."

Lin Mofeng said with a smile, somehow, seeing Ouyang Ruohan like this, Lin Mofeng felt extremely uncomfortable in his heart, but he didn't say it out.

Wang Xiaohu looked at Lin Mofeng who was a few steps away and Ouyang Ruohan who was crying, and he understood a lot in his heart. He couldn't help lowering his big face, and looked disappointedly at the little tiger's head on his chest.

"Brother Mo Feng, Ruohan really hopes that you don't go to the Sanqing sect. Grandpa Li told me that cultivating immortals is very difficult, but if brother Mo Feng insists on going, Ruohan will definitely go to you from time to time and give you a gift. Eat the buns, that's right, Brother Mo Feng, please take a look at the flute I carved."

Ouyang Ruohan didn't cry anymore, the little girl's heart was really changing.

Ouyang Ruohan quickly took out an emerald green flute from the purple gauze, twirled it a few times, and handed it to Mo Feng, smiling with tears in her eyes and saying:

"Hahaha, brother Mo Feng, look quickly, Ruohan engraved your and my names on the bamboo flute last night, and I added some colors, your name is red, my name is purple, you Whether it looks good or not, haha, this is the only thing you gave Ruohan, Ruohan will definitely treasure it, definitely will."

Lin Mofeng actually didn't know that last night, in order to carve the names of the two of them, Ouyang Ruohan almost stayed up all night under the dim oil lamp. .

Of course, Lin Mofeng would not know about this.

Looking at the bamboo flute with their names engraved in front of him, Lin Mofeng couldn't help thinking of Lin Nanxuan, but he still said:


After hearing these words, Ouyang Ruohan felt a surge of heat in his heart, unexpectedly, he hugged Lin Mofeng half a step forward, crying and shouting:

"Brother Mo Feng, Ruohan really misses you, woo... really misses you, woo... Ruohan will definitely go to the Sanqing faction to find you in the future, for sure."

Lin Mofeng was stunned for a moment, and wanted to push away with both hands a few times, but Ouyang Ruohan's hands were too tight. Afterwards, Lin Mofeng didn't resist, closed his eyes, his heart was confused, and he gritted his teeth and faced Ouyang Ruohan said lightly in his ear:

"Mo Feng is really not good enough for you, Miss Ouyang."

"Woo, I can't bear you, I can't bear you, woo..." Ouyang Ruohan didn't answer, just hugged Lin Mofeng and kept crying.

"Stinky boy, don't kiss me here, I'm going to leave." Master Ziye, who had had enough mess with Deacon Li, suddenly shouted at Lin Mofeng.

"Master, you want to go too?"

Lin Mofeng and Wang Xiaohu, who bowed his head in sadness, both cried out in alarm.

"That's right, this great immortal likes to travel around the world, and the four seas are his home. I have a heart to save the world and slay demons and demons in troubled times, and I am a Taoist..."

"I pooh..." The hunchbacked old man next to him couldn't help but spit at Master Ziye, making everyone laugh.

Master Ziye continued to talk with an unwavering posture, as if he had thought of something, he pointed at Lin Mofeng and said:

"Boy, come with me, I have something to ask you."

Mo Feng followed Reverend Ziye to a small forest and stopped. Just when Lin Mofeng was wondering, Immortal Ziye said, "Boy, do you know your own background?" Reverend Ziye turned his back to Lin Mo. Feng asked.

Although Mo Feng was puzzled by the strange question asked by Master Ziye, he still answered:

"How could I not know my background? Since I was just born, my mother left me to my father. My father said that my mother left because there was a very important thing to do, but all this was 10 years old. Years have passed, and my mother hasn't come back yet. I grew up in Baiguo Village since I was a child, and it was my father who brought me up little by little."

When Lin Mofeng said this, Doudou's big tears couldn't be provoked and fell out again.

At the side, Master Ziye, who was looking at a pine tree, was silent after hearing the answer, as if he had confirmed the doubts in his heart, Master Ziye took out an extremely yellowed book from his arms, and slowly turned to a page On the page with the words "Sky Demon Race" printed on it, I closed my eyes and said:

"Boy, you have always respected me as a master, but as a master, I can't help you with anything. Hey, today you are going to the Sanqing sect to practice. There is nothing I can give you as a master. I have an elixir here , after you take it, it can moisturize your body and condense your energy, which is good for your body."

Master Ziye suddenly turned around, and there was a small blue pill in his palm.

Lin Mofeng happily took the blue pill from Ziye's palm, swallowed it without saying a word, and immediately knelt down to Master Ziye, offering his hands firmly and said:

"Master's great kindness, Mo Feng has nothing to repay, a teacher for a day, a father for the rest of his life, the master will always be my master, Lin Mofeng."

"Bang bang bang" Lin Mofeng kowtowed three times firmly.

Seeing Lin Mofeng's expression at this time, Master Ziye showed a gratified smile on his face, and hurriedly pulled Lin Mofeng who was kneeling on the ground, and said:

"Boy, you go back. As a teacher, I have to set off. I am going to the south. Before I leave, I want to remind you that you should try not to show the things on your chest in front of outsiders. There are very few people who know this thing, but it is better to be careful in everything, as a teacher, it is time to go on the road, and if there is a destiny, we will meet again in the future."

After Master Ziye finished speaking, he strode towards the south, even though Lin Mofeng yelled loudly from behind, he didn't look back at all.

After a long time, Master Ziye suddenly turned around after walking for a while, looked at the city gate that was no longer visible, and said with tears in his teeth:

"Stinky boy, I hope that the God Breath Concealing Demon Pill I gave you will not be detected by the Sanqing Sect to detect the evil spirit in your body, brat, do you know that you are the first person to call me master, you must You must practice hard, and give yourself to this rotten person who is your teacher."

After Master Ziye finished speaking, he turned around and walked towards the south. On the way, he wiped his tearful face with his slovenly green clothes from time to time...

"The end of the first volume" "During the first volume, Zhenjun couldn't help but get red eyes when he wrote it several times. I don't know if everyone feels the same as me?Haha, I'm too involved, I'm too involved, I'm about to start a real world of self-cultivation, the real road to heaven, are you all excited?If you are excited, please give me a favorite and recommend it, Zhenjun is here to thank you"

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