Burning Heaven

Chapter 47 Test【For collection】

"Master?" Lin Mofeng was startled when he thought about it, and hurriedly prepared to get off the bed to salute, but just when Lin Mofeng's toes touched the ground, an accident happened.

"Crack" Lin Mofeng fell to the ground directly, and then looked at the ankle with shocked eyes. It didn't matter, Lin Mofeng was so scared that he broke out in a cold sweat, because the whole foot bitten by the snake, no, it was the whole body. The legs turned out to be all black and purple.

"Huh? Little brother, I didn't expect you to wake up so soon. You were poisoned by the colorful flower vine snake. When you came, the poison had already penetrated deep into the dantian. It's a pity that I took the poison pill of stabilizing the gods for you in time." You saved your life, don't move around, as long as you rest in peace of mind for about ten days, the poison will disappear immediately, little brother, you can rest here."

The middle-aged man with the pure yang scarf on his head said flatly.

Wang Xiaohu took a closer look at this middle-aged man. He had a Chinese-character face, rosy and radiant skin, and a black goatee. However, at first glance, the eyes of this middle-aged man turned out to be one black and one white, like yin and yang eyes. Wang Xiaohu was so frightened that he let out a small cry, but it didn't arouse other people's ideas.

Lin Mofeng suddenly looked at his black and purple thighs with unbelievable eyes, and shook his head repeatedly and said a few words:

"No, no, Senior Immortal Lingbo, I still want to cultivate, and I still want to join the sect of cultivating immortals. Senior, please accept us as disciples. This is the letter of recommendation that Headmaster Qingzhi asked me to pass on."

Lin Mofeng took out two letters sealed with gold paper from his pocket in a panic, and was about to hand them to Master Lingbo, but it was difficult to lift the thigh that had been poisoned by the snake.

Seeing this, Wang Xiaohu hastily stepped forward and took the recommendation letter from Mo Feng, bowed respectfully and handed it to Master Lingbo.


The two golden letters lying in the hands of Headmaster Lingbo suddenly opened wide, and two blue lights shot out from the letters, directly merging into Headmaster Lingbo's Tianling Cap.

After a while, the frowning headmaster Lingbo looked at Mo Feng and Wang Xiaohu with somewhat shocked eyes, and said in surprise:

"It turns out that you were recommended by Qingzhi to join the sect. I wonder why you have golden paper cranes. That's how it is, that's how it is."

Master Lingbo pondered for a while, then said to Lin Mofeng with a peaceful expression:

"Little brother, the road to cultivating immortality is not as simple as you imagined. It is a test for our Sanqing sect to accept disciples, which is why Qingzhi asked you all to go all the way to the misty forest of the Sanqing sect. It must have been very hard work, but that was just a small test, the real test has not yet begun!!"

Master Lingbo slid his goatee back and forth, looked at Lin Mofeng's black and purple thighs, and said with a disappointed expression:

"Little brother, I'm afraid, this time you won't be able to participate in the admission test."

As if a bolt of lightning struck Lin Mofeng, Lin Mofeng stood up abruptly, but just as he stood up, he fell down because his poisoned thigh could hardly support him. Wang Xiaohu hurried forward to help Lin Mofeng up.

"Why?" Lin Mofeng said with a panicked expression.

"Little brother, our Sanqing sect accepts disciples every five years. On the day before the apprentice acceptance ceremony, Qingwu Great Elders will open the Guanyuan Road according to the rules of the Sanqing sect. All prospective disciples recommended must enter the Guanyuan Yuandao accepts the entrance test, if the test is successful, then he can be selected into the sect in a legitimate way, if the test is not successful, then he will be sent down the mountain by the deacon of the outer sect on the same day, little brother, tomorrow will be many recommended disciples Guan Yuandao On the day of the test, but you were injured by this snake venom, it is really..."

Master Lingbo pointed at Lin Mofeng's black and swollen legs, showing pity.

"It's okay, Senior Lingbo Great Immortal, my injury is not a problem, it's really not a problem, senior, Mo Feng will definitely be able to participate in the entrance test tomorrow, I'm really fine, really fine..."

Lin Mofeng gritted his teeth and pushed Wang Xiaohu away, clenched his fists, and moved forward two steps with difficulty and pain.

"Senior, I'm really fine. Look, I can still walk now, hehe." Lin Mofeng seemed to be speaking very plainly, but there was a lot of cold sweat on his face, and his face was still trembling slightly...

Eldest brother Wu Yuezai couldn't stand Lin Mofeng's painful expression, and said impatiently:

"Little brother, don't be brave, your injury will definitely not allow you to enter Guanyuan..."

"Huh?" Headmaster Lingbo immediately stretched out his hand to interrupt Wu Yue's words, and said to Lin Mofeng with a changed demeanor:

"Okay, little brother, since you insist on this, then I will pass the recommendation letter from you two to Great Elder Qingwu today, little brother, at the time of tomorrow, Great Elder Qingwu will open the way of viewing fate, and then you will follow me You can just go, but I hope you don't regret it, Wu Yue and Feng Yuan, follow your teacher and let the little brother recuperate well here."

Headmaster Lingbo seemed to have changed into a different person, and his momentum was like a rainbow. After he finished speaking, he strode towards the door with his hands behind his back. However, Lin Mofeng didn't know that Headmaster Lingbo walked out of the door, his expression was Very happy.

"Little brother, you should pay more attention to rest. Hey, since you are determined to take part in the entrance test, then I sincerely hope that little brother will be lucky and pass the test smoothly. It’s not as simple as you imagined, if you don’t have strong perseverance, you can’t pass the test at all, think about it back then... forget it, little brother, Wu Yue and Junior Brother Feng Yuan bid farewell.”

Wu Yue and Feng Yuan cupped their hands at Mo Feng, then flashed out of the door like phantoms, chasing after the figure of Master Lingbo.

"Wow, it's amazing, it's amazing, Mo Feng, we must cultivate immortals, they are too amazing." Wang Xiaohu was so envious that he didn't know what to do, his eyes lit up.

"Okay, we must cultivate immortals." Lin Mofeng also showed an expression of envy in his eyes, but the cold sweat on his face kept breaking out. …………………

Silent all night.

In the early morning of the next day, Lin Mofeng and Wang Xiaohu got up early. With Wang Xiaohu's support, Lin Mofeng opened the simple thatched hut and walked out the door.

With Wang Xiaohu's support, Lin Mofeng was able to walk forward in small steps, which was much better than yesterday. Lin Mofeng couldn't help but be intoxicated by the scene before him when he went out.

The avenue is spacious, the sea of ​​clouds is churning, and there are unknown big birds flying around in the sky from time to time, with long singing.

It turned out that the thatched hut where Lin Mofeng lived was in the courtyard behind the Taiqing Hall. Lin Mofeng looked at the purple-golden hall directly in front of him. This time finally revealed the long-lost dimples.

Wang Xiaohu supported Mo Feng and said:

Mo Feng, that day the golden paper cranes brought us to the Taiqing Hall and then disappeared, but at this time, Master Lingbo suddenly appeared in front of me leaning on his sword. A red pill was stuffed into your mouth, and finally the two big brothers were arranged to carry you into the thatched hut for recuperation.

After Lin Mofeng finished listening, he once again secretly thanked Master Lingbo for saving his life.

Thousands of rays of sunlight shone on Lin Mofeng's pale face. Lin Mofeng raised his head and looked at the sky. This was the first time that Lin Mofeng was so close to the blue sky. Looking at the sea of ​​clouds floating around, Lin Mofeng Mo Feng was intoxicated with a smile.

"Lin Mofeng, Wang Xiaohu, hurry up, and now follow the head teacher to Wendao Square to participate in the entrance test of the Sanqing Sect."

A strong sound sounded behind Lin Mofeng.

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