Burning Heaven

Chapter 51 2nd Heaven

"Brother, I, I'm dying, I'm cold..."

It was snowing all over the sky, the wind was howling, the stone road of Guanyuan Road was covered with a thick layer of frost, the snow was like a flying sword, and the roar of the wind pierced Wang Xiaohu's purple skin from the cold again.

After being framed for a while, Lin Mofeng's complexion improved a little, and after all kinds of requests, he finally walked forward slowly leaning on his broken wooden stick.

"Ha Qiu..." Wang Xiaohu sneezed tremblingly all over his body, and then said tremblingly:

"What kind of cultivation is this? It's hot for a while, and it's almost dead, and it's cold for a while, it's just torture. Mo Feng, I, I'm going to take off all my clothes for you, Xiaohu, an immortal, don't cultivate immortals No, no more repairs."

On the stone road hit by the blizzard, Wang Xiaohu's eye sockets had already begun to moisten, and it was obvious that he was about to retreat.

Luo Haoyu, who was carrying Yanxue on his back, looked at Wang Xiaohu who was about to take off his clothes again and said with disdain:

"Hmph, you've been the one who talks the most along the way, why do you come to cultivate immortality if you're afraid of this or that? You're not as strong as my sister?"

On the icy stone road where the cold air dripped, Luo Haoyu was actually carrying Luo Yanxue with red circles of tears on his back naked. On Luo Yanxue's body, he could vaguely see a set of white cloth clothes draped over his shoulders.

"Yanxue, listen to brother's words, and persevere. Brother promises that we will get out of this ghost place soon."

There was an unstoppable aura in Luo Haoyu's eyes, with Luo Yanxue on his back who was trembling in the cold, he looked angrily at the front and walked quickly. "Well, brother, Yanxue believes that the four of us will be able to get out of this place"

Luo Yanxue turned her head gently, and said to Wang Xiaohu who was undressing, with tears in her eyes:

"Brother Xiaohu, if you persevere, if you persevere, we can go out."

Looking at Luo Yanxue who was crying, Wang Xiaohu felt a lot of pity in his heart, and thought about Luo Haoyu's words just now, then, Wang Xiaohu wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes with his red and swollen little fat hand, without saying a word, he continued to grit his teeth and move forward Walk.

Lin Mofeng, who was limping, patted Wang Xiaohu's broad shoulder lightly, and said tremblingly on his pale face:

"You must... cultivate immortality."


"I'm really angry, Yulan, what kind of disciples are you accepting this year? Not to mention that the time has not come yet, even a prospective disciple dare not jump off Duan Ren Ya, how dare you come to cultivate immortals with this little courage? What a shame! Shame on me, and anger on me."

The short real Bi Ya was walking back and forth on the gossip stage, seeing his quick steps, he seemed very angry.

"Hey, I didn't know it would be like this? Now there are only 127 of the 4 prospective disciples left. Hey, it seems that we don't have to hold the apprentice acceptance ceremony tomorrow. This is a shame since the school started, hey. "

The burly Elder Yulan also flicked his sleeves angrily, instead of looking at the Blu-ray gate, he quickly slid his goatee.

"It's still too early to say, fellow daoists, haha"

The eyes of Great Elder Qingwu suddenly opened, and in an instant, it was like a golden light flashing.

"Elder, what do you mean?" Another middle-aged man in a yellow Taoist robe asked as if he understood something.

"Hehe, everything is in the way of Guanyuan."

Great Elder Qingwu looked at the blue light gate with a smile on his face, his eyes glowed with golden light, and he nodded repeatedly, as if he was very satisfied.

"Little guy, come on, you can pass the test after half an hour of persistence, you have to hold on, don't come out, this teacher still wants to be your master."

On the gossip stage where black and white were handed over, Master Lingbo lowered his head and muttered in a low voice...

In the way of Guanyuan.

"No, I'm going to eat it. It's obviously steamed buns. Why don't you let me eat it? Don't let anyone stop me. I'm so hungry that I'm dying."

On the stone road that can't be seen at a glance, the scenery on both sides of the stone road is no longer the severe weather of the bone-chilling cold and snowstorm.

On the contrary, there is an endless sea of ​​flowers, like a fairyland on earth, with colorful butterflies flying, bees dancing, busy and cheerful elves, shuttling back and forth among the flowers, full of unrestrained, free and intoxicating vitality vitality!

Surprisingly, at the back of the stone road, a lot of white flour steamed buns floated out of thin air. Looking back, there are roast chicken, delicious wine and fruits, and all kinds of dishes are all floating in the sky with.

An enticing fragrance filled the air.

At this time, Wang Xiaohu opened his teeth and claws at the steamed buns floating in the sky behind him, and tried his best to run towards the back, but his hands were tightly held by the Luo family brothers and sisters.

At this time, Wang Xiaohu's bright eyes actually reflected many roast chicken and steamed buns. Wang Xiaohu was anxious, jumping around in place, crying and insisting on eating.

"Xiaohu, don't be stupid. That steamed bun must be tempting us. Think about why we didn't show up all the way, but just appeared here. If you go back, you will fail the test."

Lin Mofeng saw that the ruby ​​on the back of Wang Xiaohu's hand had begun to dim, and anxiously hugged Wang Xiaohu's thigh tightly.

"Brother Xiaohu, brother Xiaohu, that steamed bun lied to us, let's move forward quickly, it will be over soon, Brother Xiaohu, Yanxue, please." Luo Yanxue, who was holding Wang Xiaohu's arm, exerted all the strength in her body , but it seems that I can't hold it anymore.

Wang Xiaohu was as stubborn as a cow, he didn't listen to the dissuasion of the people around him at all, he looked at the white-faced steamed buns floating in the sky behind him, the steamed buns seemed to be still emitting hot smoke, and his mouth was drooling...

"Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..." Wang Xiaohu cried worse than Dou E, The voice of grievance really makes people feel pity.


Luo Haoyu actually punched Wang Xiaohu in the face, blood splashed from his mouth, and Wang Xiaohu, who was as hungry as a mad dog, was instantly knocked unconscious on the ground. "Luo Haoyu, what are you doing, why are you beating Xiaohu? Why are you beating Xiaohu...?"

Lin Mofeng stood up in an instant, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, and the hand holding the wooden stick was even stronger...

"If he is allowed to mess around like this, we will all be dragged down by him. I, Luo Haoyu, came to the Sanqing Sect to cultivate immortals. No one can stop me from cultivating immortals. No one, no one..."

Luo Haoyu's eyes turned bloodshot, and he roared at Lin Mofeng.

A few seconds later, Luo Haoyu forcibly pulled Luo Yanxue's hand, turned around and left.

"Brother, brother, don't, we can't abandon Brother Mo Feng and Brother Xiaohu, we can't."

Luo Yanxue, who was forcibly taken away, cried and pointed at Wang Xiaohu who was lying on the ground and Lin Mofeng who was expressionless...

The red gemstones on the backs of Lin Mofeng and Wang Xiaohu's hands were already nearly extinguished...

And Luo Haoyu has never looked back...

〔Recommendations for favorites, why don't you brothers give me, I have worked so hard to code, it's not fair! ! ! 〕

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