Burning Heaven

Chapter 54 Apprenticeship

"Bi Ya, it seems that your cultivation is getting better and better." Grand Master Yun Chan said with a sigh of relief after seeing Huahu being included in the demon suppressing pot.

"Hey, I am getting more and more afraid that I will reach the late stage of crossing the catastrophe. It has been many years since no one in the cultivation world has been able to ascend to the immortal world."

Daoist Bi Ya waved his hand, retracted the large blue net floating in front of him, and with a single finger, it turned into an ivory ring again, and wrapped it around his neck without saying a word.

Grand Master Yun Chan smiled when he heard this, and said to Bi Ya:

"Hehe, junior brother is really joking. You and the head of Dao Kun are the two people of our Sanqing sect who are most likely to ascend to the fairy world. Although the sky thunder that overcomes the calamity is more difficult to overcome, I believe that there is "he". A real person will definitely be able to overcome the tribulation successfully.

Seeing Grand Master Yun Chan's confident appearance, Elder Bi Ya smiled wryly and said:

"Since repelling the Demon Emperor 300 years ago, "he" has never appeared in the Sanqing sect, and even in the catastrophe that Zhenyao Pavilion encountered 11 years ago, "he" did not appear either, if it were not for the fairy world Immortal Lord Tiangang descends in time, hey, I'm afraid our Zhenyao Pavilion has already been bleeding like a river."

Elder Bi Ya said lightly, his voice sounded a bit bleak.

"Bi Ya, we are all guilty. Eleven years ago, we allowed that peerless demon from the Heavenly Demon Sect to escape from the Demon Suppressing Pot. Hey, in this world, only "he" may be able to prevent this catastrophe.

A leisurely sigh escaped from Grand Master Yunchan's mouth.

After hearing this, the short Elder Bi Ya suddenly yelled and said:

"Don't talk about it, I only know that our Sanqing Sect is the leader of the Righteous Dao Xianmen, the top existence in the cultivation world, and there is no demon leader that our Sanqing Sect can't kill in the Zhenyao Pavilion."

After Elder Bi Ya finished speaking angrily, he walked towards the door with his hands behind his back, but when he reached the door, Elder Bi Ya, who was furious, suddenly turned his head to look at Grand Master Yun Chan and said:

"Yun Chan, I, Bi Ya, swear to the sky that I will capture all the demons that escaped from the Demon Suppressing Pot 11 years ago, including that peerless monster, even if it takes my life, I will not hesitate. Bi Ya, definitely won't let the Second Elder sacrifice in vain, hmph."

Elder Bi Ya's murderous aura was exposed, and his momentum was like a rainbow. After finishing speaking, he flicked his sleeves and walked quickly to the door...

"Hey" A very sad sigh sounded softly in Zhenyao Pavilion...

a day later.

The Sanqing Hall is located in the very center of the Taiqing Front, facing the Wendao Square of the Sanqing School. The hall is in the style of a pavilion with double eaves on the top of the mountain. The corridor in front of the hall is supported by nine stone steps, and the front eaves are supported by six large stone columns. , On the stone foundation carved with strange animal patterns, the hall is lined with five bays. The bows on the top of the stone pillars and the curved doors are all hollowed out.

The hall of Sanqing enshrines the statue of Sanqing, the supreme god of Taoism. Yuanshi Tianzun, who lives in Yuqing Huajing, holds a Lingzhu in his hand, which symbolizes the Hongyuan century; Lingbao Tianzun, who lives in Shangqinghuajing, embraces Tai Chi, symbolizing the Hunyuan century; The Taoist Heavenly Venerable, the Taishang Laojun, who lives in the fairyland of Taiqing, holds a feather fan, which symbolizes the beginning of the century.The three gods are collectively called "Sanqing", so this place is called "Sanqing Hall."

At this time, Lin Mofeng knelt down in front of the Sanqing statue, with his eyes closed and his hands folded together, as if he was muttering something silently.

In the entire majestic hall, there were two people standing beside Lin Mofeng with their eyes closed and meditating. One was the Great Elder Qingwu with flowing white hair.

The other one is a middle-aged man in a blue Taoist robe. This middle-aged man has a goatee, phoenix eyes and sparse eyebrows, a ruddy complexion and an elegant demeanor.Immediately aware of his extraordinary temperament, a pair of sword-browed trees closed their eyes tightly, and murmured:

"Dao Ke Dao is very Dao, Ming Keming is very clear. Today, Dao Kun, the head of the Sanqing Sect, led his disciples in front of the Dao Dao, worshiped three times, and offered incense to the Three Saints."

Afterwards, the head of Daokun held three incense sticks and handed them to Lin Mofeng who was kneeling in front of the statue of Sanqing.

Lin Mofeng immediately took it with both hands, and then said to the sacred and majestic Sanqing portrait:

"I, Lin Mofeng, now burn incense to make offerings to the Sanqing sages and the ten supreme truths. From now on, I will fast diligently and avoid the three smears. The root of faith has been established.

After Lin Mofeng finished speaking the sermons he had memorized the night before, he sincerely inserted three sticks of incense into the golden lacquer incense burner in front of him, and kowtowed three times heavily.

Dao Kun walked up to Lin Mofeng, took a few drops of clean water from the clean bottle in his hand and sprinkled it on Lin Mofeng's head, and then, the head of Dao Kun holding the golden jade Buddha dust was on Lin Mofeng's head Sweeping, and said with a smile:

"Five energies towards the source, Sanqing continuation, today I, Daokun, announced that Lin Mofeng has now been classified as an inner disciple of my Sanqing sect, and the etiquette for entering the sect has been completed. Great elder, bring him back to Zhenyao Pavilion for apprenticeship Bar."

Great Elder Qingwu smiled and waved his hand. In an instant, Lin Mofeng, who was kneeling under the statue of Sanqing, disappeared. After that, the image of Great Elder Qingwu gradually disappeared in the hall.

Under the Sanqing Hall, Lingbo, the head teacher of the Taiqing sect, Ming Guzi, the head teacher of the Shangqing sect, and Qingzhi, the head teacher of the Yuqing sect, all stood in the hall and watched this scene. Of course, there were many disciples watching from the sidelines .

Among them, there is Wang Xiaohu who stands behind Master Lingbo.

Seconds later, the head of Dao Kun, who was dressed in a blue Taoist robe, smiled and said to everyone in His Highness:

"Headmasters, Lin Mofeng's admission ceremony has been completed, please come back with the disciples in the sect."

"Yes, Sect Leader" the three Sect Leaders clasped their hands together to the real Sect Leader.

"All the disciples of the Taiqing sect, let's go as a teacher." Master Lingbo said to the disciples behind him indifferently.

"Junior Brother Xiaohu, don't look, hurry up and follow the master." Wu Yue walked in front of Wang Xiaohu, and said something to Wang Xiaohu who was a little dazed.

"Mmm," Wang Xiaohu replied in a daze, turned around slowly with an unhappy expression on his face, followed the footsteps of Headmaster Lingbo, lowered his head while walking, and wiped the tears flowing from the corners of his eyes with his fat hands from time to time... ………

Sanqing Sect Zhenyao Pavilion.

The Zhenyao Pavilion is located at the back of the Sanqing Hall, next to the maple forest on the back mountain of the Sanqing School. The Zhenyao Pavilion has four corners, a square hall, the ceiling is painted with Tai Chi pictures, the hall is covered with yellow glaze, and the eaves are colorfully painted. , upon closer inspection, there is also a black and white gossip map standing on the top floor of the attic.

There is no sign or plaque in Zhenyao Pavilion, but there are two large red lacquered pillars standing in front of the pavilion door. On the two pillars, dragons and phoenixes are written:

"Suppress all demons and evil spirits in the world, and establish the majesty of my way of heaven.

Inside the Demon Town Pavilion.

"Lin Mofeng, kneel in front of the pot of suppressing monsters." A loud shout came from Qingwu's mouth.

At this time, in Zhenyao Pavilion, besides First Elder Qingwu and Lin Mofeng, Third Elder Yun Chan, Fourth Elder Bi Ya, and Fifth Elder Yu Lan were all among them. With the sound of "touch", Lin Mofeng panicked and immediately knelt down in front of the gleaming golden demon suppressing pot, not daring to speak.

"Lin Mofeng, you are the first disciple to be accepted by Zhenyao Pavilion since the beginning of the Sanqing Sect. You don't need to ask me why. I believe that my Qingwu's vision is not wrong. The Ceremony of Enrollment has also ended today, and the road to cultivating immortality is extremely bumpy and difficult, let me ask you, are you willing to walk this boundless road?"

The Great Elder Qingwu who was standing beside the demon suppressing pot said in a soul-stirring voice.

"I am willing." Lin Mofeng shouted, his eyes were extremely firm.

Great Elder Qingwu suddenly smiled, slid his white goatee, and said:

"Okay, from now on, you are the inner sect disciple of Zhenyao Pavilion, and Elder Bi Ya will assist you in your cultivation in the future. Here I also want to tell you that our Zhenyao Pavilion is responsible for the lives of all people in the world. I want you to swear to the pot of demon suppression, and never forget the words you swore today."

With a sound of "swish", a golden light shot out from the fingertips of Great Elder Qingwu, which instantly shot into Lin Mofeng's mind.

A few seconds later, Lin Mofeng, who was kneeling on the ground, looked extremely determined. He raised his single palm, and shouted loudly to the extremely solemn golden pot of demon suppression:

"The evildoer remains in the world, and the devil is punished by heaven. Whenever I, Lin Mofeng, meet him, I will definitely arrest him and put him in the pot of suppressing demons."

"The evildoer remains in the world, and the devil is punished by heaven. Whenever I, Lin Mofeng, meet him, I will definitely arrest him and put him in the pot of suppressing demons."

"The evildoer remains in the world, and the devil is punished by heaven. Whenever I, Lin Mofeng, meet him, I will definitely arrest him and put him in the pot of suppressing demons."

"The way of the demon..."

When the wind blows, the maple forest in the back mountain makes a "rustling" sound, accompanied by the deafening screams in the Zhenyao Pavilion, constantly echoing in the sky...

"The real king is rolling all over the floor, please collect it, please recommend it, please recommend it, please collect it! ! ! "

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