Burning Heaven

Chapter 6 The Man in Black

Tian Yuan's screams continued, but it didn't affect his sanity. Tian Yuan gritted his teeth tightly enduring the pain, gathered all his strength in the palm of his hand, and suddenly pushed against the chest of the Heavenly Demon Holy Envoy with terrifying power.

After the Heavenly Demon Holy Envoy put his hand into Tian Yuan's abdomen, his eyes fixed on the neck of the crying baby in Tian Yuan's left hand.

The baby struggled even more fiercely at this time, while struggling, the shiny bronze mirror on the neck was faintly visible from the position that Tian Yuan deliberately hid, but all of this was stared at by the evil eye of the Heavenly Demon Holy Envoy.

The Heavenly Demon Holy Envoy stared at the golden string around the baby's neck. He did not expect that Tian Yuan, who was screaming in pain, could still push him with his palm. The full palm of a Mahayana master was not this Heavenly Demon who seemed to be only in the late stage of fusion. what the angels could resist.

(…………… The cultivation realms are divided into: Foundation Establishment, Golden Elixir, Nascent Soul, Leaving Body, Distraction, Fusion, Mahayana, Transcending Tribulation, Shenxuan Ascension.)

"Woo..." The howling Heavenly Demon Envoy couldn't resist the palm push of Tian Yuan's full blow, and the whole person flew out directly. It's the sound of bones breaking...

The Heavenly Demon Holy Envoy fell from the sky like a dead dog in large characters, and fell into the soil that had been wet by the heavy rain, his whole body trembling.

The place where Tian Yuan's gossip robe was grabbed by the demon envoy was bloody and bloody, but Tian Yuan did not relax at this time, because he knew that the strong enemy at this time was not the demon envoy, but the vicious and filthy blood charm flower , although the Qiankun Bagua Talisman used before is also an extremely powerful move, but it is simply irresistible to face the magic flower that is injected with the blood of the heavenly demon with a high-grade spiritual weapon.

Reluctantly, he had no choice but to stop his blood point temporarily, and then flew out a talisman from his body, drew a few lines in the sky and pasted it into the wound, even so, Tian Yuan couldn't help crying a few times.

At this moment, the filthy blood of the Heavenly Demon Flower has completely melted the Bagua Diagram, and at this moment, it is also flying towards his ultimate goal, the body of a Mahayana master.

At this time, Tian Yuan was almost exhausted after being so traumatized. What was helpless was that he had to continue to resist the bloody charm flower that was flying towards him. The wound was treated well, but there was no time to use the secret method to stop the blood charm flower that was speeding forward.

Tian Yuan gathered Dao Yuan all over his body to sacrifice the child-sized Nascent Soul, and instantly used all Dao Yuan to form a circular beam of light to block the Blood Charm Flower with all his strength, but blood had already started to ooze from his mouth...

The Heavenly Demon Holy Envoy, who looked like a dead dog, had slowly climbed up from the soft soil just now, ignoring his injuries and his muddy face, he was going to hold back his injuries and give Tian Yuan a sneak attack at the end, because he You know, Tian Yuan can't leave his hands at this time.

"Cough, cough..." While flying into the sky, the Heavenly Demon Holy Envoy couldn't help coughing up a few mouthfuls of blood.

"Tianyuan, I want you to die badly. I have notified the Demon Emperor, and his old man will come to greet you immediately, hahaha, before you see him, you should die first haha." .

Tian Yuan knew that he and this poor child were doomed today, so he yelled at the sky:

"Heaven, I will bear the crimes committed by senior brother, but he is still just a child. Why do you want to kill him like this? Tell me why, why, why-what?"

The roaring sound reverberated through the rainstorm, and Tian Yuan had closed his eyes and was about to receive the fatal blow from the Heavenly Demon Sacred Envoy, but at this moment, he heard a fierce scream from the Heavenly Demon Sage, like killing a pig The screams of...

Tian Yuan was startled, and suddenly found that there seemed to be a person standing behind at this time, Tian Yuan suddenly turned his head, and as expected, standing behind him was a strange man who was covered in black clothes and even covered his face with a black scarf. And it was obviously this mysterious person who screamed at the Heavenly Demon Holy Envoy.

This mysterious person seems to be young, with delicate features, a thin and tall figure, and a head of flowing long hair with a chic and graceful temperament, but since Tian Yuan turned his face that was bleeding from his mouth, this person's eyes have been fixed on him. Tianyuan is watching.

And Tian Yuan found that this person couldn't see any level of cultivation, and even made Tian Yuan feel that he was a very ordinary person, but this person trembled a little when he looked at Tian Yuan, and even a few tears fell from the corners of his eyes.

Tian Yuan is still using the Nascent Soul True Yuan to form a beam of light to resist the attack of the Blood Charm Flower desperately, but he also knows that he can't resist for long, because all his Nascent Soul True Yuan has almost been exhausted...

Before Tian Yuan opened his mouth to ask who this person is, the mysterious man in black choked up and said:

"do not ask who I am,"

"Trust... me, give me... the child..."

It took a lot of effort to say these words from the mouth of the mysterious man in black.

Tian Yuan thought that it would be hard to escape today anyway, so it would be better to trust this person once. In fact, another reason is that, for some reason, Tian Yuan always felt that seeing this person had a kind feeling.

Before Tian Yuan could answer, the mysterious man in black took the child from Tian Yuan's hand. Tian Yuan didn't stop him. After taking the child, the mysterious man in black flew a few steps back in the sky...

The Heavenly Demon Holy Envoy, who was thrown into the muddy water again, could not stand up at all at this time, because it seemed that the mysterious man in black had hurt him badly just now, and the Heavenly Demon Holy Envoy's frightened face twitched suddenly in the muddy water, constantly twitching Black blood spurted out from the muddy mouth and flowed into the muddy water, but he still asked with difficulty:

"Predecessor... who is... who is it?"

"Is it... the legendary... the guardian... the master of the Tianji Sect?"

It is so difficult for the Heavenly Demon Holy Envoy to speak at this time, the demon baby must be dying, if someone punches him hard, it is estimated that he will drive the crane to the fairy...

The boy in black didn't answer, he didn't even look at him, but kept staring at Tian Yuan with moist eyes, and then said tremblingly:




He repeatedly said a few words of sorry, then suddenly turned around and hugged the baby tightly and flew into the southern sky.

Just before the mysterious man in black turned around, Tian Yuan had many doubts in his heart, wondering if he was the master who Tian Xuan said was secretly guarding the secret door?

The thunder in the sky began to wreak havoc again. The moment the thunder flashed, the sky was illuminated a lot. Just when the mysterious man in black turned around, the black veil was blown away by the strong wind. In the flash of thunder, Instantly illuminated the neck of the man in black who was turning around, and this short moment happened to be seen by Tian Yuan, Tian Yuan's eyes widened instantly, shocked for a long time, and then suddenly enlightened, and then laughed maniacally.

"Hahahaha, the sky does not fail my Tianyuan, the sky does not fail my Tianyuan, die without regrets, die without regrets hahaha".

The arrogant laughter soon disappeared in this boundless sky...


In a certain unknown cave.

There is an inconspicuous stone statue sitting cross-legged. Looking carefully at this stone statue, it turns out to be a stone statue of an old man sitting cross-legged. It is lifelike. His eyebrows are like hair hanging down on the ground, and his eyes are closed tightly. No, it should be three eyes to be precise. Well, if you don't take a closer look at the old man's statue, you can't really find that there is still a pair of glasses on his head that are closed tightly and smiling.

A voice of vicissitudes of life came from nowhere in this cave.

"Heavenly Tribulation, is it about to start?"

The voice kept echoing in this nameless cave...

[Newbie writing, I always feel that the writing is not very good, hehe, do you have any doubts about the man in black who appears in this book?I will have an answer in the future. 〕

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