Lin Mofeng followed the hunchbacked old man down the dark steps. It was not like Lin Mofeng thought, it was a long tunnel like a dragon. Instead, there was a stone door in front of him. The hunchbacked old man pressed the mechanism again, and the stone door opened slowly Afterwards, a small circular stone house appeared in Lin Mofeng's eyes.

After opening it, the small circular room was flickering and very clean.

After Lin Mofeng followed the hunchbacked old man into the stone house, his eyes swept around, and he saw that the stone house was empty, but in the dark corner, there seemed to be a large lacquered red table with candles on it. Brightly lit, there are many black brick boxes, and a large yellow paper picture hangs high on the wall.

"This is the spirit shrine of Tianjimen. The reason why it is set up here is to prevent outsiders from discovering it."

Under the erratic oil light, the hunchbacked old man took out another handful of sandalwood from his arms, lit it with an oil lamp, held it in his hand and bowed several times to the yellow paper map.

Lin Mofeng walked forward, when he reached the lacquered red generous table, Lin Mofeng took a closer look and took a deep breath.

Because, on top of each black brick box, there is a pitch-black spirit card, and the black brick boxes are stacked in a triangle, which reads:

"The Heavenly Secret Sect Patriarch Tianjizi Lingbit"

"Tianxuan Lingbit, the first generation master of Tianjimen"

"The second generation sect master of Tianjimen, Qianyuan Lingshi..."

"Tian Yuan Spirit Position, the third generation sect master of Tianji Sect"

"Xuan Se, a disciple of the Heavenly Mystery Gate"

"Heavenly Mystery Gate........."

Lin Mofeng read it in a low voice. After finishing the reading, Lin Mofeng was very surprised. A total of 13 spirit cards were arranged on the big red square table.

At this time, the hunchbacked old man actually took out another rough spirit tablet from his pocket, and the words were engraved on it:

"Tiantong Lingbit, the fourth generation sect master of Tianjimen"

Under the dim light, the hunchbacked old man lightly held the spirit tablet, placed it gently under the "Tianyuan Spirit Table", wiped the dust on it with his cuff, and said:

"Brother Tiantong, I made this myself in Miasma Valley just now. The time was a bit rushed and I didn't do it generously. Please don't blame Li Ye, Senior Brother Tiantong. It's Li Ye's fault. It's Li Ye. Incompetent, unable to save the situation, oh... senior brother..."

Lin Mofeng who was standing at the back hastily stepped forward to comfort the hunchbacked old man:

"Grandpa Li, don't be sad, don't be sad"

The hunchbacked old man continued to cry. Although Lin Mofeng didn't know why the hunchbacked old man was so sad, from the beginning to the end, whether the hunchbacked old man led the way in the misty forest or opened the tunnel skillfully, Lin Mofeng felt that " There must be some secret hidden in him, but he didn't tell Lin Mofeng.

Seeing that the hunchbacked old man was still crying like that, Lin Mofeng didn't try to comfort him. Perhaps crying is the best antidote, because, because Lin Mofeng also knows this feeling well...

After a while, Deacon Li lit the other two red candles on the table. In an instant, the corner of the hut became brighter. Then, Deacon Li bowed to the spirit seats again, and just as Deacon Li lit the red candles After that, Lin Mofeng walked forward slowly.

What attracted Lin Mofeng was not the instant bright candlelight, but the yellow paper paintings hanging on the square table.

After walking to the Sifang red lacquered table, Lin Mofeng stopped in his tracks, looked up at the yellow paper painting hanging high, and his whole body couldn't stop shaking...

This yellow paper painting hangs in a rectangular shape. The surface of the yellow paper has no wrinkles and looks very smooth. Under the yellow paper painting is the seat of the spirit table.

What is painted in the painting is a portrait of an old man sitting cross-legged. The old man is white-haired, meditating with closed eyes, with one eyebrow, pointed face, high nose, and half-opened eyes. If you look closely, there seems to be another person in the sky. One eye is closed, hands are down to knees, long white eyebrows are hanging down from willows, dressed in coarse cloth, smiling, looks very fragile, this brush and ink are harmonious, it looks witty and lively, at the bottom right, there is a vertical line The red letter is particularly obvious.

"Spiritual Statue of Master Tianjizi"

At this time, Lin Mofeng's gaze was fixed on the neck of Tianjizi's portrait, because, in the portrait, Tianjizi was sitting cross-legged, with the skirt wrapped around his neck, showing his neck slightly, but at the slightly exposed neck, Lin Mofeng found that there seemed to be an ornament with several edges and corners hanging on Tianjizi's neck. Although this ornament was only half exposed, Lin Mofeng became more and more familiar with it, and it seemed more and more like it. Lin Mofeng suddenly exclaimed:

"This, this is impossible, this is impossible." The trembling Lin Mofeng looked at Tian Jizi's portrait and shook his head desperately, as if he was denying something.

"What's wrong with you kid?" The hoarse old man with a hunchback didn't understand very much. He didn't understand that Lin Mofeng was fine just now, so why did he become like this in the blink of an eye? Looking at the portrait that Lin Mofeng was staring at, the hunchback The old man was also lost in thought.

"No, no, definitely not." Lin Mofeng looked around tremblingly with flustered eyes, and even touched the small mirror in the skirt with his hand.

"Boy, what's the matter with you?" Since the hunchbacked old man couldn't see anything unusual hidden in Tian Jizi's portrait, he asked Lin Mofeng again.

"It's nothing, it's nothing Grandpa Li, Mo Feng just thought of something else." Lin Mofeng smiled wryly, not daring to ask the hunchbacked old man.

Because, in the past eight years, Lin Mofeng has slowly matured, thinking about some strange things, for example, why the devil suddenly appeared in the courtyard of Ouyang's house back then, and why the real Ziye would remind him before he left. He, let him not reveal his family treasures to outsiders in the future, and even in the past eight years of cultivation, every time he was close to a mental breakdown, the small mirror on his neck seemed to wake him up a bit. The more I think about it, the more I can't figure it out.

"Boy, do you want to hear me tell a story?" Deacon Li turned his head and said something to Mo Feng.

Seeing that Deacon Li's face seemed to be getting better, Lin Mofeng said:

"Senior please speak"

"Come out with me, find a clean place to talk." After finishing speaking, Deacon Li bowed to the altar again, and then, with his protruding back, slowly walked towards the steps.

Lin Mofeng also followed slowly, but while walking, Lin Mofeng turned to look at Tianjizi's portrait...

After Deacon Li and Lin Mofeng came out, they twisted the compass back, and after the stone platform was stitched together, they put the blue bricks back into the original gap, walked towards the door, and sat down on a certain step on the Baiyu Square. down.

"Boy, you must be wondering why I am so familiar with the Tianji Gate, right?" the hunchbacked old man said looking at the steps under his feet.

"En" Lin Mofeng said truthfully, but his eyes were very worried. It seemed that he hadn't reacted from the portrait of Tianjizi just now.

"Okay, I'll tell you a story. Hey, this story has been buried in my heart for many, many years. If I don't tell it, I'm afraid I won't have the chance to tell it in my life."

The hunchbacked old man still didn't look at Lin Mofeng, but bowed his head even more silently, as if he was recalling something. A few minutes later, the hunchbacked old man sighed softly and said:

"Boy, let's start with a catastrophe in Wutong Town 50 years ago..."

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